Dinocroc vs. Supergator
Dinocroc vs. Supergator
NR | 26 June 2010 (USA)
Dinocroc vs. Supergator Trailers

On a lush tropical island, working under a secret government charter, Martin Drake has not only grown sprawling acres of giant vegetables, but inadvertently spawned two mammoth reptiles as well. Now they've broken free of their enclosures, and Drake has only one option: kill the creatures before word gets back to Washington and they close him down. When Drake's first team of well-armed mercenaries gets wiped out within hours of setting down in the jungle, he turns to one lone hunter, The Cajun, to go in single-handedly. But will The Cajun be cunning enough to find the creatures and destroy them before they turn the blue waters red with the blood of tourists. The only hope is to bring the monsters together and make them fight. When one emerges victorious, that will be the time to strike and kill the other. It's a risky plan, but ultimately the only one that may work. One of David Carradine's last movies.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Michael O'Keefe Under the watchful eye of producer Roger Corman, director Jim Wynorski presents a big croc; and a big gator as a double threat to society before turning on each other. Created by devious and ego maniacal Jason Drake(David Carradine),in a secret island lab, dinocroc and supergator are groomed to humongous proportions...ooops! Damn, they escape and it seems bullets and explosives only make them hungrier and meaner. These reptiles are ready to eat tourists, scientists, almost naked bikini models and even a small militia when available.Called to the rescue are undercover investigator Paul Beaumont(Corey Landis), attractive Fish & Game officer Cassidy Swanson(Amy Holt) and for extra measure, the crafty swamp hunter known as "The Cajun"(Rib Hillis). The two menacing, scaly lizards snack and nosh at will until the only way to defeat them is to invite them to a battle royal. That's when the earth will actually shake and rattle at the ultimate smackdown.Of course this is time out for some fantasy mixed with comic relief. At times the special effects are really decent. Rounding out the cast: Eddie Spivak, Delia Sheppard, James C. Burns, Lisa Clapperton, Michael Bernardi and Aurelia Scheppers.
moondojr Being an animal enthusiast, the factual information provided is completely false. Reptiles, being cold-blooded would not give off clear heat signatures on a FLIR thermal imager. Also, reptiles tire easily. There is no way that Supergator could gallop at 50+ MPH for the distance that it did. Is Dinocroc a dinosaur or a crocodile? I'm confused. The people who made this film were extremely lazy. Everything was rushed in filming. There was a CGI cow carcass. Seriously? You can't make a freaking puppet? Also, the Cajun isn't even Cajun. The gator he is hunting is CGI for a two second rise out of the water. There is plenty of cheap stock footage you can get for that. Wrapping up, it has sub-par acting, lack of logic in survival situations (just stopping and throwing the arms up as he's outrunning the creature), and illogical happenings (C4 is useless but similar explosion scorches the creatures).
pooosellp Glad this movie made such controversy in the ratings. This movie cracked me up all night, put me in such a good mood all day the next. It has everything you can expect from a Hollywood film, but fails your normal expectations and standards. I strongly advise those who go in to see this movie MUST see it with a light heart and a silliness that many people forget when watching movies. The off beat editing and over the top seriousness of the script and uncanny plot creates a comedic dynamic to the whole story. The CGI is awfully nostalgic in a way which reminds us of the days when movies aren't all about computer graphics. The difference in acting skill is fun to watch, as you get a real sense of how to differentiate good actors from bad ones. Overall, there are a lot of things to watch for in this movie, and you can be sure there'll never be a dull moment when you're not laughing about something. :D
kevinxirau First Dinocroc, then Supergator, and now this. Monster master Roger Corman is at it again! Scientists at a secret lab have developed a special growth serum that can grow plants to enormous size and help end world hunger. However, desperate to get more funding for the project, they reluctantly work for some rich guy with military contracts who has them test the serum on a crocodile and an alligator (reasons explained in the film). The serum not only makes the animals bigger but it also dramatically alters their appearance. Unsurprisingly, the creatures escape and wreak havoc so it's up to a special agent, an attractive park ranger, and a hunter called "The Cajun" to set up the reptilian smack down of Dinocroc vs Supergator.For a low budget film, this is an entertaining creature feature. The effects for the monsters are quite good and have enough detail. Because the creatures in the first two films looked so similar, a major appearance makeover came into session: Dinocroc looks much more dinosaur-like (like a Suchomimus) and Supergator looks much like an alligator with long spike on its upper back. It's almost like a miniature version of "Godzilla Raids Again" (a bipedal dinosaur creature taking on a quadrupedal spiny-backed beast). A lot of scenes were fun to watch like the car chases (a total of two), the attacks on humans, and the final fight. I also like the music in this movie, especially the epic choir that plays during the car chases.Of course it has flaws (then again what movie doesn't?). A few humans are idiots, there are a couple of silly moments, and the final fight was both too short and too one-sided; it could have been a little longer and more even but what can I do? It's flaws like these that tend to give movies like this a good "charm" to them.Bottom line, it's significantly better than most movies shown on the SciFi channel. If you wanna check it out, be my guest.