Berkshire County
Berkshire County
| 05 October 2014 (USA)
Berkshire County Trailers

Kylie Winters, a bullied and self-loathing teen, reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door trick-or-treating, Kylie's night transforms into a horrifying and violent cat-and-mouse game. She must go beyond what she ever thought possible if she and the children are to survive the night.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
redrobin62-321-207311 Wow. What a waste of time was this. "Berkshire County" has no redeemable values other than the county it was filmed in is beautiful to the eyes. Other than that it wasn't worth the effort.The writer and director of this film don't have an original bone in their body. Everything in "Berkshire County" can be seen anywhere else - the pig mask (the "Saw" movies), the sliced throat (every other horror film since "Long Kiss Goodnight"), and of course, every horror cliché in the book - the idiot cops being getting killed off summarily, the phone that suddenly doesn't work, the scared-to-death heroine who suddenly grows a pair and takes off the bad guys single handedly, the killer is still alive, of course, etc. etc.I'm beginning to think that horror films on the level of "The Exorcist" will never be made again. That's too bad. With all the killings going on in the world you'd think filmmakers would draw inspiration from them. I guess not. Don't waste your time with this movie. I tortured myself already so you don't have to. You're welcome.
fez_monkey Pretty well done for an indie production, the film looks good, has some creepy set pieces (I don't know if I ever want to eat "the other white meat" again, and the main actress turns in a believable performance. There are a few moments when you want to yell at the screen "DON'T GO THERE!" or "CALL FOR BACKUP AND TAKE YOUR GUN OUT!" but that's the fun with genre pictures such as this. Reminded me a lot of the slasher film classics I grew up on. That said there's a brain behind the thrills, the script has fun playing with the archetypes of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, as well as turning the Three Little Pigs story on it's head (in this one the pigs are not the ones you're rooting for!) and you find yourself invested in the main character persevering. By the time she starts fighting back you're ready for some ass-kicking, the gorier the better, and Tormented does not disappoint. The ending is pretty over the top and made me laugh, but then again Michael Meyers and Jason Voorhees pretty much were superhuman killing demons so it all makes for a fun experience reminiscent of those types of films. Worth checking out if you enjoy horror and a strong female character!
Roger Conners I had high hopes for this film, honestly. I went in after hearing a recommendation from a friend whose opinion I usually trust. I don't know if he was playing a joke on me or what because this film was so bad I found it hard to watch. The storyline is a lazy blend of "When A Stranger Calls" and "You're Next", and it never once brings anything new to the genre. It's about as cookie-cutter and predictable as it gets. Confusing plot twists and irrational decisions made by the female lead whom, in my opinion, wasn't strong enough to carry the entire film on her own. She reminded me of Ali Larter only even more boring on camera. That and she was blatantly too old to be playing a 17 year old. I mean, Jesus guys... You really expect us to buy that? You've got to be kidding me! On the technical side of things, the audio through-out the entire film seemed very flat and awkward as though it was never leveled properly. Almost all of the dialogue sounds hollow which leads me to believe the entire film was dubbed over. I suppose that can give some sort of explanation for the lack-luster performances? The location was pretty cool, but the footage looked a bit flat and blah and at times looked over-exposed. I feel like that may have been an artistic choice for certain shots but it looked cheap to me.I would say the worst part of the whole thing to me is that there really seems to be no explanation for the events of the film. None at all! I'm sick of this whole "killing to kill" trend in horror cinema. At first it seemed creative but now it's just over-done and to be honest it just comes off as lazy! I'm not going to give away what happens at the end, who the killer is, or who survives but honestly... this ending had to be one of the absolute LEAST satisfying finales I've seen in the last ten years. I mean, come on guys! Do you really think the viewers are that stupid? Give us something that makes us think. Surprise us for once! Personally, I'm getting sick and tired of the same old story with the same old plot twists and the same old shots of a masked killer stalking through a house while a hot young female hides out of sight with her hand over her mouth. We've seen it all before. Give us something new, dammit!
mdelbiondi This movie was awesome, I was impressed by the makeup. Well done! Most films have an inability to portray a good scare but this was great. Special effects were good! A classic thriller with some of the best chase scenes, the script is good, the performances are good, if you're a fan of suspense, you've probably watched this movie.Kylie Winters, a bullied and self-loathing teen, reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door trick- or-treating, Kylie's night transforms into a horrifying and violent cat-and-mouse game. She must go beyond what she ever thought possible if she and the children are to survive the night.