R | 18 January 2008 (USA)
Teeth Trailers

Dawn is an active member of her high-school chastity club but, when she meets Tobey, nature takes its course, and the pair answer the call. They suddenly learn she is a living example of the vagina dentata myth, when the encounter takes a grisly turn.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Wuchak RELEASED IN 2007 and written & directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein, "Teeth" concerns a teen girl (Jess Weixler) who leads an abstinence group at her church. While dating she horrifyingly learns of a unique feature. Meanwhile, her wicked stepbrother is getting out of hand (John Hensley). Hale Appleman and Ashley Springer play guys interested in her while Josh Pais appears as her gynecologist. Lenny von Dohlen is on hand as the stepfather. This is a coming-of-age movie mixed with horror, akin to "The Rage: Carrie 2" (1999). It's professionally-made and dramatically compelling with some good stuff on the soundtrack, like "You Did" by Chuck Prophet (which runs during the credits) and a few snippets of Immortal Dominion songs. Gore fans should be happy, but IMHO they shoulda toned it down because few viewers want to see someone's Captain Winky cut off. If you can handle that, there's a lot of good here, even greatness. The movie reflects reality despite some surreal elements, amusing black humor and the horrific mythos. Examples of what I mean include: The two (step) siblings who take contrary paths, father/son rivalry, the moral response to sexual relations (save yourself for marriage or indulge?), the positive (or negative) influence of religion and the ritualistic/group-think spirit thereof, not to mention turning a supposedly negative quality into a positive.Weixler kicks axx in the challenging role of the protagonist and is just an all-around beautiful woman. Cutie Laila Liliana Garro (as Julia Garro) has a peripheral role. THE FILM RUNS 1 hours & 34 minutes and was shot in Austin, Texas. GRADE: A-
SnoopyStyle In the shadow of the nuclear power plant, Dawn O'Keefe (Jess Weixler) grew up with a hidden mutation. During childhood, her mutation bit her stepbrother Brad's finger. In school, Dawn leads an abstinence group. She falls for Tobey but she is restricted by her curse. She joins him at the local swimming hole. He forces himself on her leading to dire incident.This surprised me with a couple of good laughs. It's mostly derived from Jess Weixlet's dead-pan serious performance. She's great and pulls off the ridiculous material. There are a few shocking scenes like the gynecologist scene and the dismembered members that deliver uncomfortable fun. This world could add a little more to the build. She could use a female best friend and more time with her mother.
Katerina epa I saw this film with my girlfriends, and I won't lie, at some points it was shockingly hot! I mean, the fact that EVERYBODY wanted to f@ck this young lady was disturbing, cause she is not even thaaat sexy. Even a doctor tried to penetrate her, and I was like, what the f@ck did I just watch? But when she started to rip off all those penises, I envied her, truly and deeply. I thought, OMG, she has more power than the charmed ones. Well, to some of you it'll be just another mediocre movie, to me it was a hidden masterpiece, funny and disgusting enough to make me want to see the end. the acting was not so good, I mean, the script was so challenging, and I'd expect better performances from the actors, but at least they weren't sucky... So if you desire a dark comedy, with amputated men and a little bit of paranoia about religion (whitch I forgot to mention!) watch TEETH.
Werewolf_Reaper This is probably the worst film ever it so moronic and lame I would rather have gotten humbled by the iron sheik and still make a more productive use of my time than watching this movie.The Story- a girl who has a killer vagina and a creepy sex pervert brother. (Wow great Idea) The Acting - is so horrible I have seen better acting in an epileptic whorehouse than this movie. The main actress is horrifyingly bad most of these actors could be replaced by porn stars and midgets and have it be better than the scummy acting we got.The Directing- The only redeemable thing is the film is shot properly but what kind of director would really want this on their resume with this B.S. premise and preposterousity.The Ending - Ridiculous and dumb enough said The Entertainment Value - Non Existent Final Thoughts - Probably would've made a better porno than a feature film with a wasted budget.