The Crown and the Dragon
The Crown and the Dragon
NR | 30 July 2013 (USA)
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In a war-torn country that is plagued by a vicious dragon, Elenn, an arrogant, young noblewoman, accompanies her aunt on a mission to bring an ancient relic to the secret coronation of the rightful king.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
dugchugger Let me start off by saying that The Crown and the Dragon is one of those rare movies that makes you forget it's a low-budget production. Which, in my humble opinion, is a reflection of good direction, cast and crew. The acting, location, and ambitious special effects (with a nod to all the other equally-important processes that go on behind the scenes), all worked together to pull off a very watchable flick with a commendable storyline.That being said...This is the story of a spoiled noble woman who comes of age in a conquered land, ravaged by war. She is an unwitting heroine with a surprise destiny.Ellen Barethon's privileged lifestyle has ill-prepared her to survive in a world where the line between good and evil has become increasingly blurred. She experiences firsthand just what people will do in order to survive -- first as a witness, then as a participant as she herself becomes a fugitive.Her transition from naive, pampered and arrogant young woman into someone more worthy of the noble destiny she is bound for, is forced upon her over the course of a few days. Guided in an intolerant, taming-of-the-shrew-like manner by her unlikely travel companion, Aiden, Ellen quickly learns to rethink her self-importance, reconsider her priorities, and to think and act quickly on her feet. Ultimately, her new-found courage and confidence drives her to complete her mission, oblivious to the fact that this is only just the beginning for her.Without any formal training or preparation, or even knowledge and acceptance on her part, the viewer is left doubting until the very end whether or not she is capable of fulfilling her destiny. But this is what I liked most about the movie. Finally a heroine I could relate to. While there's no shortage these days of strong women figures in movies, what I've felt lacking is one that more of us can relate to and sympathize with.And the morals our heroine learns along the way are reminders of what we ourselves have learned/are learning along our own life journeys. For example, the idea that nobility is not just a title or something one's born into, it's something that can reside within anyone from any walk of life, achieved by living a life of honor and virtue. Another favorite theme of mine is that it's never too late to redeem yourself. But so as not to provide any spoilers for those who haven't seen this film yet, I'll leave it at that.I'm quickly becoming a fan of Anne Black, the director. Her movies promise a quality balancing act between storyline, actors and effects. Also, this was my first introduction to actors Amy De Bhrún (Ellen Barethon) and David Haydn (Aiden), both of whom I thought portrayed their characters magnificently. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for any future projects that involve these two.
bloodlustgeneral Aside from the two positives (1) the scenery was quite lovely and, 2) the musical score was enjoyable), that's it...The acting was abysmal; the story lame; the fight scenes a joke; the directing awful.I can only guess that the people who gave it high enough ratings to get it to a 5.8 were those who worked on the production. This is not even a "B" grade quality movie.This is a movie that should never have been made - why people invest money to make such trash is absolutely beyond me.This is a movie where you say "move along, nothing to see here..."Like this comment All part of the movie is so terrible (except scenery the jungle and castles are beautiful) Fight scene Are u kidding me? Why Knights's swordskill are look like children? Waste time to watch this movie
Paul Magne Haakonsen It is rare to come across a sword and sorcery fantasy movie that actually impress and turns out to be good entertainment. "The Crown and the Dragon" is not one such movie, unfortunately.The story is dragging on in an endless cycle that seems to take forever to get nowhere. And the pace of the story was ultimately what made me give up on the movie and find something else to watch.The costumes and sets were actually quite good, and was the peak of the movie, which doesn't really forebode well for a movie meant to entertain. That being said, then I will also give the movie that the actors and actresses were actually doing a fair job with their given roles - they just had very, very little to work with.As for the dragon, well it was alright, not super great, but it was alright for what it was intended to do. However, don't expect to be blown away or dazzled in any way from the CGI effects.There are far better fantasy movies out there, but also far worse. "The Crown and the Dragon" is a slightly below average experience as far as sword and sorcery movies go. I am rating "The Crown and the Dragon" 4 out of 10 stars.
ApocalypticAngelRRR The stunts in this movie were horrible. It felt like the director gathered a bunch of drunks from the local pub and paid them to be in a movie. Any fight scene you find in this will look like the drunks were too inebriated in order to coordinate properly. The special effects appear as though they were made on a 15 year old computer running Windows ME operating system.The acting (during dialog only) wasn't overly bad, but that is about all this movie had to offer. I seriously felt like I could make a better movie with a $100 camcorder and a couple of bored friends. The plot was weak and predictable. I can honestly say that the CIA should use this movie as a new form of torture. Do not waste taxpayers money on torture devices, just simply strap the terrorists to a chair and make them watch this movie on repeat until they talk.This got a huge 2 from me only for the very few times I chuckled from the pseudo-witty dialog. I have never given a movie on IMDb a 2 before, but this one takes the cake. They should have named this movie the Yawn and the Flagon. Seriously, spend your money elsewhere. The director sure did.