| 14 October 2011 (USA)
Occupant Trailers

25 year old Danny Hill's grandmother just died giving Danny the chance to move into her enormous rent controlled apartment in Manhattan. Danny must lock himself in for twelve days before he can take over the lease. There's just one problem -- he may not be the only occupant.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
marbet50 This movie was not good at all. It was boring. It was not scary , not thrilling, not exciting and very dull. I don't recommend this at all. You will be disappointed. Plus it made no sense what-so-ever! Don't waste your time with this. I thought it would be great and found it very disappointing. I kept waiting for the big exciting action and there was none. I kept waiting and waiting and nothing ever happened. I've seen more action walking to the store. Not worth the time. It would do you well to chose another movie that might keep you awake. This one might just put you to sleep. Really I kid you not. It's that bad. I mean who loses it just because you have to spend 12 days in your apartment? I have stayed in for way longer than that and I'm not a basket case. Spongebob is more thrilling. I'm ready to move on and find something that will keep me awake.
sinny_koshka At the start of this movie my hopes were high - an original plot with the scope for scary ghosty stuff. Unfortunately, when you're stuck in an apartment which you 'can't' leave it doesn't take long for the boredom to set in. There was an opportunity for chills and thrills but for some reason the execution is dull and listless. For some reason I started getting a hankering for The Shining - the definitive descent into madness. If you watch The Apartment then you'll get similar pangs after about 20 minutes.If you delve into Korean horror then you can discover interesting themes fully realised and not just imagined by the director.Nili has put together a classy list - http://www.imdb.com/list/8txFAcBLcUo/
lathe-of-heaven Originally I was kind of p!$$ed because all I saw were these painfully OBVIOUS and stupid 'planted' 'reviews' REALLY going over the top on how orgasmically awesome this film was. An INSTANT turn off. However, in reading later reviews I was able to gather that there was a decent chance that I might like this movie. I really like Psychological Horror films. Well, I just now finished watching it and I was quite impressed by the quality of the movie. Also, This type of film is not terribly easy to do because the direction and writing REALLY have to be spot on in order to pull it off properly. Well, I'm here to tell you that in my lowly and wretched opinion, they did a very good job indeed.As others have noted here, it is very similar to Polanski's 'REPULSION'; a Psychological Horror film. Since there was ultimately very little dialog, I really appreciated the quality of the sound design. It was very intriguing and quite effective in creating the right mood for this story. Right off, I really liked the soundtrack; and, as things progressed and the mood got more off-kilter, the band really did an excellent job in enhancing the increasingly disturbing atmosphere. Toward the end it REALLY reminded me of Goblin in some of Argento's films like 'SUSPIRIA'.The script and direction worked well together in that the director was able to build a very believable mood and atmosphere, which is critical to this type of film. He also brought out an excellent performance from the main actor depicting his progressively unravelling state of mind. I didn't really care too much for the way the doorman was portrayed. I think I understand what the director was trying to do with his character, but to me personally I felt that he came across as a bit clichéd in his dialog and the way it was delivered. A bit too cardboard for my taste. However, that doesn't really take away too much from the main thrust and weight of the film or the disturbing / unbalanced mood that is very effectively created.So, bottom line... IF you like this kind of slower, more heavily psychological type of Horror / Thriller that is mostly mood, atmosphere and state of mind, then you will like it because it is done very well. BUT, if you like your Horror more gory and in your face, then you most likely will find this more boring and slow.I really liked the use of time lapse photography across the city and the use of the Gothic images in the designs of the building, etc. I REALLY felt the way that the director used the lighting & editing was extremely effective. I particularly loved the scene, even though very subtle, where the lighting flickers across behind the boy watching the laptop. VERY nice! Without giving too much away, I REALLY felt for the guy and I could feel myself saying 'Come on man; if you can just hold on a little longer...!' Oh, and it was also interesting to see how the fellow apparently liked his pv$$y... (heh heh...)
dschmeding OK, considering the plot about a guy who has to live 12 days in the flat of his recently deceased grandmother to be the legal tenant with a nice low rent in NYC no one would expect much. Sounds like a Scooby-Doo Movie with kids who have to sleep a night in a spooky house to win a bet.So my expectations weren't high and I have to admit the first 40 Minutes had me positively surprised because the location and weird atmosphere keep you interested. So in the beginning you take the whole strangeness of that guy in his huge flat, isolated with only a strange Doorman helping him get his groceries as weird foreshadowings of eerie things unfolding. People appear in the flat, others disappear, there is a strange hole in the wall and the main character gets more and more paranoid regularly stamped with "Day X" on screen to count the 12 days and announcing some terrifying finale. So I give to the creators of the movie that they managed to create atmosphere with minimalism but that just falls apart after 40 Minutes because then the strange incidents get tedious and don't follow any build up. Many things don't make sense and are never explained until the guy suddenly (really pretty much out of the blue to me) snaps and delivers one bloody scene towards the end that follows the whole strangeness of the previous minutes perfectly but is totally incoherent and random... and cheap considering a 12 day build up and then having a guy snap some hours before his lawyer knocks at the door.Spoiler alert.... If you go for the psychotic episode/its all just in your head motive don't drop red herrings all over the place that have no meaning whatsoever. After all the basic premise of granny dying with a horrified look on her face makes which is the base for everything here.... it makes no sense unless the whole family is genetically pre-disposed to schizophrenia.So watch the first 40 Minutes, enjoy the weird atmosphere and then roll the dice to decide if its a Paranoid Psycho or Haunted House Movie. No matter what ... this movie is totally random and the character development is ridiculous. There really are people randomly falling from the sky or appearing in the apartment dying of a heart-attack. When the credits roll you can't but feel cheated.