Christmas Icetastrophe
Christmas Icetastrophe
PG | 20 December 2014 (USA)
Christmas Icetastrophe Trailers

This Christmas, a super frozen object is going to slam into the Earth. In the middle of a small town, and very quickly, dreams of a "White Christmas" will turn into a FROZEN NIGHTMARE.

Manthast Absolutely amazing
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sealace The *only* good thing about this movie was the science lab scene with a rather holiday-enthused astronomer played by the brilliant Jonathon Young. Otherwise, this was the type of movie you only finish because you've already wasted so much time on it you have to keep watching to see JUST HOW BAD IT WILL GET... The story was ridiculous, the other actors were terrible and the special effects were worse than pathetic. I love a good sci-fi movie, but this was just a cheesy thriller with a crappy plot and nothing remotely convincing.
Leofwine_draca Christmas Icetastrophe is your usual nonsense disaster movie that played on the SyFy Channel. The story is no different to at least half a dozen others that have already been made and shown on that channel, and it merely consists of characters running away from a fast-moving mess of cold air which freezes anything it touches. A meteorite caused the disaster this time around, somewhat unbelievably. The cast is made up of clichéd characters, the script is monotonous, and the references to A Christmas Carol are completely pointless. Add in your usual round of awful CGI effects and you have all the ingredients. It really is an unrewarding film.
siderite It was very close to being so bad that it was fun to watch, but it lacked the necessary tongue in cheek or at least going over the top. In the end it was boring, really boring, while taking itself seriously. For something that doesn't make any sense, the film ran like its makers expected viewers to take it seriously as well.For me the only notable thing was that the main cast was mostly taken from the Continuum TV show. Other than that everything was really silly, just not silly enough to entertain.But that's just me. If you believe in meteor(ite)s that can lead to growing ice crystals that suck the heat from an area the size of a small town, while not interfering with the rest of the world climate, then this is the film for you.
story_by_corey In a nutshell.....asteroid hits town starting to celebrate Christmas, Santa gets flash frozen, people scream, people flee and good looking lead actor and actress save town just before everyone is flash frozen. Too bad Mystery Science Theater is not still on TV, because this movie is perfect for it. There is no story line, no character development, no acting of note, no anything other than wall-to-wall things/people being flash frozen. There is not even a point to who is/isn't flash frozen. But trying to find something positive to say, it does have a lot of actors who were in other shows/movies that were much better. Its just a classically bad sci-fi movie and the kind of movie for people who are into such things.