R | 21 October 2005 (USA)
Doom Trailers

A team of space marines known as the Rapid Response Tactical Squad, led by Sarge, is sent to a science facility on Mars after somebody reports a security breach. There, they learn that the alert came after a test subject, a mass murderer purposefully injected with alien DNA, broke free and began killing people. Dr. Grimm, who is related to team member Reaper, informs them all that the chromosome can mutate humans into monsters -- and is highly infectious.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Reticent_Reviewer I remember walking past an electronics shop back in the 90s, and seeing Doom playing on loop on that machine. It was the sole reason that I moved from an Amiga to a PC, however good the Amiga games machine was in its day.Like many reviewers here, I found the movie okay for sure, and The Rock can carry a movie despite its shortcomings. It had decent amount of one-liners, action, and the first person perspective section was well done.However, I'm still waiting for someone to produce a movie based on the game which is faithful to the content of the game itself.
Ersbel Oraph The human mind is limited. It is limited in the way it has invented the gods. It is limited in the way it imagines the near future. Ten years later the humans have game consoles far more advanced than the viewer can see in the first three minutes. But yea, the fans will talk about the story. There does not seem to be much of a story. Only action pasted over the few silly lines of text delivered with a mindless game. Well, there is the violence. That was the easy part anyway. Otherwise, a rip off Predator. Or maybe Aliens.Now comes the good part, the computer scientist kind of imagination. On Mars people have a genetic studies lab. It is below ground, obviously. It is on Mars because it was probably the closest thing to New York City in terms of rent or something. And the lab has infirmary, of course, since land is so cheap on Mars. And below everything you have subway-like sewers. And those are filled with sh*t water of course. Enough so the monsters could hide beneath the surface. And the facility has huge metal doors. Yet the access to the sewer is made through man holes with some sort of light manhole covers. It makes perfect sense. Only there is not much light to compensate for the special effects shortcomings.Otherwise, normal stuff. The doctor comes to retrieve the data. But does a dissection. The kind that you drop the flashlight in. And while the examination gloves are short, the doc has no problem putting the whole arm inside an unknown humanoid monster.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @
Sam Snyder (samuelsnyder-33369) OK, let me explain. This movie is the best video game movie ever made. Not because it's good, but because you will laugh your ass off at at this movie. It tries hard at points to be a gritty version of the DOOM games, like DOOM 3, but it also gets the fun tone of DOOM 1 and 2, and it uses that in some scenes too. the Rock is in this film, WHY?!?!?!?!? He makes this film just a joy to watch. Watch this film if you just want to have a fun 2 hours
Leofwine_draca Neither as bad as I had feared or as good as I had hoped, DOOM is a film that veers between being pretty good and only okay. It's a darn sight better than other modern Hollywood pap like the first two RESIDENT EVIL movies, which is a plus, but the movie has plenty of clichés and is too obviously modelled on ALIENS rather than the game itself; over the past two decades, we've had about a hundred of these "soldiers walking down corridors"-type science fiction films, and it really is enough. Still, DOOM ticks all of the right boxes, with a particular emphasis on the horror; there are zombies here (a little silly and disappointing though), monsters, bloodshed, and lots of jumpy sequences.I'm a massive fan of the game series, and I was aware that this film did stray away from the game quite a lot. Still, the inclusion of game elements like the chainsaw, the BFG, and the pink demon are fun, and the first-person shooter sequence, which lasts for about ten minutes at the end of the film, is fun, if a little cheesy. Watching as a gun goes around shooting zombies and then a chainsaw sawing up a monster is good, gruesome fun; the camera-work is far from fluid, though, and as a whole the sequence pales in comparison to a similar moment in the Thai action flick BORN TO FIGHT.The cast is one of the film's strengths. Karl Urban puts in yet another good performance; honestly, he's been great in everything he's done since LORD OF THE RINGS, and I'm looking forward to his next film, PATHFINDER. The Rock has a little deeper character than you might expect, far from being the one-dimensional marine hero that the film introduces him as; his character's twist makes for one of the film's most involving moments. Lower down the cast list, the performances are strong as well. It's great to see Dexter Fletcher in a Hollywood movie, and he makes the best of his kooky, wheelchair-bound role; he also delivers the film's best line, "There's something behind me, isn't there!" Richard Brake (the parent-killer in BATMAN BEGINS) also puts in a good turn as a nasty soldier. Sadly, Rosamund Pike is the film's weakest link, incredibly wooden and miscast as a scientist.The film's special effects are fantastic; the monsters look really good and gruesome and there's fun to be had from portal doorways and the BFG blasts. It's just a shame that the monsters are seen so little on screen; 90% of the action takes place in really dark corridors, so your eyes end up straining to try and make out what's going on. Still, the movie does pack plenty of incident into the running time, there are some fun twists and turns that make it stand out, and fans of the game will have fun. Not a masterpiece, but an enjoyable film all the same.