Cruel Intentions 3
Cruel Intentions 3
R | 25 May 2004 (USA)
Cruel Intentions 3 Trailers

Meet Cassie, Jason and Patrick, three amoral college students who, through a series of sexual wagers, take malicious pleasure in ruining the lives of their fellow classmates.

Micitype Pretty Good
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
atinder Cruel Intentions 3 (2004)This actually stand alone movie in the series.The only connection to the first movie Cassidy Merteuil, is actually cousin is Kathryn from first two movies. Evil sure runs in the family.There are 3 main cast members in this movie, throughout the whole , they are fooling one and another. With some bets, you may think one thing goes one way but then twist in the story, it won't really shock you, as there are too may turns and trick with all 3. One person takes think to far, I didn't not expect to see a rape scenes in this movie, thankfully it wasn't all that long and I didn't see much of it. There are nasty people in this movie. I thought decent and watch able movie 4 out of 10
Morbius Fitzgerald Okay, I am not the biggest fan of the Cruel Intentions movies, in fact the only reason why I watched all 3 of them is because I really like the Dangerous Liaisons storyline and I want to see how they could possibly carry it on. The original Cruel Intentions film was basically a retelling of a story about sexual deviency, originally set with adults of the French Aristocracy, set in High School and the way they try to make this work...Its pretty clear why this isn't everyone's cup of tea. Not because its shocking, but because it doesn't work. The second one, I will give credit, actually entertained me but because that movie assaults its audience with so much stupidity that its hard not to laugh at it. Its damn near one of the funniest movie ever made.Now when it comes to this film, its the worst of the series.The plot of this movie is split up into thirds. As in, one plot will take up one third of this movie, its that confused as to what the Cruel Intentions should be. The first plot is a bet that Merteuil has with Jason that she can sleep with a nerd named Patrick and then some bland guy who is in touch with royalty but that goes belly side up because during the date with the English guy (I'm sorry, I don't know his name) Patrick comes over with flowers and proves to him that she had sex with him. Patrick then reveals to her that this was his doing the entire time and he and Patrick were in cahoots with each other the entire time, which leads to the one biggest question, what the hell did either of the two guys get out of it?So the guys then decide to compete with each other for sexual "points" as such. One of them has sex with a girl who is engaged and a girl who is happily with a boyfriend. This plot starts 20 minutes in and ends by the hour mark. The THIRD story is that because they both succeeded in their quest on the exact same night, they decide to make a bet that they can bed Merteuil. It turns out that Patrick is being played the entire time and he ends up going to prison for raping Merteuil.I will give the acting of this movie credit, it does try to pull something off but considering they needed to split up the character of Valmont into two people to show the two faces to his personality instead of just having the one actor, that should tell you what the writing is like. Oversimplified, even for a Cruel Intentions movie. There isn't any character at all in this that has any depth; Merteuil is evil, Jason is a player, as is Patrick. There, the main characters and the height of their depth, all described as a list.I will give it credit in one area that this was pulled off. Instead of High School, its set in College and that is one area where I have to give it credit for. It tries to update it to an older age while keeping the "look" of a Cruel Intentions cast. Does it work? Even here, no.Overall, there is a slightly variant degree as to why this one is worse than the first one but its like measuring the pain of being stabbed in the chest or being shot in the chest, either way, its gonna hurt. If your a fan and you are a completionist, go check it out but I'm not sure that you'll enjoy it but if the filmmakers of this didn't put any effort into making the movie, why should I in my review of said movie?
tapio_hietamaki Cruel Intentions was a fun summer flick. It didn't need sequels. Regardless, it got sequels. Needless to say, this movie is bad. It doesn't have the characters of the originals, so it tries to imitate them with shallow copies - the characters even admit this! Their motivation is forced and often doesn't even make sense if you haven't seen the original film.At first, you wonder if there is any point to anything that is going on in the film, other than offering eye candy in the form of abs and boobs. At the end it is revealed that the story has been building up to a plot twist, and it comes as some relief, but the twist is lackluster. All in all, this film is pointless and shallow.
Raul Faust If you are an adult, don't watch it. You will consider this immoral, promiscuous and naughty. You're probably too hypocritical to admit you ever liked those things when you were younger.I think this movie is another great work from Cruel Intentions franchise but obviously the least deep and original. The acting is very good, the cast couldn't be hotter and I wasn't able to see any of the twists coming. Also it's very entertaining and it doesn't take hours to things happen.Give it a watch, the movie is entirely erotic and sexy. It will even remember your youth game called "Master and Slave" which you probably played with your cousins when parents were sleeping.