The 4th Floor
The 4th Floor
R | 11 July 2000 (USA)
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A woman inherits a rent-controlled apartment and is terrorized by a neighbor.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Toronto85 A young woman inherits an apartment on "The 4th Floor", and discovers some deadly secrets. Jane Emelin's grandmother passed away after a bizarre accident in the building, so she gets the apartment on the fourth floor. Immediately she meets her crazed and wacky neighbours, some of whom seem very off. She also has a slew of people doing weird things across the street from her, she has a perfect view from her place into theirs. It has a "Rear Window" feel to it, very well done. Pretty soon after, her neighbour below begins banging on the ceiling scaring Jane late at night and even during the day telling her to keep quiet. The person below soon fills Jane's apartment with rats, frightening her! But this person's issues go much deeper than wanting Jane to keep the noise level down... and the person goes further than simply putting a few rats inside of the apartment.I liked 'The 4th Floor', it was a pretty well done suspense film. Jane is basically being harassed by her neighbour below in an attempt to get her to move out. We get some suspects; her boyfriend who wants her to move in with him, a creepy female neighbour, a locksmith who lives across the street and a nice but odd male neighbour who takes a liking to Jane. According to everyone in the building, the neighbour below is an old lady who NEVER comes out. We of course find out differently, and also discover what really happened to Jane's grandmother. Lots of mystery.Acting was well done by all in this one, with Juliette Lewis in the lead heroine role. "The 4th Floor" doesn't have all the blood and special effects that others have, but it doesn't need it. It's story and very creepy conclusion/twist that make this a must see!6/10
Sharonafc I tuned into this late last night on Lifetime. What caught my attention was that my cable guide info button said it was starring Juliette Lewis and Artie Lange. Being a Howard Stern fan I was intrigued. I missed the first 15 minutes or so but did not hear Artie utter one line during the film. All I saw him do was spackle. Also - he gets billing over William Hurt? Not a bad flick though. I got a Single,White Female vibe from it. Big build up, little pay off but still entertaining. Austin Pendleton is always good to see. Unfortunately Shelley Duvall's acting has not improved over the years. I barely recognized her until she spoke. Pretty funny that her character's name was Martha Stewart and the 4th floor lady was Alice Cooper.
NoName1989 I liked this film a lot. Juliette Lewis and Austin Pendleton did a very good job in this movie. Also William Hurt acted O.K.. Some movies in this genre are predictable, but this one wasn't. The 4th Floor is Josh Klausner's first movie. I must say he did a very good job. The movie is certainly not a masterpiece, but it is very exciting! Pay attention to the last scene of the movie. Some of the music is very good!I recommend this movie to everyone!I learned a new word in this movie: I'm only going to give the first and last letter, because I don't want to spoil. The word is "P..S". People who saw the movie, will know which word it is.
tone143 If the majority of these reviews were written by people under 28,you're forgiven.If not,well-there's a monstrous gap in your film education.Since every last plot line,lighting concept,and even verbatim dialogue was copped directly from Polanski's "The Tenant"(masterpiece)and Hitchcock's "Rear Window"(another masterwork),a proper homage should have been done here,since the control-maniac weatherman boyfriend went to all the trouble to re-create the paranoid world of the film,"The Tenant",in order to force his independent girlfriend to move back in with him,including the elaborate hieroglyphic hallucinations(courtesy of Ms. Simone Schuul,of "The Tenant").The 2 films should have been featured as "characters" in the movie.Of course,this would require the film to elevate itself to black comedy,which requires talent,none of which was present here,except 2 talented actors selling out to do a parasitic piece of cr_p like this.If you want to see a way better ripoff of "The Tenant",see "Apartment Zero"(1987?),a South American production with Colin firth and Hart Bochner.At least there's an original twist there.
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