Faces in the Crowd
Faces in the Crowd
R | 25 October 2011 (USA)
Faces in the Crowd Trailers

A horror-thriller centered on a woman living with "face-blindness" after surviving a serial killer's attack. As she lives with her condition, one in which facial features change each time she loses sight of them, the killer closes in.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
sweetness-83091 This movie has a great story line, the acting is truly, truly well done !! I am a huge fan of Milla Jovovich( Resident Evil movies). I just cannot imagine living with face identity disorder .. Looking at every single person involved in your life and not recognizing them.... so very sad.... Even tho this movie is not true, facial identity disorder is very much real. This movie has a lot of great plots, and twists.. I highly recommend this.. its one of those cuddle up grab a drink type movies. you'll laugh, cry, and just flat out enjoy this movie!! Its even a kind of mystery type , or as they even say, "Columbo" type old fashioned feel good detective story with a twist!
MovieSonic This is possibly the first film that has helped me understand the definition of "so bad it's good". Despite so many laughable moments, I was compelled to keep watching, if only to ensure I was right about how bad the film was.I've loved Milla Jovovich since The Fifth Element (1997), she's a really good actress but I'm starting to think she should stick to character acting. When portraying 'real' people, there's something really hollow about it. It's too obvious that she's acting so I never really care about her characters.The main issue with this film is the script. It was fine for the first ten minutes or so but then the writer obviously got bored and finished the script in about thirty minutes. The dialogue is beyond unrealistic. An example: Anna (Jovovich) meets with a specialist in prosopagnosia (face blindness) whose first response is to literally laugh in Anna's face and tell her she's screwed. Then, in a weird ending to that under-rehearsed scene, this 'specialist' spouts some random whimsical nonsense at Anna's back while the door shuts. Imagine if that were your meeting after seeking help from a medical professional! Then there's Anna's two-dimensional boyfriend, Bryce (Michael Shanks), whose sole purpose of existence is to flip a switch from superficial, horrible human being to suddenly having a conscience and remorse for his actions. His response when he finds out Anna doesn't recognise him after all is unbelievable. How would Anna not have known what a douche he was before now? His complete 180 is even more ridiculous. There is never any explanation for his behaviour and he only pops up when the script requires it to keep things moving.There are many more things wrong with this script but there's no point in dwelling so I'll move on to the predictability of the plot. I knew who the bad guy was the minute he entered the scene (we know it's a man from the beginning, that's not a spoiler). I then had this suspicion confirmed during a scene that was supposed to direct us to someone else. Don't waste time wondering if that's a spoiler. It's not. It is impossible to write any spoilers for this film. Some might say that we were supposed to know who he was whilst Anna didn't. This is not true because if that were the intention, there would have been no need for attempts at redirecting our suspicions. The mystery element was simply badly written.The directing was also terrible. Anna's character would overreact to the simplest things like when she woke up in hospital and started running around like a mad woman because she didn't recognise anyone. Most people would just tell the doctor what was wrong and assume that they had a brain injury of some sort. Why was she screaming and running into the halls? I understand it makes for a more dramatic and allegedly interesting scene but it was too much. The actors were overdoing the whispering in too many scenes so I lost a lot of the dialogue. That should have been picked up on and at the end of the showdown when the rain machine was switched on, it literally looked like a guy was standing off camera with a shower head; it was that pathetic.I don't know what the budget for this film was but whoever funded it could surely have been given a variety of job titles? Listing 14 executive producers makes you wonder how none of them picked up on the many problems with the script.And yet, despite all of this, I kept watching. Perhaps because of the interesting subject matter? Because Jovovich is charismatic? Because I'm a fan of Julian McMahon as well? Because I needed to make absolutely certain that there wasn't some genius plot twist at the end? I'm not entirely sure, but as I didn't turn it off, I've given this a 5. I can't go any higher despite some general 'enjoyment' of the film because clearly no effort went into the storytelling and I wouldn't want to mislead anyone.Worth a watch if you have time to waste.
marais-alexander Milla Jovovich is a charismatic and talented actress who sadly, it seems, is in movies that undermine her potential to really stand out on screen. Faces In A Crowd is a junky, cheaply made horror/thriller that could have been saved if it had stayed consistent with its brilliant opening. The sleek, cold, futuristic vibe of the city Milla's character resides in has so much potential. The production design was killer (no pun intended). The camera-work - before it became sloppy as the film went on - was top notch. It was reminiscent in style of paranoid 70s thrillers (i.e. Coma, Fantastic Voyage, The Stepford Wives, All The President's Men) in terms of some tense situation happening in a creepily inorganic environment. Such an environment ratchets up the tension because the viewer cannot be comforted scenically by anything in the film around them. The film however, as it progressed, got sloppier and sloppier. The scenes involving Face Blindness are chillingly effective for the first 15 minutes, but soon get old. The film simply doesn't hold together. It is also a blatant rip-off in all departments of a 1990s thriller called Blink with Madeleine Stowe. The similarities are as bizarre as Dredd and The Raid: Redemption's similarities, although stylistically this film is more competently made. All in all, a real disappointment. It's got a clichéd ending, a poor middle, and a brilliant opening that falls flat on its face. My big question, what happened? It started out so well...
Stanjaudit A very good movie. Tense, thrilling and sensational. Script and directing was good. Some folks felt that Milla Jovoich can't act. It's beyond me why some people want to beat up on some actors so bad. That's like saying John Wayne or Clint Eastwood can't perform or are one dimensional. Come on folks actors are professionals and put their time into it as they know their job is to entertain us. In the case of this movie the rare disease that Anna suffered, Milla Jovoich would've spent time learning about it and how people cope with it. After all she was one of the Executive Producers of this movie. She is serious about her business and the roles she takes on. Faces in the Crowd is no exception.