That's What I Am
That's What I Am
PG | 29 April 2011 (USA)
That's What I Am Trailers

A coming-of-age story that follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol, a bright student who, like most kids his age, will do anything to avoid conflict for fear of suffering overwhelming ridicule and punishment from his junior high school peers.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Ghoulumbe Better than most people think
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
potternardia This movie is excellent, Students in school could learn a lot and it would teach them what bulling and being down right mean can do to a person. spreading ugly rumors about a person In this movie a teacher who had great skills to teach and the students who loved him. Saying that he was gay, or in the movie a homo. Just because he never remarried after his wife died. No facts, just someone wanting to hurt a person. Being the person in school that was bullied, and beat up, by students I can relate to this movie totally. One never knows about the hidden talent another person has. As shown in the talent show in the movie. This movie is a real eye opener to people who bully, and are just down right mean to other people. wonderful movie. I totally enjoyed it.
JonathanWalford It's hard to not be struck by the obvious similarities between this movie and the television show The Wonder Years. The vintage setting, the baritone voice-over, the main character who survives middle school by avoiding bullies and geeks as much as possible, lusts for an 'out-of-his-league' girlfriend, and goes home to an un-user-friendly father and patient, loving mother.This week's episode is about a red-haired geek who looks like one of the Walton children. He is paired up with the main character for a project by a wise teacher. Things go wrong, rumours fly, and accusations are made that the teacher is a 'homo'. I don't know what is more difficult to believe, that 13 year olds didn't know what a 'homo' was in 1965, or that bullies would cower in fear from a tall, skinny geek.The movie isn't bad, it's probably even 'sweet' for those who didn't grow up on the Waltons and/or The Wonder Years and can't compare the productions. But it is undeniably maudlin and should be approached with caution. I know some will think I shouldn't have seen the film if I don't like these types of movies. That isn't the point. There are good and bad versions of this type of coming of age film and this is a middle-of-the-road version which is why I gave it 5 out of 10.
mickeypowell When I saw this I didn't read anything about it. All I knew was that it was made by WWE and Randy Orton was in it. Obviously I jumped to conclusions and thought this movie was about fighting/wrestling. Another pointless movie. I was so surprised just watching the first 15 minutes. This movie is an eye opener. So much heart is in this movie. I fell in love with every one in it. Stanley "Big G" The big ginger smart guy that takes crap from everyone but doesn't let it get him down. Andy the kinda popular kid that has ended up befriending Stanley. The homosexual teacher who everyone loves. How the children don't judge him even though they are new to the whole sexuality. Mr Simon is the main homosexual teacher who is someone that would make the perfect teacher. Every school should have a teacher like him. He has respect for the pupils and the pupils respect him. And I loved him in the movie. He made the movie =) This movie is for everyone. People get bullied everyday. It gets worse everyday. All schools should show this to their pupils as it has a great message and kids could actually learn something from it. I give this movie a solid 9/10 A proper family film that everyone would enjoy =D
napierslogs Human Dignity + Compassion = PEACE. That's Mr. Simon's (Ed Harris) award-winning four-word solution to world peace. Unfortunately, children are cruel, and there isn't even peace in his 1965 junior high classroom. "That's What I Am" is narrated by an adult Andy Nichol, who, as an awkward 13 year-old is popular enough that he gets bypassed by the bullies but he wouldn't want to jeopardize that by socializing with the outcasts. This is just a coming-of-age story, but it's personal, based on a true story, and completely realistic that the lessons are meaningful, not corny. This isn't just about teenagers struggling with the awkward phases of life, or about playing up bullying for laughs, there are serious undertones to the maliciousness of kids. And it's all too real. Mr. Simon is the best teacher in the state of California (and there are awards to prove it). He does what he can to bring peace to the world. He pairs up Andy with Big G, the tall, skinny red-head who gets tormented each day. Big G, however, doesn't let that get to him. That doesn't deter the bullies, but Big G has an inner strength that allows him to stay true to himself. Andy is inspired by that. And so am I. It tries to teach tolerance and being true to one's self, but does so through a beautifully-told, coming-of-age story that is more adult in nature than juvenile. The events that occurred were real, and had serious implications to the well-being of society. It has taken society a lot longer to be tolerant than we would like; "That's What I Am" doesn't trivialize it but focuses on the personal, positive resolutions that the good characters come to. It's real, but we also get to see the Andys of the world get the girl. I like that kind of world.