Some Guy Who Kills People
Some Guy Who Kills People
R | 05 October 2012 (USA)
Some Guy Who Kills People Trailers

A former mental patient's repressed anger reaches the boiling point, leading him to embark on a mission of revenge against the thugs who once subjected him to severe physical and mental trauma.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Melissa_Antoinette_Garza Recently, I started watching Grounded for Life on Netflix. I loved the show when it first aired because of one reason: Kevin Corrigan's portrayal of Eddie. Eddie is one of the sexiest characters of all time. He was the brother of the main character but he stole the show. Eddie was a small-time crook, who turned on every woman he came into contact with. Corrigan has such a unique look and presence about him. He's like sex and rock & roll vamped up in a class act that could have chemistry aside an empty room.So, as I was happily reminded of how great and underrated Grounded For Life was, I decided to peruse Amazon for any other movies with Corrigan in it. I found this film for purchase and bought it instantly. The trailer definitely showed promise. Produced by iconic filmmaker John Landis and co-starring Rocky Horror Picture Show star Barry Bostwick and screen legend Karen Black, I was certain that at the very least it had an amazingly talented bunch behind it.The movie is perfect. I've watched it twice already. It's actually one of the best films I've seen in years. After watching a horror movie, people are usually excited or entertained but rarely do they walk away with those rare feel-good emotions.Corrigan stars as Ken, a broken man in his thirties who was recently released from a mental institution. When in high-school he was bullied and tortured by classmates. When a girl he got pregnant and proposed to broke up with him, it pushed him over the edge and he slit his wrists.When released, he lives with his insulting and demeaning mother (Karen Black) and works at an ice cream shop with his friend Irv (Leo Fitzpatrick). One day, his horrible boss makes him dress like an ice cream cone and go to a birthday party of one of the bullies he endured in high-school. At the party, he meets Stephanie (Lucy Davis) a beautiful blonde with a sense of humor who is immediately smitten with Ken.If anyone else starred in this film, the attraction would be difficult to understand. With Corrigan, it's completely understandable. He's a sexy guy who can play weird and still undeniably attractive. Ken's awkwardness and refusal to look one in the eye while speaking makes the character all that more interesting. Even more, he doesn't know he's sexy. He believes himself to be a nobody. He's an amazing artist but refuses to share his work. He's insecure and quiet but has a sense of humor and a personality that shines through.Meanwhile, all of the bullies that terrorized Ken are murdered one-by-one. The Sheriff (Barry Bostwick) isn't the smartest officer but isn't too goofy. There are definitely comedic moments but Bostwick sells them and even sells the Sheriff's ineptitude.Shortly After Ken meets Stephanie, he meets his daughter as well. When 11 year old Amy (Ariel Gade) finds out that her mother has been lying to her and that her father is close by, she runs to meet him. After meeting him, she decides she wants to stay there and convinces her mother to let her stay a week.Amy loves her father unconditionally and slowly Ken becomes accustomed to having her there as well. It's even Amy who encourages Ken to seek a relationship with Stephanie. The father/daughter dynamic in this is extremely well-done as well. There are certain aspects of Ken's personality that is mirrored in Amy's which makes their bond a very special one.The entire movie is wonderful. The cast is great, the film goes by quickly and even though true horror fans will see the conclusion coming in a mile, it's done in a heartfelt and very sweet way.I can't recommend this film enough. It's a mishmash of my favorite genres that rarely get combined. It reminds me of Pscyho (1960) in the sense that the viewers are going to be very protective over Ken the way they were with Anthony Perkins' amazing performance as Norman Bates.I was able to buy the film for $4.99 (streaming from Amazon) and it's worth a helluva lot more. There isn't a single reason, not to buy this movie.Scared Stiff Rating: 10/10
MRDA Ostensibly, this is a slasher-cum-revenge movie about a persecuted protagonist getting even with his tormentors; watching it, it soon becomes clear that the compellingly goofy title is, to a certain degree, misleading. Whilst the title indeed describes events in the film, it (no doubt deliberately) fails to acknowledge a considerably more substantial story of second chances, paternal bonding, and the lengths a person will go to in the name of friendship. A generally sympathetic cast of characters, amusing verbal exchanges, and some hilarious scenes of murder combine with the aforementioned elements to form an endearing and engaging viewing experience. Hopefully this will emerge from relative obscurity to assume the mantle of cult classic.
huntercym This movie has quickly made it to my top 10 list. It is a dark comedy that is surprisingly touching. Ken Boyd (Kevin Corrigan) is a man recently released from the "looney bin" and is now trying to adjust to life on the outside while those around him, that have wronged him in his past, start to mysteriously die.Barry Bostwick is just delightful, he steals ever scene he is in as Sheriff Fuller. Kevin Corrigan and Karen Black also play their respective roles extremely well. Black will make you appreciate your own mother.This movie will offer many laughs and still satisfy your need to see people killed.
sepial Here's what taking characters seriously, especially in comedic treatment, will do for you when blending with imagination and good acting. The mentally unstable lead character is conceived and played, for once, free of cliché, but in every detail realistic, nuanced and fittingly understated. Which is always refreshing amidst the sea of 'funny' films where humour is killed with an overdose of silliness. biggest points for this one are balance and character emphasis, and a fluent, smart script. Karen Black's cynical one-liner mom, the likable, laconic sheriff are memorable, next to Kevin Corrigan's lead it is for me Ariel Gade who dominates the film acting-wise - she's not merely a child-actress but clearly a fully grown (in the sense of the word) professional. The father-daughter relationship and Ken's attempts for normality weigh heavier than the revenge-killing plot, for which I'm grateful as well. Excellent achievement.