Fifty Dead Men Walking
Fifty Dead Men Walking
R | 21 August 2009 (USA)
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It's 1989, and in a Belfast torn apart by conflict and terrorism, petty criminal Marty McGartland is recruited by the British police to infiltrate the IRA. Guided by Special Forces officer 'Fergus', McGartland gains unparalleled insight into the organisation's dealings, providing his British handler with priceless, life-saving information. Based on a true story.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
burntouthack I am baffled by the enormity of the error that features in the end titles of the film, where they refer to the peace process of, er, 2007, a whole decade out. It's so bizarre. Anyway, what can you do? I saw the film the day after finishing the book. The book was excellent, the guy a hero, and to be fair the film is fairly faithful. Jim Sturges is superb as ever, and I hope his ascendancy continues with some bigger roles as he's as good as Eddie Redmayne, Bendict et al. The film overall is a little underwhelming and didn't need to be two hours. Natalie Press v good as his girlfriend, Ben Kingsley does the most he can with a slightly nothingy role.
Thanos Karagioras "Fifty Dead Men Walking" is a true story movie which has to do with Martin McGartland's life story. This story shows us Martin McGartland who is recruited by the British Police to spy on the IRA.I liked this movie because it's a movie that is based on a true story and because of its plot. I also liked it because of the cast and the interpretations of it. Ben Kingsley who plays as Fergus made a great interpretation and Jim Sturgess who played as Martin McGartland made an also great interpretation for one more time. I also believe that Kari Skogland did a nice job in the direction of this movie.Finally I have to tell you that I really recommend this movie because it shows us a different way of things and how these things happened.
blood_summit MINOR SPOILER WARNINGSI watched this a couple of days ago. I didn't really expect much from it. The author Martin McGartland (a former RUC tout in the PIRA before going on the run) disowned the film since it deviated from the original story in a few ways. However, I was surprised as to how good it actually was. Ben Kingsley does well as the Special Branch officer and comes across as hardened but still carrying a grey morality with him.Jim Sturgess is plausible as a West Belfast Jack-the-lad come PIRA member/police informer and Northern Ireland actually feels like Northern Ireland in the late 1980s.Though its only fairly loosely based around McGartland's story, It is well shot and deals with the troubles in a gritty manner that pulls no punches. There is no flag waving or finger pointing, just the simple depiction of "how it was" and its really believable. The grey morality of what was a horrendous and destructive conflict it was and how each side were doing some extremely underhand things really shows on screen. This is how it is shown to the audience.Of course there are parts - such as one towards the end - which contains some willing suspension of disbelief but fortunately doesn't cause any serious damage and the relationship between McGartland and his girlfriend worked in the plot's context.Rose Magowan surprised me as well. While I was expecting the worst from her and was dreading a horrendous "Devil's Own" Brad Pitt accent, I was pleased to see that her grasp of the Ulster brogue was relatively good (okay not perfect but better than I expected). Her "femme fatal" character was fairly well written and was faintly threatening even if her hairstyle was a little bit on the clichéd side.This was a damn sight better than that festering turd called "The Devil's Own" and offers a full and unapologetic insight into the conflict while being a decent thriller.Of course the fact that the film is "loosely" based around McGartland's original story doesn't detract from the fact that as a film it's excellent.The finale is quite touching but I'll say no more than that.I highly recommend this film to anyone who wants to see a decent troubles based drama/thriller.
Felix Yaroshevsky It's an 'acudrama', but it does have cinematographic value.The glass is not half full OR half empty. It is half full AND half empty.The IRA vs. the British Occupying Forces and its Intelligence Services. There are fathers and sons on both sides. THAT is the main theme of the film. When Martin, who was just shot, and is probably dying, asks about the family, he names Dean ("Fergus"). Passionate Mikey - one of the senior members of the IRA - recommends and promotes Martin and in the ecstasy of his initiation talks with profusely tearful face about the drama involving his son, clearly identifying him with Martin.The passion/sadistic exaltation free from guilt (because it is covered by ideological indulgence) fuels the majority of the characters on BOTH sides. Terrorism/insurgency and anti-terrorist security forces always are charged by the excitement of having a license to kill, torture and terrorize.Interestingly, the only true integrity in the film (like in real life) is evident in those whose loyalty would be questioned by the majority of the functionaries on both sides. There are some not so believable scenes: i.e. "Fergus" trusting the 'confession' about the whereabouts of Martin or the scene of Martin's escape through the window.However, the film is well worth watching.