Avengers Grimm
Avengers Grimm
NR | 17 March 2015 (USA)
Avengers Grimm Trailers

When Rumpelstiltskin destroys the Magic Mirror and escapes to the modern world, the four princesses of "Once Upon a Time"-Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel-are sucked through the portal too. Well-trained and endowed with magical powers, the four women must fight Rumpelstiltskin and his army of thralls before he enslaves everyone on Earth.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
dragonslayer-87950 WARGING POSSIBLE SPOILERS:OS= Doesn't even Begin to Hold A Candle to ABC's Once Upon A Time Dearies Pros = 1= At Least It Is a Girl Power Female Empowerment Movie Cons = 1= Giving it a 2 feels a little too Generous (Please Read The Pro Section)2= Constant Camera Shaking3= Robert Carlyle From ABC's Once Upon A Time makes A LOT BETTER Rumplestilskin 4= This Movie's Rumplastlskin has absolutely have NO Motivation what so ever. Literally Making him a Mustache Twirling Vallin. At least the Motive with Robert Carlyle's Version (ABC's Once Upon A Time) has some kind of Motive on the Show. 5= As my Subject Title Says Horribly Laughable to say the lest. 6= Robert Carlyle's Rumplestilskin (ABC's Once Upon A Time) is much MORE FLESHED out Despite Once Upon A Time being a TV Show. Even In the Frist Two Episodes Alone Robert Carlyle's Rumplstilskin feels Much More Fleshed Out than this 'Movie's' Rumplestilskin. 7= Can't stop Comparing it to ABC's Once Upon A Time and how Much More Infinitely Better it is 8= So Torturous to Watch that I just had to take a quick Sneak at an Image or Two of Once Upon A Time from time to just to make my Viewing Experience that much more Bearable. 9= The Character Relationships and The Movie as a Whole was Grinchy and Unconvincing At Best. 10= Where were the Regular People from This Reality???????!!!!!11= The Movies is A Mess And All Over The Place Not Only as a Plot but also in other Areas as well. 12= The So Called 'Cliff-Hanger' was Pointless and Doesn't Leave you wanting for more. And Aside from those it is also Real Predictable. 13= I Don't know which is worse Snow White And The Huntsmen or.....This? 14= Most if Not The Entire Movie is Extremely Predictable. 15= And Finally= Feels Like a Less Than a B-Movie HIT and/or MISS= The McGuffin or Goal in the movie is Simple and Kind Of Holds Potential CS= Stay Away From This Less Than Piece Of Trash, Instead Watch Buy If You Have To ABC's Once Upon A Time it is Infinitely Far More Superior. Any Season Would Do. But if you asked me I think you should try to watch every Season. (1-7th And Final Season)
Ali Shaheed This movie was on my media server, and on a quiet night with not much going on I was intrigued by the title as I scrolled through the available options. So the opening credits roll and I see Asylum, and already know its going to be bad...and the movie starts and what follows is some of the worst acting I've seen on screen, hell even the porn stars from the Bang Bros flicks have a better method. What made me turn off the screen and call it a night was seeing the poorly executed CGI...it looked like it had been executed with a Pentium 1. I know it's supposed to be a parody of a blockbuster but these producers weren't even making an attempt, it was simply poor on every measurable scale. Fifteen minutes into this POS I switched off my TV and decided to call it a night, nothing I watched immediately after this garbage would salvage my evening.
quincytheodore It's obvious that the familiar title is meant to lure unknown people as they assume this is a big budget title with fine presentation, while the fact is Avengers Grimm is barely the level Halloween play. It uses mythical princess' tales and translates them into modern world but the execution is far from magical. Acting is incredibly bad, graphic effect is from two decades old and no attractive princess can save it from the abysmal production.No in-depth analysis requires. From the first couple of scenes it's clear that the acting suffers significantly. Delivery for most of these princess is outright overly dramatic or rigid reading. The actresses fit the look, but as they speak the illusion of glamor falls almost immediately.It has some decent costume and set, although most of the scenes are shot in random warehouse or street. If anything, it's probably worth just to see mature version of the princesses for brief amusement, you don't need magic mirror to know there's not much else here.
David Stiefel This mash-up of Once Upon a Time and The Avengers definitely played out like a movie that wanted to go somewhere, but didn't quite have the oomph to pull it off. All the actors suffered to a degree, attempting to squeeze out lines that might work whilst working with a director who clearly didn't care about performance quality enough to do a whole lot of retakes.Iron John (Lou Ferringo) was an excellent addition to this film's mythos, though his arc was a tad rushed. The princesses are tolerable for their roles, but again, could have used some better acting coaching. Red easily steals the show.The girls say each other's names so seldom, it can be easy to forget that the purple-haired one is Cinderella - or even why she has purple hair. By far, the most effort appears to have been put into Rumpelstiltskin as the villain. As a dime store Loki, he chews up every scene he's in and does it with class.Sadly, most of the other characters are quite forgettable. And the logistics of how the princesses would survive in our world are barely even mentioned outside of clothing choices.If you can tolerate some of the movie's shortcomings, however, it has a lot of great nods to the properties it shamelessly rips off. Some have complained that it depends too much on the "babes" being "hot" to sell its point, but I'd say it manages without that. Outside Red, I personally had difficulty seeing how any of them were treated as sex objects. Or if they were supposed to be that, even Rumpelstiltskin's secretary did a better job at it. Making Rapunzel a redhead instead of a blonde also struck me as an odd choice.This movie definitely wanted to be something. And if your standards aren't astronomically high, it will succeed. Just don't count on this measuring up to any of Marvel's Avengers films any time soon.