The Comebacks
The Comebacks
PG-13 | 19 October 2007 (USA)
The Comebacks Trailers

Out-of-luck coach Lambeau Fields takes a rag-tag bunch of college misfits and drives them towards the football championships. In the process, this life-long loser discovers that he is a winner after all by redeeming himself, saving his relationship with his family and friends, and finding that there is indeed, no "I" in "team"!

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
SnoopyStyle Lambeau Fields (David Koechner) is the worst coach in the world across many disciples. He accepts a coaching job at Heartland State University. His supportive friend Freddie Wiseman (Carl Weathers) coaches the Lone Star State Unbeatables. Barb (Melora Hardin) is his long suffering wife. His rebellious daughter Michelle (Brooke Nevin) takes the playboy black wide receiver Trotter (Jackie Long) as her new boyfriend. He recruits baseball pitcher Lance Truman (Matthew Lawrence) as his quarterback and Bend-it-like-Beckham Jizminder Featherfoot (Noureen DeWulf) as the new kicker.The jokes are very broad. It's one of those modern spoof movies. At least, it has Koechner but even he gets tiresome after awhile. It is spoofing too many things. The references are too scattered. It's all over the place. There are so many characters that they don't get to develop. This comes in a long line of bad spoof movies. It's not the worst one but it's not much better either.
Enchorde Recap: Coach Fields is the worst coach in history, having lost in all sports imaginable. Now, through a friend, he gets a final opportunity with a small college football team, The Comebacks. A truly miserable team, can they come around with their new miserable coach? Comments: A movie spoofing as many sport movies and sports or sport related events as it possibly can. So, many, if not all, jokes are cheap and sometimes embarrassingly low. But that doesn't mean that they aren't funny. Or that it should be looked down upon by default. To write a good parody is actually quite difficult and often needs the story to balance on a thin edge.The Comebacks is by far not the best parody movie, but is was surprisingly good, and in my opinion much better than the current rating of 3.6. Sure, the movie fell of that thin ledge at times, mostly to too low and cheap jokes or points just made on sex. But mostly it was just wacky, crazy jokes on other movies. To fully appreciate that you need to have seen most of that movies, you need an open mind and the right mind set. It is silly, but silly doesn't need to mean bad if you haven't decided that it is beforehand.I enjoyed it. Sure, I'm sick home from work and quite bored, but for those times movies like The Comebacks are perfect. It is not for a date or maybe even not for an evening with friends. This is a movie when you tired and need to kill some time. That it does splendidly.6/10
ss97-1 It is hard to really rate movies like this. It is obviously not going to be anything classic. It is probably going to be pretty much forgettable. So what if any redeeming qualities might this have? Why waste your time? Well all I can say is that, it is what it is! There are many amusing moments, there are a couple funny moments. It is a mildly amusing comedy that hits the obvious laughs. And in that it is a decent movie. It makes fun of every sports movie it can think of, and most of the jokes are average at best. But on a few occasions there are some very funny prop comedy moments.The actors all do a reasonable job with what they have to work with. The obvious jokes don't ask them to be exceptional. It just asked them to deliver the lines and try not to laugh at how ridiculous the lines are. And they all do a good job of being ridiculous, right in step with the movie.It is a fun movie that does not take itself serious at all. No it is not "Airplane" or "Dumb&Dumber" type of classic flick. But if you compare it to something like "Not another teen movie" or any of the newer super-spoofs it holds its own. It is certainly better than "Meet the Spartans" or "Epic Movie" spoofs.I thought Brooke Nevin was fun to watch. She is beautiful to start with, but beyond that she is very good. She delivers with a subtle but memorable performance. I'd like to see her more in the future I think she has a quality that comes through on screen. The rest of the cast is solid, and Mr. Lawrence is pretty good. He's a much better actor than his older brother if that is really saying much. And the always fetching Melora Hardin does her thing as she always does, this time as Coach Fields' wife. She is such an underrated talent.The movies is filled with cameos from recognizable faces from both sports and movies. Just about every cameo can be traced back to someone with a much bigger resume than the role. It's fun stuff.All in all, if you are looking for intelligent entertainment you won't enjoy this. But if you are willing to leave your mind at the door and just enjoy the stupidity, the movies has a lot of fun stuff going on to keep you interested for 90 minutes or so.
MatthewLong23 There was nothing remotely funny about this movie. It makes fun of various sports movies and clichés but nothing about it is remotely funny. Most of the movies they parody doesn't even fit in with the film and are really only their so they can be in it. Non The main actor was well cast in it but that's really the only good thing about this film. Also the various cameos in it were kind of cool to see but i have no idea why they would waste their time being in this piece of garbage. Thank goodness I only spent $4 on it as this is not something worth spending money on. ONly watch if you have absolutely nothing to do or just want to waste an hour and 30 minutes.