Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 2
R | 09 November 2000 (USA)
Cruel Intentions 2 Trailers

After his precocious behavior has gotten him bounced out of one more in a string of exclusive private schools, 16-year old Sebastian Valmont has arrived in New York City to live with his father and stepmother. The cunning and handsome Sebastian may have met his match, however in his equally manipulative and beautiful stepsister Kathryn Merteuil.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
atinder This movie is not sequel or prequel , its' a remake of the first movie, with some different. I enjoyed the opening scenes, if they it was copy of first movie, with bit different as the movies goes on. This actually start on first day of school instead of Summer like the first movie. Evil Kathryn in this movie was decent but nothing compared to Sarah Michelle Gellar but much better portrayed then new guy playing Sebastian.It stated of okay but as the movie went on, I don't believe , it carried that character as it should have been. Well I don't think the script helped in some place, I found some of it so bad.Danielle is the new Annette in this movie, I did not like her at all, I didn't care for at all. However I did like one scenes in this movie, two hot naked girls walking into shower and well they just peck on lip, while seb in the shower! I thought ending was decent, I didn't not expect at all, I thought it was decent turn in the story. 5 out of 10
Raul Faust Dudes, you have no idea of how happy I am right now. I was desperately looking for a movie that fulfilled a big part of my requirements, and this one finally did.The movie showed honestly the sexual feelings that youth have, without being politically correct or afraid of showing its nature. The movie also showed how some behavior we have inside aren't able to change, even though we try to change friends or place to live. Some things in our nature will always come up no matter how we try to scape, just like happened to Sebastian. He tried to "start a new life" and be someone he was not, which obviously failed in a very pleasant way - and a masterpiece ending.The main evil couple here worked as good as the former, or even a little better. The sexual liberty portrayed in CI2 had no fantasy and I hope it amused the rest of the spectators as it amused me.
BA_Harrison Take my advice: before viewing Cruel Intentions 2, watch Disney's Enchanted. After falling in love with Amy Adams as the sweet, pure and innocent Princess Giselle, watching her play a rich-bitch schoolgirl slut is somehow so much more satisfying. It seems so wrong, yet so right!Manchester Prep, a prequel to Cruel Intentions, stars the scrummy Ms.Adams as Kathryn, wicked step-sister to Sebastian (Robin Dunne), a student with a chequered past who tries to turn over a new leaf when he falls for the headmaster's daughter Danielle (Sarah Thompson). Kathryn, whose passion is to cause trouble whenever possible, attempts to scupper Sebastian's new relationship, whilst also doing her best to corrupt pretty and naive virgin Cherie (Keri Lynn Pratt).Whereas the original Cruel Intentions was, with its cast of trendy Hollywood stars, a calculated attempt to be cool, savvy and oh-so-clever, Manchester Prep is a trashy, immature, and totally unsophisticated movie that, by being far less pretentious, manages to be just as entertaining as, if not more than, the first.Adams is easily a match for Sarah Michelle Gellar (Kathryn in Cruel Intentions), being both convincingly cruel and very sexy; Thompson is great as the pretty poor girl of the school who captures Sebastian's heart; and Keri Lynn Pratt is charming as the Manchester Prep virgin who learns why riding horses is so popular with young women. Hats off also to Annie Sorell and Alicia Lorén, who are unforgettable as Sebastian's horny, brunette shower buddies (female nudity in a teen drama has rarely been so gratuitous!).Manchester Prep might not be innovative groundbreaking cinema, but it sure is fun. Not quite an 8/10, but a pretty high 7.
LizardKingBey From the very opening scene you will notice just how hard they tried to mimic the very smart and powerful 'Cruel Intentions', and how flat it landed. You'll also notice what a terrible choice they made by casting Robin Dunne as Valmont... Then in the second scene, you meet the two best things in this movie, Amy Adams and Mimi Rogers as Kathryn and her mother. That is, if you can get past the fact that Kathryn wasn't blonde in the first film... Then the movie goes on, you see the cheap romantic story from miles ago, and you notice Sebastian has already met an Anette in the past, here called Danielle, and a Cecile, here called Cherie... How original is that for a prequel. Then it turns into a low budget 'Wild Things' type of film with lots and lots of oh-my "twists". As I mentioned, Robin Dunne was a very bad choice. Not that he is a bad actor, he's good.. He just doesn't have the charisma Ryan did. Amy Adams, who is in my opinion one of the most talented young actresses of our time, once again delivers. But with all the talent in the world, there is no way one could save this trash. As a whole, this "movie" feels like a 'Beverly Hills, 90210' episode. The score has been stolen from 'Cruel Intentions' and 'Jawbreaker'... Yes, they used the score from JAWBREAKER... Couldn't they at least leave that one alone?! You'll want to pass this one. If you want more Cruel Intentions, watch Stephen Frears' Dangerous Liaisons.