Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy
R | 08 May 1992 (USA)
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A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Predrag Poison Ivy has a TV film feel about it and having just watched it recently for the first time in several years I feel that she could have had more credibility if she had continued on the serious side of acting, rather than frivolous rom-coms that became her staple. Drew Barrymore never looked better than she did in this film and it's easy to see why Tom Skerritt is tempted by the teenage temptress. Sara Gilbert, who older readers may remember from Roseanne and younger readers as an occasional actress in The Big Bang Theory, plays a very good supporting role in this tight, memorable, and erotic thriller.There is a little too much on the music playing in the background but all in all, this is a good film to kill an hour-and-a-half with, particularly as it involves Ms Barrymore at her sexy looking best in a role that she excelled in. With one quick seduction, Ivy sets off a chain reaction that makes 'Poison Ivy' one of the most provocative and erotic films, of the erotic thriller genre, filmed to date. If you somehow missed this gem, give it a look soon. It is one of those very rare films you can enjoy again and again..Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
sherriemarconi Poison Ivy is now on my favorite movie list.The reminds me of a teen drama with a thriller twist. The film starts off with Sylvie discussing Ivy as Ivy swings on a rope. A little boy then runs over to tell them that a dog has been hit by a car. As everyone there is gathered around the dog a large stick swings down on the dog. The person with the stick is Ivy. Was the kill meant for good? this shows us that this girl is slightly psychotic. The next day she and Sylvie become friends and after Ivy is given a ride home by Sylvie and her dad, Best friends. Soon she even moves in with them. But halfway into the film trying to be with the father. And even goes as far as pushing Georgie (Sylvie's mom) off the balcony and claiming it to be suicide. Sylvie becomes suspicious of Ivy when she starts humming the song Sylvie wrote for her mother. A song that was playing the day she was killed. After Ivy wreaks Georgie's car and puts Sylvie into the hospital and blames the accident on her, Sylvie is sure Ivy is no good and tries to warn her dad but he doesn't listen.Sylvie breaks out of the hospital and returns home to Ivy and her father. Sylvie flees and her dad and Ivy chase after her but her dad forces Ivy to return inside. When she goes upstairs Sylvie is there waiting and Sylvie pushes Ivy off the ledge but Ivy grabs her necklace telling her that if she goes then so does Sylvie but the necklace breaks and Ivy plummets to the ground and dies. If you're into crazy girl thriller movies then you'll love this film. I've only seen this one and The Secret Society but I plan to get them all.
antipas2000 DVD synopsis:One look and you can tell she's trouble. The bleached blonde hair, the pouting lips, the skirt just short enough to show off the tattoo on her thigh. But Cooper (Sara Gilbert), herself an outsider, like the newcomer's style. She befriends her and before long the loner she nicknames Ivy (Drew Barrymore) becomes part of Cooper's family. But for Ivy a handful of home comforts is not nearly enough. She becomes obsessed by desire for Cooper's father and vows that no-one, least of all Cooper's mother, is going to stop her from having him. And so the household is drawn into a web of deadly attractions where sex, lies, even murder are the weapons in a terrifying fight for survival.Well, the back of the DVD tells you enough, but let me tell you why i give this film 10/10.Drew Barrymore plays one hell of sinister character here. The title of the film portrays what this film is all about, so perfectly that I have fallen in love with this film. It will always be one of the best of its kind, for all time. Drew Barrymore is like poison here, infecting and taken over everything in her path. But to every Antagonist, there must be a Protagonist. All in all, this film has a certain passion to it and however deadly the "new friend" is, it is a beautifully told story that has a perfect beginning, middle and end. So much that I wish I had been the man to write this story for the film. 10/10 - absolutely!
tartis1955 This movie is really one of the best teen films I've ever seen. It is about mysterious seductive girl who somehow draws the attention of an introverted girl who thinks the girl is slutty, but likes her anyway. She not only wins over sylvie's good graces but also on the rest of her family and her dog. While the mother lays dying in bed with a terminal illness, drew barrymore's character took advantage of this situation and seduces him, knowing he wasn't getting any sex from his wife . With his dying wife While slyvie gradually watch her new friend take over her life , by first getting her dog to like ivy and then earning the mother good graces. Slyvie seems like a very insecure person to me because I think she knew ivy kinda wanted to used her after she started buying stuff with constantly but I guess she thinks a freeloader is better than no relationship at all. Sylvie's insecurity really shows when she gets mad that her dog ,who is the only person her dog doesn't bark at , when the dog starts taken a liken to ivy.Definitely an underrate film. I think solid performances were both given by all the actors . The music score set the tone for the film perfectly because I think it matches the mood of the film very well. Ivy wants two from Slyvie apparently : to replaced the dying mother and to be the new sexual lover for Slyvie's father that gradually died away from sylvie's mother when she acquired emphysema. sylvie's mother and ivy had something in common that sylvie wanted from both of them: Slyvie wanted ivy's appeal to risk taking situations and she wanted her mother's beauty.
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