Robot Overlords
Robot Overlords
PG-13 | 03 July 2015 (USA)
Robot Overlords Trailers

Earth has been conquered by robots from another galaxy and the human survivors must stay in their homes, or risk incineration.

Wordiezett So much average
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
stevehylton-1 I picked this title up in a Dollar General bin, which is something I enjoy doing to find bad movies. This one isn't bad.It's British... which pleasantly surprised me (I had read nothing about this movie obviously), the humor was Britsih, settings British... how refreshing to not see a Sci-Fi movie set in a big city... just normal people.It had Gillian Anderson which is never a bad thing.The story was simple, and the ending obvious, but still... It was fun, the effects weren't bad, the dialogue had humor and Ben Kingsly as a bad guy made me smile.It's 90 minutes of unpretentious fun, try it.
gohambone This is a terrible movie. I couldn't even make fun of it. It's like a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone. If you are a sci-fi fan, the story and subsequent plot holes will infuriate you.The most exciting part of the story is the war of 11 days in which the Robot Overlords managed to conquer humanity. This pinnacle event is told and not shown in 3 lines of text over a black background.Flash forward to the dystopian future where humanity has been placed under house arrest for 4 years. Cabin fever is at a peak as humanity struggles by being fit, apparently well fed, cleanly groomed with access to showers, beauty products, and laundered, tailored designer clothing. How will humanity escape their implants which may or may not do something? How do our heroes not suffer permanent damage from being repeatedly electrocuted? What is the robot master plan?Use your imagination, you will probably come up with something better
Claudio Carvalho After eleven days of war, robots from outer space domain the earthlings. People receive implants and are confined inside their houses while collaborators distribute supplies for the families. The teenager Sean Flynn (Callan McAuliffe) misses his father Danny (Steven Mackintosh), who is a pilot, and his mother Kate (Gillian Anderson) is constantly harassed by the collaborator Robin Smythe (Ben Kingsley). One day, Sean, his teenage friends Nathan (James Tarpey) and his sister Alexandra (Ella Hunt) and the orphan boy Connor (Milo Parker) accidentally discover how to turn off the implants for thirteen hours, using a battery with damaged contacts. The leave their house during the curfew to seek out Danny and soon Sean discovers that he has the ability of controlling the robots. Meanwhile Smythe is hunting them down. Will the youngsters succeed in their intent?"Robot Overlords" is a watchable sci-fi that is sort of Terminator and Transformers franchises entwined in a silly story for teens. The film entertains but despite the names of Ben Kingsley and Gillian Anderson, it is only reasonable. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Sob o Domínio dos Robôs" ("Under the Domain of the Robots")
Tom Dooley We all love a great big robot with a throbbing piece (I meant a gun)and this film has them – by the bucket load – or is that 'circuit board load? Set in the UK (actually filmed mostly in Northern Ireland) we have been invaded by huge robots – who just like politicians 'never lie'. They are here to study all life forms and have imposed a curfew on all humans – except the Quisling types who actively collaborate – led by a sneeringly objectionable Ben Kingsley. ** Plot Spoiler a bit further down** People are monitored by some sort of electronic tag that alerts the nasty machines if you do anything naughty and they come after you. Well if you are caught doing anything these robots don't like then you are sort of vaporised. Then the heroes – all kids – discover how to turn their tags off (like some of the crims we currently do this to). Then off they go on their plucky way to reunite families, start a resistance and save the world!Is this any good though? Well no its utter rubbish and it knows it and that is why it is great fun. On the check list there are all the ingredients. • An unambiguously evil enemy? –Check. • Over the top performances straight out of Victorian melodrama? – Check. • Some big names? – Check and double check – Gillian 'X Files' Anderson is the mum! • References to how great Britain used to be? –Check – even got a Spitfire!! • Ludicrous stunts that defy death and gravity? – Completely Check! • Pesky kids straight out of Scooby Doo? – Just keep those checks coming.But as I said it does all this on purpose and so it is not only forgivable it is actually endearing, you can watch this with the kids, mind you they may say you need to watch something more adult. Also it is a perfect length at 90 minutes – for some good old fashioned sciency fictiony fun, then you can't go far wrong with this.