Hard to Die
Hard to Die
NC-17 | 09 October 1990 (USA)
Hard to Die Trailers

While doing the inventory for a lingerie outlet in a high rise office building, five attractive women are terrorized by a series of bizarre killings. They suspect that the strange janitor, who witnessed another series of killings years back, is at the bottom of the whole thing. Little do they know the real horror that they face in the end.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
VideoXploiter Jim Wynorski knows how to make a titty-flick entertaining. Gratuitous nudity can get stale, but here it's used winkingly, which fits the tone of the rest of the movie. This is also the closing of an era, as the early nineties still had enough non-silicone actresses left over from the eighties. The remainder of the decade witnessed the rise of fake bosoms, unfortunately. Ironically, the least attractive thing in this movie is the most entertaining, in the form of Peter Spellos. His character is a well-intentioned gentle-giant who lumbers around, being mistaken for the killer at every turn, and getting f***ed up by the babes as a result. The gag runs through the entire movie, adding laughs to the titillation. So, grab a beer, turn off the brain, and enjoy.
generationofswine Breasts.How many of you, back in the 90s, actually rented it thinking you were getting "Die Hard?" None of you? Now how many rented it because it had a bra on the cover? Yeah, that's what I thought.Its another one of those movies I caught on HBO too late when I was a kid. Thank you latch-key childhood.You know the film already, it's Slumber Party Massacre. You know the film already, they hire a whole bunch of women, they film each one of them naked, they find an excuse to dress them in undies that, really, are only worn in the bedroom with the intention that they be taken of.......and then they work a loose...a VERY loose plot around it and have all the women scream and run around, which I am pretty sure movies like this inspired Bay Watch.So, really, why read this review, you already knew what you were going to get before you rented it.
Coventry The original title was supposed to be "Sorority House Massacre III: Hard to Die", but they wisely dropped the first part because … well … there isn't a sorority house in sight! Still, even if they kept the full title it wouldn't have made much of a difference, as the whole thing is already quite absurd and preposterous anyways. This incredibly cheap and trashy slasher flick is just an excuse to showcase a bunch of girls hysterically running around in sexy lingerie or – even better – with their prime cups exposed in extended soapy shower sequences. Oh yeah, there's also an ultra-thin plot line about a malicious parasite-spirit that floats out of a mysterious Egyptian artifact and possesses one of the chicks. For you see, they were all recruited to do the inventory of a lingerie company overnight, which gives them easy access to luscious outfits and the manager's private shower. Then there's also Orville Ketchum! He's basically the good guy who wants to rescue the babes, but since he looks and slavers like a big fat pervert, stumbles around like a decaying zombie and never opens his mouth when he's supposed to, the girls understandably consider him to be the killer. Then again, knowing that he's around doesn't stop them from going into the basement in thongs, though. Orville is a downright fantastic persona, and you'll quickly notice that he's even more indestructible than Arnold Schwarzenegger in "The Terminator" (and, as far as I know, he's not even a cyborg). "Hard to Die" gradually gets more absurd and over-the-top with every minute that passes. The girls defend themselves with heavy machine artillery that magically appeared and Orville staples bandages to his bloodied chest! The notorious Jim Wynorski directed this flick during the early nineties, when his work was still more or less watchable. Ironically enough, "Hard to Die" ranks as his best work, alongside 80's favorite "Chopping Mall" and the underrated horror parody "Transylvania Twist". After 1995, the best things about his films are the witty and imaginative titles, such as "The Devil Wears Nada" or "The Hills have Thighs". The five lead actresses obviously aren't selected based on their Oscar potential, but they inarguably have delicious curves and tasty blouse bunnies (and definitely not too shy to show them). Respecting the overall rules of cinema, I simply cannot reward "Hard to Die" with a rating higher than 3/10, but - make no mistake – it comes with my wholehearted recommendation.
bfan83 I think this was originally supposed to be a sequel to the SHM series. But it had reused footage from SPM. Just like SHM 2. Anyways, this movie is just goofy, cheesy fun. I mean you have 5 women in lingerie running from a killer. Their acting is like cardboard. But who dosen't like 5 women running around in their underwear. Also, they whip out these big ass M-16s and start shooting anything. It kind of reminded me of a really bad DIE HARD rip-off. This movie is just hilarious! Rent it and watch it with a few buddies.