R | 06 August 2002 (USA)
Repli-Kate Trailers

A scientist and his sidekick accidentally clone a journalist and decide to turn the mistake into Repli-Kate, their idea of the perfect woman, who loves, beer, football, and frat parties.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Pigbelly First of all, this is a bad film. Its only redeeming quality is Eugene Levy. Other than Mr. Levy, this is a very bad copy of Weird Science. The guys in this film are the type of people I would like to see killed in the next university shooting. They are obnoxious, sexist and stupid. The dialog is painful. The cinematography is like an after school TV special as is the acting. Oh the acting! Check out Kate's entrance when she is first created! Embarrassing... possibly the most embarrassing performance by any amateur actress ever! It is also the reason we have never seen Ali Landry again in a major film. It is not the worst film ever made but it is bad. It is best viewed when drinking or sick so that the pain can be numbed a little. You have been warned. Oh, yes I forgot to mention the "special effects"... it looks like they couldn't afford a smoke machine so smoke is created by a guy with a cigar off-screen. Other special effects include "sparks" which look like they were made by a kid's birthday cake sparkler. Combine this bad film making with bad acting and you have something almost as bad as Tom Cats or Sin City.
Mattias I really didn't expect much when I sat down to watch this. After all, what can you expect from a movie that has "National Lampoon" on the cover or Eugene Levy in the cast? And to a extent I got was I expected: a "Weird Science" for the 21st century with a silly script and lame actors who has a problem with timing their lines.The surprise was Kate herself or rather Repli-Kate, played by Ali Landry. I loved how she played the manly Repli-Kate, burping and guzzling beer, a big contrast with the sweet Kate the journalist. I wish the movie would have gone more into the aspect of male and female stereotypes to poke fun at them, unfortunately the producers preferred to have Eugene Levy running around shouting "penis" to everyone.
Noel Brown I watched this movie because I had seen the bar-room scene on YouTube. It was all about Ali Landry. Forget the science that supplies the basic premise for the film, it is all hokey (though the book Landry is reading when we first meet her is a currently important text), but if you go along with the impossible premise of the story, it raises some questions that my wife and I enjoyed talking about. I wondered if some of the guys in our society would understand that this film is about them, but they don't get it, just as Landry - thinking like a man - does not get it. The film is full of stereotypes, but they are all fairly enjoyable, and together they make something that is greater than the sum of the parts. But above all - it is Landry who shines as she plays two different roles to the hilt.
donguthrie And actually pretty funny. The science is silly, the acting questionable, the plot predictable. But I dare you not to laugh, often and out loud. Ali is drop-dead sexy. And you have to give her credit for pulling off the dual role as well as she does. Eugen Levy has some funny moments, though he is mostly wasted in this film. The male leads are nobody anybody knows, but they do okay and get the funniest lines. The conclusion is trite and rushed; you can almost pinpoint the exact moment the budget ran out on this one.The DVD has more features than you normally would expect from a straight to video release, including some pretty goofy outtakes. All in all, if you can pick it up at a discount (my copy was less than $6), Repli-Kate is worth the price of admission.