The Town that Dreaded Sundown
The Town that Dreaded Sundown
R | 16 October 2014 (USA)
The Town that Dreaded Sundown Trailers

A masked maniac terrorizes the same small community where a murderer known as the Phantom Killer struck decades earlier.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
stsorrell I remember the movie from 1976 and had no idea there was a 2014 movie until I saw it on Amazon Prime. Having found nothing else interesting to watch, I unfortunately began to watch. BIG mistake. This one was very predictable. You always knew when the killer was going to strike...down to the second. Hardly any suspense. But even in a bad movie, I expect things to be at least somewhat believable. For a town that had suffered multiple murders at night, why, in the last few minutes when Jami and her grandmother are leaving town, is there no police presence on the streets? Nowhere. Come on. That's some BS. And who goes on a trip from Texas to California and leaves at night? That's quite leave first thing in the morning, which coincidentally is the SAFEST time of the day in Texarkana. For a town that "dreaded sundown" you sure couldn't tell it...they were out and about all the time after dark (except for the police, of course). The sex scene seemed to be thrown in just for the hell of it.....sort of out of place even for a slasher film, which I guess is what this one was?I was so surprised that five established actors actually participated in this POS. Now I wish I had that hour and a half back. Pass on this one, folks.
sim-pl This film is not a remake, but sequel. The action takes place in modern times and there is another wave of killings in Texarkana. However plenty of scenes and characters are simply copied from the movie of 1976. In general - the film was boring, predictable, characters were artificial (especially terrible "Lone Wolf" - why the same nickname?). Not worth your time.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Two thirds of a century after a series of brutal, vicious, and unsolved killings took place in Texarkana, Arkansas, and one film, loosely based on the crimes, was made, another killer begins making the rounds, using the original killer's M.O. Not really a remake, as it does have an original take on the story, and not exactly a sequel, either, as the characters are aware of the previous film's existence, and even turn to it for clues to the killer's next move, this meta-film has an interesting idea, and much more tension and suspense than I had expected. The hooded killer stalking his victims is effectively chilling, and just when it seems to begin copying the cornfield scene from the original, it does something a bit different with it, and gives the audience a creepy scarecrow image, not present in the earlier film.It mixes fact with fiction, as an article is being written about the killer, and a previously unknown victim, which could provide a clue to the killer's identity.But for all those things working in its favour, the characters are mostly dull, bland, and boring, the cinematography is typical high contrast with over saturated colours, and while the final chase is effective, the reveal of the killers' identity was uninspired and unbelievable.
A_Different_Drummer Hate to tell the truth but whether or not you personally "liked" a film does not necessarily qualify you to review it.This reviewer was hosting horror festivals when the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD came out, and the hardest thing to do in a horror flick is be subtle.But this director has mad skills. And can do subtle.The framing in many of the scenes is incredible, there are times you almost feel the characters on-screen are the only people left on the face of the earth.And Gomez-Rejon also is shrewd enough to get more mileage out of Addison Timlin's face than a Prius.And a nice face it is. I counted over 50 closeups and then stopped counting. Her character is the glue, the connection, for this story and she is set up as a shy girl who (quote) never gets asked out.Which is why this story is fiction and not a documentary.And you the viewer get to watch the whole story through her eyes.The juxtaposition of the new movie and the "old movie" only makes my point -- putting this film alongside Whedon's Cabin in the Woods for cleverly deconstructing a tale from within the story arc itself.
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