The Last Legion
The Last Legion
PG-13 | 17 August 2007 (USA)
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As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
stormhawk2018 The movie moves us to the year 476, the beginning of the dark years and the end of the Old Age. A historical and interesting event with little protagonism in the cinema. Do not expect history lessons. Nor is it fundamental because the vast majority of works in this genre pass the historical fact as far as I know, and yet almost all are entertained. But .... What problem has the cinema with the Goths and in general with all the peoples called barbarians ?. I suppose until they prove that there were also gay hot springs in Germania we will always be offered so rough. The last legion is bad with balls, a rehash of Braveheart, Gladiator and Lord of the rings. Many of the actors feel sorry and the only one with name (Ben Kingsley) interprets to an old flamenco dancer. Action scents distil scent of cardboard. The whole part in the castle of Capri is to start trembling, and eye that is the longest. Already in the final part I believe to have seen actors in plane laughing at the shame of others that transmitted the speech to William Wallace before the battle. The evil of the mask is a mad man, and the final battle is an anticlimax. I do not find anything positive and what I do not understand after all this, is that it has become very short and I have seen it without any pause, so I put a 5. What happens to me, doctor?
willcundallreview You know when you watch a film and within the first few minutes you just know exactly how it will turn out? , well insert The Last Legion because it's that. It's basically a swords and sandals adventure film that looks an awful lot like a bad version of Indiana Jones but set at the fall of the Western Roman Empire and also not as funny. The movie is basically about Romulus Augustus and he becomes emperor, guarded by Colin Firth of all people (playing a character named Aurelius) and many things happen and it sends his city and the empire into dismay. The plot is just really dull I mean it's not that it's awful or anything but this was just made so badly that you can't even enjoy the plot or ever feel anything whatsoever for the people involved.Based on a book the movie see's an extremely long journey which in this film is more like 5 minutes long. The cast involved consist of some pretty big names including one from Bollywood screens of all places. As mentioned Colin Firth stars and he is pretty basic, he isn't as bad as some others but I just felt he was wasted and I have no idea why he took this job. Ben Kingsley plays Romulus's teacher of sorts Ambrosinus and he is really in the same boat as Firth, not bad but never OK, I felt let down with all the stars on show. The person from Bollywood is Aishwarya Rai who plays an agent from the Eastern Roman Empire and quickly becomes embroiled within the plot, now Rai is not bad but I did feel she is wasted like the others, her character could have been alright but she is yet again thrown in among the generic characters put out here.Doug Lefler directs and his vision I feel is left in such a way as Rome at the time, in a complete mess. It just feels so average the plot but the way in which it looks and feels, it just makes it very poor and a bit of a mess to be honest, Lefler never quite takes the movie up a step. Tom and Jez Butterworth are the main writers or you could say they adapt this but in truth if this is similar to the book in anyway then the book must be pretty bad because this is not written well as a movie. The script is like something you see in a bad TV or straight to DVD movie, it feels so cheesy and it even tries at times to make you laugh even when the scene is kind of going along seriously. I can't let this review go without the mentioning of the villains. The movie has a serious problem with throwing villains at you actually and not in a good way at all, One bad guy is the invading Goth Odoacer who is one of many Goths with Scottish accents and also a rather bland villain, I expect a villain to be notoriously evil but he just doesn't come off as that, not really a scary kind of bad guy. So overall The Last Legion is no good, bust, a movie I actually find hard to recommend to anyone. I mean action-adventures should be easy to enjoy, easy to watch and also one where you can watch it again in the future. This is none of the things I mentioned and to rub it in you get some silly special effects which only go on to hamper the movies reputation, Oh wait there, some decent fight choreography, so yeah there is one alright thing about this movie.
Peter Pluymers I expected an entertaining costume movie about Romans, but after a while it looked rather like an "Asterix and Obelix" soft-action movie. The only bright spot was the appearance of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The Romans should worship her. What a divine body.The movie was of a high "Bud Spencer" level with Goths flying around in the sky, after which Mira appears gloating. Then there was Thomas Brodie-Sangster who had the same facial expression the entire film (excellent performance when you take that in mind). Kingsley starts as a nicely played counselor/teacher/philosopher (beautiful scene in the beginning of the film), but slowly evolves into an irritating magician. Him being Merlin was a complete surprise and a sign for me to start rolling my eyeballs.I didn't care whether the film is historically accurate. I was hoping for an entertaining movie, but got a faint pathetic historical epos with men in skirts.More reviews at
davespix I wanted to like this movie more than I did. I'm normally a sucker for these kind of historical romantic fantasies. But I think it had several problems. Much of it might be due to the use of music. The score seemed 1) Kind of dated (could be because another reviewer said it was a shameless copy of Manon Lescaut by Puccini) but it just didn't have a contemporary feel to the mood it tried to set ... like something Williams or Silvestri would have composed. And 2) It was ubiquitous! Every time the kid picked his nose, the "hero" music would start up. It was just WAY over used. It started feeling like an old Cecil B. DeMille technicolor "over the top" epic where the color is TOO rich and the music TOO inspiring.Lefler might've done well to remember that sometimes "less is more."The plot was a little formulaic as well with it's cast of characters. The love story subplot seemed forced to me. I didn't get ANY chemistry from the two. Mira had more outfit changes than Lady Gaga at the Oscars. And the storyline could have been told with a little more mystery in it's pacing perhaps .... but that damn "hero's score" swelling to a crescendo every 90 seconds just ruined it for me.All in all, it's watchable and a fun rollick ... but it's not the epic it could have been with a few changes. Perhaps even with just a change in the music.