Keep Watching
Keep Watching
| 31 October 2017 (USA)
Keep Watching Trailers

A family imprisoned by intruders is forced to play a terrifying game of "Kill, Or Be Killed". As the night unfolds, the game's mysterious rules become clear, and the family realizes their nightmare is being streamed live to riveted viewers all over the world, who are compelled to KEEP WATCHING... not knowing if what they're seeing is real, or staged.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
adriianna-40299 I was hesitant to watch this movie based on the low ratings but since I love Bella Thorne I figured I'd give it a try. I'm glad I did! It reminded me of a mix between The Purge and The Strangers, but better. Even though the plot has been done before, they put a twist on it to make it different. I would recommend this movie.
bababear Because I'm very kind by nature, I'm not going to mention any of the actors in this turkey by name. They suffered enough while making it: stumbling around in the dark, running, and speaking dialog that is unrelated to human speech.Sony Pictures sat on this for right at three years before giving it a one night very limited release. That should tell you something.If you want to watch a home invasion movie that has real suspense I'd suggest YOU'RE NEXT. The title of this epic tells us to keep watching, but I'll confess to using the fast forward button more than once. It should have been called WATCH SOMETHING ELSE.
bcansevgisi Keep watching through this title if you want to experience what NOT to do when shooting a horror flick... Terrible acting.... check Stupid, irrational actions done continuously by actors.... check Non-developing characters... check Plot trenches... check (Calling it plot holes would be so underrated) Shaky handcam scenes... check Bad quality video feed... check (Nowadays, people don't even watch kitten videos on youtube if the graphic quality is as terrible as in this one...) Predictable ending...check (Can be guessed easily half-way into the movie)The only reason I gave a 2-star rating is probably because I have a secret crush on Natalie Martinez...
nbruesch-65170 This is one of the worst wastes of time I've ever experienced. Im not sure why the family didn't just walk out the front door at the beginning. I guess then we wouldn't have movie. I'm also not sure how the killer(s) can make the lights flicker throughout the house...sometimes they work and sometimes not. Oh and that drone somehow has an endless battery life, flying around the entire movie. It takes FOREVER for anything to develop and the characters continuously do stupid stuff that just makes you angry. For example, stun the killer but then don't grab his weapon for protection later...or actually make sure he's dead. Or, on your way trying to sneak out of the house, make sure you stop to grab some gauze that happens to be in the kitchen to wrap up that cut on your arm. Absolutely nothing about this movie is good at all. Avoid at all cost .