Be Cool
Be Cool
PG-13 | 04 March 2005 (USA)
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Disenchanted with the movie industry, Chili Palmer tries the music industry, meeting and romancing a widow of a music executive along the way.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Executscan Expected more
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
adonis98-743-186503 Disenchanted with the movie industry, Chili Palmer tries the music industry, meeting and romancing a widow of a music executive on the way. Be Cool starts with one of the most cheesiest scenes in Cinema where some old 2 pals kill James Woods and the shooter's hair come off like why? Vince Vaughn talks like a gangster and The Rock wears an obvious wig and acts like a jerk. Overall a terrible film from start to finish and i can't believe that F. Gary Gray directed it. (0/10)
Bob_the_Hobo I loved the Elmore Leonard novels of the same name and I loved "Get Shorty" when it was released back in the 90's, so I was really hyped when I heard "Be Cool" was coming out and the fabulous John Travolta would be reprising a role he was born to play, Chili Palmer. And sure enough, "Be Cool" was one of the coolest movies of the year.Travolta's Chili Palmer is now in the music business, promoting a young singer named Linda Moon, and also juggling a possible relationship with Uma Thurman's character (a great nod to Pulp Fiction!), all the while handling his own investigation of what happened to his Record Label friend Tommy (James Woods). But there's more. Raji (Vince Vaughn), Moon's old manager, wants Moon back on his payroll and will do anything to get her. Keitel plays a powerful producer that's helping Raji. Finally Martin Weir (Danny DeVito) is back in the action, returning from the first film.This was just a cool movie. Cool roles all around, great acting, and funny lines. Travolta is Screen Gold, stealing each scene he's in as the classic Chili Palmer. Thurman is beautiful and wonderful and it's a treat to see them together again. Keitel's role is also a little nod to Pulp Fiction, and having him in the film is like the cherry on the cake.The rest of the cast is equally cool. Vince Vaughn is hysterical as the wanna-be-black-guy, and The Rock is a gem as the gay bodyguard. Woods' little cameo at the beginning is hilarious. Danny DeVito can't ever disappoint, and Christina Milan is a beautiful up and comer who has some great lines on the film.All in all, a great sequel to a great series. I hope "Be Cool" isn't the last we see of Chili Palmer.
Philip Yomtov For some reason, so many people hate on "Be Cool". I do not agree with them. You should understand, this is not some highly sophisticated movie, it's just a fun movie, with some awesome and funny characters, played by some of Hollywood's best comedians. The plot may not make sense completely, but who cares - you just enjoy the movies, the inside jokes, the hilarious characters. I wasn't bored in any minute of "Be Cool", and while it was not on the same level of "Get Shorty", well, it was still close. The script might not be the best one around, but I think that wasn't the whole point of this movie. It makes fun of the industry, of various clichés, and even of itself.
pistolaro_amigo Get Shorty this is not. The fact that the book was not an impressive sequel either sort of squashes the fact that the movie is a faithful adaptation of sub-par material. Travolta as Chilli Palmer in the original only helped solidify his 'comeback' that started with Pulp Fiction. Travolta reprising his role as Chilli Palmer is going back to the well one too many times, as is his teaming up with Uma Thurman. For those that wanted to know what it would've been like if Vincent Vega ever got with Mia Wallace needs to look no further than this movie, because in the alternate universe this is what would happen. And not that this is really Travolta, Thurman, or even Elmore Leonard's faults... the fault here is too many characters occupying too much space in limited time. The Good: The Rock as the aspiring homosexual actor/ bodyguard who steals the show from the more seasoned vets. Andre Benjamin, also the other non-seasoned actor, gets some nice quips when squaring against Travolta and Cedric the Entertainer. The late Robert Pastorelli provides the funniest line in the movie, 'What is it with f***ots and bright shiny red things?!'. The Bad: chemistry, none between Travolta and Thurman. Harvey Keitel channeling his inner-DeNiro parodying himself. F. Gary Gray stepping out of his usual style and seemingly putting together a job-for-hire film. The Ugly: Vince Vaughn doing the same spiel he's done in Swingers, Made, Wedding Crashers, Old School, etc. Christina Milan, her music in the movie doesn't sound like a hit and her performing with Aerosmith at the end is straight Swiss Cheeseball. Steven Tyler playing Steven Tyler and not succeeding at that. The lost focus that this is supposed to be Chilli Palmer's movie but is pulled in too many directions that it stretches it's short running time into what seems like an epic, when all it needed to be was smaller in the beginning.