The Damned
The Damned
R | 29 August 2014 (USA)
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After suffering the recent loss of his wife, David Reynolds decides to take his family on a cathartic trip to her home village in Columbia. While en route, they get into a car accident and seek refuge in a secluded inn. While there they find a mysterious young girl, Ana Maria, locked up with cryptic symbols painted on the walls of her cell. Shocked by the treatment of her caretaker, the family sets Ana free only to realize that she is possessed by an evil spirit from centuries past. What’s worse, the spirit can jump from person to person, creating a deadly dynamic amongst the once loving family. Now, David must figure out a way to lock the spirit up for good before it destroys him and his family.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Argemaluco Gallows Hill has an intriguing premise with pretty much opportunities to generate horror, paranoia and suspense; unfortunately, the irregular rhythm and slips of the screenplay betray the potential of the premise, making the intervals between murders and demonic manifestations a bit frustrating. On the positive side, during those cruel moments, the blood flows freely and it's well combined with subtle special effects. On the other hand, the characters tend to make the most absurd mistakes whenever the screenplay doesn't find a logical way to continue the story. The actors make a decent work in their roles, highlighting Sophia Myles as the stepmother who tries to keep her false family united and Julieta Salazar, who is able to bring an appropriately terrifying attitude to her character. In conclusion, Gallows Hill is a mediocre but moderately entertaining horror film. I will probably erase it from my memory in a few days, but it didn't bore me, and I can give it a slight recommendation because of that.
trashgang Released in 2013 and in the European shops in 2015, it should had to ring a bell but it didn't and I picked it up. Was it good, no therefore it wasn't scary enough and had too much of CGI but it wasn't that bad also because towards the end the horror really comes in. I just had mixed feelings towards this flick because some things do work like the possession but it's the CGI done to make their faces creepy that didn't work for me. BUt I can say that teenagers could have their scary moments watching it but for me it was a bit too soft on that part. But somehow I kept watching it to see how it would end because the ghost moves from body to body. There isn't that much blood or even say gore to catch but for the Kleenex abusers there's a tittie to see from the prettiest chick in The Damned. Mediocre for me but I grew up in the slasher heydays but for newcomers it is a must see.Gore 1/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
reallyevilboy The main problem with this movie is that before you start watching the movie you already know the whole story.I'm going to click the spoilers button now. Though it is quite obvious.1/ Family or group of people have an accident in a storm.2/ Family or group seek refuge/help.3/ Family or group discover girl captive in basement and free girl.4/ Previously mentioned Girl is possessed and freeing her was a mistake.Okay that's really about it. By looking at the synopsis of the movie you've basically gotten the whole thing. I really probably did not need to click the spoiler button because I only reiterated the storyline content in IMDb but in a way I did because there is nothing else.This is the very definition of predictable. It follows all the latest horror clichés as well as offering nothing that isn't in the synopsis.
TheBarleyGuy I didn't know what to think about this before I threw it on. Directed by Victori Garcia (the man who helmed my hands-down least favourite horror film of all time Hellraiser : Revalations), this appears to be the first film that allowed him full creative control. Prior to this movie, he was the director of Mirrors 2, Return To House On Haunted Hill, 30 Days Of Night : Blood Trails, and of course the worst movie ever… however, based on the jump in quality with this one, I have a feeling he felt considerably more free, and wasn't just after the work. Another surprise was the writer, Richard D'Ovidio, who previously penned Thir13en Ghosts, and The Call. All around, based on the previous work of both of these guys, this might have been one I avoided. I can honestly say, I'm glad that I didn't.The movie begins with some pretty flat seeming characters, and felt quite generic. That being said, the style actually seemed to change pretty drastically and became quite cool and atmospheric. The effects are minimal, and effective, and the actors seemed to get their sh*t together part way through the movie. The young girl who plays the 'ancient evil' is pretty effective and creepy, though her performance is pretty short lived once the the demon starts to switch bodies. The story moves along at a pretty good clip, and delivers on some pretty good tension all the way through, it does have fall a little bit flat from time to time, but not enough to kill the movie or stop it dead.I will say this, the story comes off a little bit heavy handed with the occasional voice over about secrets, and the fact that all of these characters are also tortured souls with deep dark secrets to be exploited. As a result, there are some moments that get a little bit eye-rolly, but overall it's actually pretty effective and does make a reasonable (albeit heavy handed) point about people's secrets coming back to haunt you.All that said, the movie is occasionally frightening, grim, and even becomes quite bleak and heavy near the end. It's also not a movie that forces a happy ending, and the ending feels natural without sequel baiting. That really was a breath of fresh air to have a movie end in a bit of a non-traditional, and down-note like this one did.So, all in all, this is a fun movie, that delivers a pretty satisfying level of scares throughout. It might not make anyone's top-10 of all time list, but it really is one of the better horror films I've seen this year. Go ahead and give it a watch, you could certainly do worse! Also, never, ever, ever watch Hellrasier: Revelations.Final Grade : B-(CHECK OUT MORE REVIEWS AT ACANADIANHORRORSTORY.COM)