The Twelve Trees of Christmas
The Twelve Trees of Christmas
| 16 November 2013 (USA)
The Twelve Trees of Christmas Trailers

Cheri Jamison rallies the residents of her beloved Manhattan neighborhood to participate in a Christmas tree contest when her cherished local library is abruptly set for demolition. Cheri finds herself up against an ambitious developer Tony Shaughnessy, who hires Cordelia, a professional decorator, to win the contest for him. The competition is on, but as Cheri works to save the library she discovers that Tony is more than the heartless man she thought. Will her dedication to the beloved library drive Tony away...and with it a chance at true love?

StunnaKrypto Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
gehewe I love the Lindy Booth character. Both her and Robert Dunne starred in the Christmas Song- 2016 which is an excellent movie and much better than this one. They both did a great job here and their scenes make the movie worth watching. Their relationship is almost identical in both movies. The supporting cast was not that supporting except the little girl and the lady that played the grand mother. The other characters were just kind of stupid and added little.The Christmas tree decorations and the living kid Christmas tree singing "I saw three ships come Sailing in on Christmas Day" was very good. I did doze toward the end of the movie so this is an indication that the supporting cast stories were kind of boring (I did rewind and watch).
ruimcardoso I really liked this movie, is soft, warming and gentle, it has a nice story behind it. As a season movie it is also original and fun. Something good for every age and it will amuse you during x-mas. The cast is good but not boring enough or crazy enough, each character seems balanced and was created nicely and all the actors who gave life to this character really deserve a hands down from the viewers. Not giving up much on the story it self this movie makes you think about all that is essential in life, all the joys, all the hopes, all the fun and also all the good stuff that we all have and that we should cherish all year long. This movie represents the things that we miss our days in society.
JaynaB A sweet but not saccharine nudge at the preservation versus development struggle in any major city, this movie slightly echoes the rivalries of "You've Got Mail" or "Two Weeks Notice".Lindy is convincingly earnest and sweetly intelligent in the lead role, and she's balanced by Robin Dunne as the romantic lead (better known as Will from Sanctuary, another intelligent role).The supporting cast are quirky but not stupidly so, and each has their own gently heart-warming story.Casper Van Diem is there in name only, except for a moment here or there of very rare face time.A worthy entry into the seasonal love-fest.
utgard14 Librarian Lindy Booth wants to save her local library from being torn down by Robin Dunne. So she organizes a tree decorating contest with the neighborhood. How this would save the library is a little vague to me. Publicity for their cause I guess? The rest of the cast includes Casper Van Dien as a real estate developer, Scary Spice as a famous decorator who seems slightly medicated in all her scenes, and Steven Yaffee as the most Canadian-sounding person since Bob & Doug McKenzie. But the whole show really is the pixie-like Lindy Booth. Her bright personality and charm elevates an otherwise boring television movie. She even brings some life to the usually wooden Robin Dunne. Give it a shot if you're into sentimental TV Christmas movies. It's enjoyable enough thanks to Booth.