PG-13 | 29 May 2015 (USA)
Survivor Trailers

A Foreign Service Officer in London tries to prevent a terrorist attack set to hit New York, but is forced to go on the run when she is framed for crimes she did not commit.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
dal_asher This movie was truly nonsense. Had the makers of this movie invested even a small sum of money for an actual state department foreign service employee to advise the director on how things work at U.S. embassies this might have been a decent movie. It had a great cast but the director seems have been on vacation. Just a stupid movie and not worth the time.
davidhiggins-89756 Sat down to watch this last night. Was going along with it right up to about half an hour where bail bond man from Jackie Brown, Oscar winner, gets himself shot in the stomach in a park. The people in the park hear all this, sees him with blood coming out all over the place, very slowly stagger over to the boating lake. And there's multi-pass standing there with a gun in hand. We are supposed to believe people are just going to stand around taking pics with their phones, just gawping, looking at multi-pass holding her gun after some bloke has been shot. NEVER in a million years, what an insult to your intelligence. At that point, that was the END of the movie for me. Even old folk in that park would have bolted off as fast as they could, contents of shopping bags spilling out in their frantic attempt to avoid being shot. Too many of these movies have these unrealistic scenes, like someone getting stabbed or shot on a subway train and instead of the rest of the occupants getting out the connecting carriages as fast as they can, which they would do, they just sit there with daft looks on their faces as if nothing much has happened. Seen that too many times. Your intelligence will only be a 'survivor' if you give this a miss or give up on it part way through, it's ok to give up on movies & TV series when they insult your intelligence with these 'as if' scenes. Too many 'as if's' or one big one and the show is ruined for me.
leethomas-11621 Run-of-the-mill. Unconvincing. OK for first half hour then premise becomes improbable. Couldn't finish.
punisherversion1 Week 5: Survivor: Tomatometer rating is 9% Directed by James McTeigue and written by Phillip ShelbyHere we have a misguided terrorism thriller starring an evil Pierce Brosnan rarely speaking and viciously killing people. Milla Jovovich works for the embassy that checks applications for visas. She stumbles upon a conspiracy and a world class assassin with a supervillain code name is sent after her to shut her down. From that description alone, you know exactly what is going to happen. It follows down this path and you can predict everything. I'm okay with them using 9/11 as inspiration for why this woman does what she does. It does for a brief moment show the twin towers and it brings you out of the movie a moment. It's not Christmas in Mississippi bad but it is pretty close. It does not stay long and the movie moves right along. This is one of those watch and immediately forget movies. From the director of V For Vendetta and The Raven, this is a mess in comparsion to what he's done before. It also makes one suspicious that maybe these other movies he directed had a different person guiding it throughout. This movie is so flat and so generic, you almost wish Milla would do yet another Resident Evil movie. I can't recommend the movie but it is easily the best of the bunch so far. Not exactly high praise. This is a bland and just dull film. I give this movie a D.