Toxic Skies
Toxic Skies
| 12 November 2008 (USA)
Toxic Skies Trailers

A doctor must find a cure for a viral epidemic that is spreading through vapors from jets.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Roth van Turnhout A mysterious illness has broken out, sending its victims into the hospitals convulsing and vomiting and generally looking really gross. The disease displays symptoms that lead super-doctor Tess Martin (Anne Heche) to begin thinking that the Bubonic Plague has erupted. But when a guy named Jack (James Tupper), who just so happens to Speak Truth to Power, gets on the scene, he clues Tess in a frightening conspiracy. Toxic Skies is one of those straight-to-video movies. For being a low budget film shot in Canada, this movie has great cinematography and editing. The movie had more potential if only the writing had been better. The script was too inaccurate and unrealistic. Too much effort was put into the message, and not enough into the quality of the film. The movie is slow.Toxic Skies cobbles a few elements from the movie "Outbreak", particularly why it becomes personally important for Tess to quickly discover a cure. The movie isn't as suspenseful as it could have been. The film touches on an important motivation of Tess' physician work, yet never returns to it. There just seemed like great potential for backstories, or learning more about the two main doctors in general.Anne Heche gives a solid performance as Dr. Tess Martin, but the rest of the cast is lacking of talent.Not great, but watchable....
Srosxi If I did not love my fiancé I would never have watched any of this so-called movie. I slept through a good portion (thank You God).I could begin with what I think of Anne Heche, but that will be obvious if you have watched any of her prior work, including this film. I hope, and pray, that Anne Heche and Michael Moore never have children together. The abomination would be unfathomable.The movie. If I could give it a negative rating I would. The plot was very cliché. Something I learned in 11th grade NOT TO DO. The acting was sub-par at best, and the topic, well, yeah...totally without basis and fact. The woman, Anne, is (of course) made out to look like she understands ALL and is talented and educated above all the rest of us minions. The opposing view, as in many of Michael Moore's movies and supposed documentaries, are made purposefully to look arrogant and stupid.We have lost wars because of this kind of thinking. Arrogance. Belief in something that has no basis. We have gone to war, also, due to thinking like that.The first reviewer, pretty much sets the tone, by saying that the "chem trails" do not "decapitate." Errr....yeah. One link to a popular dictionary is Figure it out.First and foremost, one needs to understand jet propulsion. Was the big billowing cloud around the launches of the Space Shuttles smoke? Again, you can find the truth with just a tad bit of intelligence about chemistry. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Yeah.As I didn't watch the end of the movie where S.W.A.T. men shot randomly, I did look at the sky and noticed that the "chem trails" above my home this evening are, in fact, 'dissipating' nicely. They are not water vapor at all. Anybody that says such is likely also under educated.Take some basic courses on the chemical makeup of what we, humans for those that are concerned, consider "Air." With the addition of some chemical courses, and application of some basic math, you will eventually arrive at a point where meteorology enters the picture. Short story, the average temperature at the top of Pike's Peak (14,400 feet above mean sea level) is about 38 degrees F. Without much thought, and the fact that the 'water vapor' is dispersed at the typical average cruising altitude of 30,000 feet, it would freeze instantly.The entire premise of the myth that this movie is based on is false, prolonged by folks that look for conspiracy, and most likely believe that Area 51 is still 'secret' and 'aliens' did crash near Roswell, New Mexico.If you do not like what I have said, and wish to discuss this further, first, sober up. Next, watch the movie and you will believe and enjoy it. For those that understand a nugget of what I have said: you should be paid to watch this filth.You follow the story? Until next time, this review is brought to you by Srosxi.
CaliRemix When I saw this movie on Netflix, I decided to watch it just because it takes place in Spokane (close to where I grew up). With a pretty dismal rating, I wasn't expecting much going into it. However, I was pleasantly surprised.The production value, acting, filming, sound, etc. are all well done. Unlike many Netflix instant-play movies, it seemed this one was made by a competent production company that actually invested into the quality of the film.Although the story isn't anything extraordinary, and can be very slow at times, it can be credited with being somewhat original and provides a few fresh twists. If you aren't expecting a Hollywood blockbuster, and can manage to sit through a movie without A-list actors, you may actually find the 90 minutes of Toxic Skies enjoyable.The only thing I am really disappointed with is the location of Spokane plays no role besides the movie needing to take place somewhere. It is ironic the one thing that hooked me into watching the movie ended up being irrelevant.
mauro volvox Well, I guess that based on the script and the idea behind this celluloid junk this would be a better title for this movie.TS is living proof that people have run out of ideas ages ago. Basically, we have another movie about some government/big companies conspiracy to screw the lives of the poor citizens of USA. This time it is all about CHEMTRAILS which are made by airplanes spraying the skies with harmful chemicals, viruses and whatever... It is funny that with so many other sources for bad guys (terrorists, muslin fundamentalists, Ronald MacDonald, soccer hooligans, Paris Hilton, etc...) they still insist on these bad government/bad company type of villains. It is hard to believe that there are people that still fall for this kind of nonsense. On the other hand, we are reminded time and again of human stupidity, because, as we all know, humans believe anything and anyone.Regarding the technical merits of the film, there is nothing much to say. It is a pretty sub-par and mediocre way to waste a couple of hours. It is slow moving, boring, nothing interesting happens. Not even gratuitous scenes of sex, violence or an idiotic romantic subplot.I gave it two stars because it made me fall asleep, which was good.