Fed Up
Fed Up
PG | 09 May 2014 (USA)
Fed Up Trailers

Fed Up blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry, aided by the U.S. government, to mislead and confuse the American public, resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
parishkyle1-1 There is no sugar in most soda pops in the United States. It's corn syrup that is the problem. A&W root-beer from the restaurant has a lot of natural ingredients, like tree bark, licorice root, berries and other spices and is made with cane sugar as are just about all home-made root-beers. Diet soda is even worse for obesity, because it makes you hungrier. Stop giving sugar a bad name.
mstortelder As I saw the doc :Fed up,I would like also to take on the alcohol abuse problem. Read my novel:Opgroeien in Dalten.(Growing up in Dalten)Editor :Boxpress(Netherlands)In the Netherlands one million people have problems with alcohol.Among them 400000 are alcohols.Fifteen percent of our youth has a problem with alcohol.
Modern Monsters A trailer for the collapse of the United States under its own obesity during the first half of the 21st century, Fed Up is a nightmare. Produced and voiced over by Katie Couric, this documentary is serious investigative work, crammed with interviews of politicians (including Bill Clinton), a few representatives of the food industry, scientists and obese teenagers who sure are the most distraught of the lot, considering they are the victims of a deeply sick system who has conditioned them to crave for sugar since they were toddlers. Feeling like a dystopian movie? Look no further, the future is happening right now.Four facts will help you measure up what's at stake here:Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. There are for the first time in history more obese people than starving people on the planet. After intense lobbying from Schwan, a corporation producing 70% of industrial pizza consumed in the US, it was made official in 2012 that pizza was indeed a vegetable. 51% of the US population is either obese or TOFI 'Thin Outside, Fat Inside", meaning they present the same metabolic symptoms than obese people, namely diabetes and an excessive fat ratio. What happened to the tobacco industry at the end of the 20th century might be a glimmer of hope for those who revolt at the idea of their children being enslaved by the Sugar Lobby to eat always more; if nothing is done 95% of the US population will be overweight in the space of a generation. And it won't stop here, as the middle East and North Africa face the same problem."In truth I had no idea what the truth was", concludes one of the obese teenagers, demonstrating how solipsistic is a system in which a government subsidises an industry while launching programmes to lessen the impact said industry has on public health. These acrobatics have lasted for the last 40 years, and it's a matter of time before the balls come tumbling down. Scarier than any horror movie, Fed Up makes one want to rage against the machine. But no one was fat in The Matrix, right?
RiverRat37 There's something rotten here. This "documentary" flick is full of rock-hard pronouncements that are not backed up with science. They'd have us believe that all our problems in life can be attributed to sugar. Yup. Just that sweet stuff, sugar. Nothing else really matters.Here are a few quotes that should raise doubts instantly."Everything we've been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong." Are you pulling our leg?! "Everything"? Oh, I think not. In fact, we KNOW that's foolish.Another one: "Kids are being told the biggest lie they'll ever hear in their lives." Come on now ... biggest lie they'll EVER hear? Not likely. Not possible. Not realistic. Their statement may be the biggest lie we'll ever hear (with apologies to some of our politicians!)Another: "This is the fundamental problem no one is talking about in society." Someone didn't do their fact-checking. There have been multiple movies that made mainstream news, about the problems with food. Even Michael Pollan, who appears in FED UP, has written books about issues with our food that have received considerable attention. The statement is simply a red herring.Another, "Forget about getting more exercise." Whoa! They can't be serious! They think exercise is unimportant? That doesn't pass the straight face test, eh?Another: "We're toast as a country." Yeah, yeah. We'll if we are it will be more likely because of the US Congress and banks 'too big to fail' and not sugar. Toast anyone? I like toast. Note: These were all especially dramatic proclamations offered as hard facts. Says who? I submit that not one makes any sense. And if the viewer stops to think about it, they'll realize these decrees are baloney.Now for the kicker. All these are just from ... the trailer. There are more of the same in the full movie and far, far too many declarations of fact that have no attribution. Watch this with a seriously jaundiced eye. Don't be taken in by the deep voices, scary music, and fear- mongering. We're better and smarter than this movie gives us credit for.I'm not taking a position on sugar (not yet) but I sure am saddened by the unrealistic tenor of this movie.