Sorority House Massacre II
Sorority House Massacre II
NR | 05 October 1990 (USA)
Sorority House Massacre II Trailers

Five college women buy the old Hokstedter place for their new sorority house. They got it cheap because of the bloody incidents from five years before. They decide to stay in it for the night so they can meet the movers in the morning, but begin to get the creeps when the weird neighbor Orville Ketchum starts poking around. Shortly after the women take showers and consult a Ouija board they begin experiencing an attrition problem.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
generationofswine Which one was this? I can't really remember. I do, however, know it was the movie where they hire a lot of women and require them all to take their clothes off.I recall a shower scene in there somewhere.And then I remember the women running around screaming in undies that are really only worn in the bedroom.Was there a plot? Not really, it was just an excuse for nudity and undies.But, you already knew all of that when you sat down to watch this. Because, honestly in film making, they aren't really trying to pass it off as anything other than an excuse to film young naked breasts and you don't really get anything but that.So, why are you reading this? You know exactly what this movie is about. You knew that before you even clicked on this review.But, at least the review is as honest as the movie.If you are expecting more than that, there is something seriously wrong with you.
jadavix B-movie legend Jim Wynorski's name only sequel to the fairly dire "Sorority House Massacre" has almost everything you want from a straight-to-video slasher flick. It's missing only the creative and violent "kills" these movies sometimes have.Wynorski is the guy who is quoted as saying that "breasts are the cheapest special effect in our business", and from that quote you can divine two things: he is a guy who doesn't take his work very seriously, and he is someone who knows his audience and what they want to see. As a result his movies are goofy, harmless fun.You already know what this one is "about" - all slashers are pretty much about the same thing - but I'll tell you anyway. A group of college girls (none of whom are the slightest bit believable as students) move into a house they want to fix up. Bizarrely - and unnecessarily - this house was the scene of a multiple murder, but when the girls realise this, they aren't deterred. They waste little time stripping off for a series of shower scenes, and then spend the rest of the movie in only their underwear.See, I told you Wynorski knows what you want to see.Anyway, the girls hold a seance with a ouija board and are immediately successful in contacting the ghost of the killer who once lived in their knew home. After this supernatural force throws the planchette (the heart-shaped piece of wood you use in a seance) into the fire, the girls don't seem anywhere near as freaked out as you would expect. They have, after all, apparently just witnessed proof of the existence of a violent poltergeist. They run off to bed and the killings begin.I'm not sure if Wynorski ever filmed much in the way of creative gore. He seems to have made his living for the last couple of decades as a soft-core filmmaker, and it's not surprising. Coming up with excuses to get generic pin up girls out of their clothes and into their underwear is basically his forte.The movie has a completely unnecessary sub-plot (more of a sub-sub-plot) about a detective trying to find out what happened to the house's previous occupants... or something. These scenes seemed completely pointless (and are kept to such a minimum you forget about them) until - ta da! The detective takes his partner to a strip club. I'm pretty sure all cop movies from the '80s featured stirp club scenes as a way to shoe-horn in some nudity. Wynorski was a keen student.
Pumpkin_Man I liked that this movie was different than the original, much like Prom Night II or Halloween III. This was made in the Golden Era of cheesy slasher films. It was okay, but I loved the original a lot better. The original was so cliché and basically ripped off Halloween, which I loved. This one introduces a more supernatural tone with the girls playing with an ouija board. (I haven't seen The Slumber Party Massacre all the way through yet, but I'm pretty sure they used a clip from that movie to explain the killer's past in this one. So, are these two series connected, or did they hope no one would notice?)Five girls buy the old Hokstatter place where some brutal murders took place 5 years before. (No relation to the original film) They talk awhile, act girly, eat cheap food and search around the house. Soon, they find an old ouija board and begin playing with it. Little do they know, they awaken the spirit of the killer. The script is pretty weak, it's filled with nude women and cheesy death scenes (In fact, you can see the shadow of a crew man spraying blood on the wall during a death scene.) It was okay, but I still much prefer the original. If you love campy B-movies, you might enjoy SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE 2!!!
UncleJesse-FullHouse I was trolling through the dusty section of my video store looking at all the pornos when I decided to venture into the horror section.I was after a bit of a horror fix and found this movie. The cover looked awesome and promised boobs! yes! boobies and blood!. The girls in this movie were all really hot! 80's girls are the best! There's something hot about skimpily dressed chicks with nice racks alone wandering around an old abandoned mansion with some big fat acne faced creepy neighbor lurking about.I felt the director crafted together the right combo of boobs, & atmosphere & breasts. Robyn Harris who played the lead 'Linda' was great with her sexy British accent (didn't expect it!) while Peter Spellos was funny as Orville Ketchum.It is definitely one for a late rainy night or to watch with friends for a fun time.7/10