Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
PG-13 | 08 December 2000 (USA)
Dungeons & Dragons Trailers

The Empire of Izmer is a divided land: elite magicians called “mages” rule while lowly commoners are powerless. When Empress Savina vows to bring equality and prosperity to her land, the evil mage Profion plots to depose her.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Eric Stevenson This movie has a higher rating than "Simon Sez" and I really don't think it deserves that. This movie is just so dumb and pitiful. I admit to never having played Dungeons And Dragons, so I can't judge as to whether or not it's a good representation of it. Movies based on video games are usually bad. The same can be said for Tabletop RPGs. From what I can guess, this was a poor representation.Let's hope they don't make a Warhammer 40K movie. This movie has some of the most annoying characters I've seen in a long time and as I just saw "Simon Sez", that's really saying something. There's this guy named Snails played by one of the Waylon brothers. He's extremely annoying, but he's sadly not the only character. There's this weird dwarf that shows up and I'm thinking, "No, please don't make him a main character!". Turns out they did.The CGI was absolutely horrendous. Everything looked fake and this only came out a year after "The Phantom Menace". Say what you will about that movie, at least its visuals hold up. It seems like they did something right when Snails died. It was bold of them to kill off a main character. And wouldn't you know it, they even undo that at the end. *
zudeonim It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too ! It's fun ! The mage chick's a hottie, too !
Miles Prawl I made this account specifically to review this movie. This is by an extremely wide margin the absolute worst movie I have EVER seen. I really didn't think it was possible to make a movie this horrible. I happened to come across it while surfing cable channels. It says the estimated budget was 45 million. There is absolutely no way even 1/8th of that money was used in the creation of this joke of a film. First of all, and most importantly, the special effects are some of the worst I've ever seen. That is pitiful with such a large budget. The acting not only is horrendous, but I believe even film students in college could do better. The horrendous dialogue is mostly due to the script. Also, the camera angles are absolutely horrible and the sets are very poorly made. It looks like an amateur shot this film. Even myself, a person with no camera training, could do a better job of creating movie-worthy camera angles. I am at a total loss trying to figure out how a movie with a 45 million dollar budget could be so poorly done. Oh...and the props are the worst I've ever seen in a movie. The weapons look like cheap plastic imitations. This film is a complete joke. If you want my opinion, it's so bad that it makes it appear as though the film makers pocketed the 45 million and didn't spend more than $5 on the movie. The ONLY reason I recommend watching this movie is because it will forever change your perception of what defines a bad movie, because if there was EVER a movie that deserved a 1/10 and the title of being horrendous and horrible, this is that movie. It is just plain sad. It's like they purposely attempted to make the absolute worst, unbelievably bad and fake looking (special effects and props) movie of all time. My words do not accurately describe how horrible every aspect of this movie is. Man oh man.....
Christian Carlsson I think many people go into this movie, expecting a AAA title epic, the likes of LOTR, or comes here after seeing the "review" (which is more a parody review, as all his shows) by Nostalgia Critic.I saw it the first time when it came out in 2000, one year before LOTR set the scale for all fantasy films to come. At that time, this movie was a masterpiece, the likes of Willow and Wolfman... and with a similar budget to boot.I found the movie to be a fair representation of the average Dungeons and Dragons adventure, and I have had a lot of those.Although there were some things that I didn't agree with, I saw those for what they were, limitations of the technology of the time and of the budget. I knew going into it, that it would be a one-man production from a 19-year-old that had spent 10 years gathering the money for it. Considering the powerhouse names we see in the movie, the quality of the production and the stunning visuals, I think that was pretty well done.This movie is skillfully made, has a solid plot worthy of the source material and the acting is on par with most AAA titles out there, despite this being a budget title and the debut of the writer/director.