Teaching Mrs. Tingle
Teaching Mrs. Tingle
PG-13 | 11 August 1999 (USA)
Teaching Mrs. Tingle Trailers

A bright high-school senior has her impending status as valedictorian jeopardized when her bitter history teacher, Mrs. Tingle, gives her a poor grade on a project. When an attempt to get ahead in Mrs. Tingle's class goes awry, mayhem ensues and friendships, loyalties and trust are tested by the teacher's intricate mind-games.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
pabald9480 Helen Mirren plays a villainous character very well in this film, teacher or not, but to root for her to win the battle in the end is insane. I've read several reviews for this film, most of which liked Helen Mirren's performance only, which is probably not the idea Kevin Williamson had in mind. Granted releasing it in theatres shortly after Columbine was not the best move, but maybe the target audience got the humor of it without taking it seriously. Now, did I enjoy the film? Yes. Would I own it? Definitely! In fact, I already do! The young actors do a nice job with their roles, and Helen Mirren as already stated is very easy to hate, but she chews up the screen with every scene she's in. It's one of the better comedies, imo) than some of the so-called gems they're putting out now, the re-make craze is getting old too, except for some of the horror and revenge flicks.The story centers around Leigh Ann Watson/Katie Holmes-who's concluding her senior year, but also wants to be her school's best student. But with her history teacher hating her, that goal could be very hard to achieve... Accused of cheating, unjustly, Leigh Ann and two other friends decide to try and reason with her, but their plan backfires, and things get out of control, quickly. Now, their goal was never murder, and it doesn't go that far either, let's just say, her cruelty finally comes back to haunt her in the end, watch it and you'll see.
Atomic_Peace This is one of those movies you hate to hate, and love to love. Teaching Mrs. Tingle was not the least bit original, but at the same time it was good.Mrs. Tingle is the teacher from hell, she hates her students and her students hate her. She is a nasty, nit-picky teacher who has been doing the same thing for 20 years, and that's destroying people's dreams!After catching Leigh Ann Watson"cheating" off her social studies final (when she was just returning it after a friend stole it) she gives her an atomic F. Leigh Ann and her friends Jo Lynn and Luke go to other house to try and figure things out, but while there all hell breaks loose and it ends up in a hostage situation.I am a huge Kevin Williamson fan, but this movie is just something I can't say that I hate, or like. I give it 6/10 because it's first movie for gods sake, have you seen Scorsse's student films!?
Sandcooler It's not a very classy thing to say when you're trying to be some sort of movie aficionado (the kind that uses the word "aficionado"), but I quite enjoy the work of Kevin Williamson. I know he's a bit repetitive, I know he enjoys clichés and I know he wrote "Cursed" but hey, vague appreciation is blind. "Teaching Mrs.Tingle" is apparently the only shot he ever got at directing a movie, but I don't really get why. I mean sure, the movie's all over the place and constantly changes its tone, but it's definitely not boring. It's tightly paced and knows how to capture you in its limited plot, you actually care how all of this will end. Sadly, the last fifteen minutes are sort of a letdown. Williamson tries his best to give us the kind of twisty finale some of us know and love him for, but it really just comes of as watered-down "Scream". The finale seems like Williamson just put a bunch of half ideas in a hat and played some bingo. I can't be mad at this movie though, it's too pretty and harmless for that. Experience it yourself.P.S: One question though: does Mrs. Tingle EVER need to use the bathroom?
bradfordpposey I have now watched this movie at least 30 times on the movie channels and decided that I like this movie more each time. Carefully watching these young actors portraying their characters, they have achieved their talents in making one believe they are not acting. It gets funnier each time and with each time, I realize what a cruel person Tingle might actually be. Just because Mirren is a superb actress doesn't make her a likable one in this film. She is however, a perfect teacher on how to be a spiteful, hateful, mean-spirited,jealous and power abusing menace to society if you need a teacher. It is that kind of callous hearted abuse and lack of self discipline in separating personal feelings and power that makes someone like her so dangerous and drives many otherwise decent human beings into desperate measures. Which is one of the keys to this films plot. It is, as Leigh Ann accuses, the teachers and role models to blame if the youth of today do not achieve skills to being better human beings and with Tingle as an example, what tools would a youngster faced with such a situation have learned to resolve any better? Tingles morally criminal behavior leads to actual criminal behavior of these minors trying to convince her to do the right thing from the start. Her position to do whatever she wants, right or wrong is what causes these teens to resort to desperate measures to protect themselves against such abuse which is not unlike many other positions adults force upon children. Playing by ear, with each plea for Tingle to cooperate and her refusal, these teens must plot to save whatever they can. It was Tingle who had malice from beginning to end, the kids just played the game changing the rules from plan A to B when all failed. If not for Jo Lynn and her adaptive humor, this film could have had controversial overtones. Jo Lynn was the tie that binds these characters together and her lighthearted, carefree humor was refreshing to the plot. She illuminated the meaning of a forgiving and loyal friend. Oddly, this was one of those feel good films for me.