Hotel Rwanda
Hotel Rwanda
PG-13 | 22 December 2004 (USA)
Hotel Rwanda Trailers

Inspired by true events, this film takes place in Rwanda in the 1990s when more than a million Tutsis were killed in a genocide that went mostly unnoticed by the rest of the world. Hotel owner Paul Rusesabagina houses over a thousand refuges in his hotel in attempt to save their lives.

Lawbolisted Powerful
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
krocheav British Co-writer, producer/director Terry George (The Promise '17) has certainly carved out a name for being a maker of films to give us cause to think. He's also capable of showing the un-show able without resorting to sensationalised cinema 'stylized' violence - in fact, his great control allows us to be horrified & moved to tears with a remarkable lack of explicitness. So effective is his approach, the viewer feels as though they were watching an unfolding documentary account. His performers give remarkably convincing portrayals, leaving no doubt that cast and crew all shared Mr George's passion for this tragic cause. Excellent production values ensure an involving experience without overdone visual CGI excesses - making all that we do see so convincingly real. Some have drawn comparisons to Schindler's List but, that was stylized Hollywood, where' Rwanda' is all raw soul - giving it a far more compelling believability. Much of the world apologised for its inaction --after the event-- but only following certain serving personnel and press witnesses having publicly shamed them into doing so. This brings into question the true effectiveness of the UN - and the responsibility of the politically 'economic' heart of the developed world.
John austin While America was transfixed by O.J. Simpson and his low-speed chase in a white Ford Bronco, the worst humanitarian tragedy since WWII was taking place in Rwanda.Don Cheadle excels as the Hutu manager of a Belgian luxury hotel who does whatever is necessary to save as many people as possible while a Hutu militia, largely incited by government radio, engage in an unrelenting slaughter of Rwanda's Tutsi minority. Cheadle and the people he is trying to protect hold out in the hotel protected only by a small contingent of UN troops led by Nick Nolte, whose number one order is to avoid a firefight with the locals. Cheadle effectively balances diplomacy and bribery to keep the Hutu warlords out of the hotel and to buy precious time for him and his people to ride out the massacre. The film accurately portrays the total failure of the "world community" to take action that could have prevented the massacre of hundreds of thousands. The UN and other organizations have detailed files and reports of this occurrence that can be read on line by anyone who is interested in this. In those files you will learn there was a similar incident there in 1970 that claimed 100,000 lives. They're real good at writing up reports after the fact, but they were useless in preventing or limiting this tragedy. That's essentially what this movie tells us as well.
magilroy Hotel Rwanda, directed by Terry George, is an American film that depicts the genocide in Rwanda. The Rwandan Genocide arose from conflicts between two ethnic groups, the Hutus and Tutsis. When the Belgians originally colonized Rwanda, they choose the officials to lead the country according to skin color and nose size that agreed with people in the Tutsis ethnic group. This caused a rift between the two groups thus leading to the genocide. Paul is a Hutu hotel manager for an upper class vacation hotel. His wife and most of his family are Tutsis which eventually leads to their endangerment. After the genocide starts, Paul is dumbfounded by the atrocities that are committed by the Hutus. With the safety of people in mind, Paul decides to help protect Tutsis people by letting them stay at the hotel after all the white vacationers fled from the violence. Paul continuously pays off the generals for protection and calls upon all his resources to help his family and all the refugees as well as stop the genocide. Paul eventually is able to help many of the refugees escape along with his family and two stranded cousins whose parents had been killed. This film is an amazing film that helped me learn and understand the Rwandan Genocide. I would recommend this movie to everyone in order to help educate people so that history does not repeat itself.
logatherum Hotel Rwanda was a well- made film, with some famous actors. It was interesting to see Hollywood actors in a film that seemed foreign, although it wasn't. I did not know very much about the Rwandan Genocide, or the history of other Genocides. Overall, I liked this film, but it was definitely not my favorite because I did not understand it as much as I did the other films; I found myself lost during some parts. My favorite character was Paul because he was so determined. Paul was such a big part in this movie, since he showed that he was not only a good person and hero to his family, but those living in the hotel.His issues made my stressors and issues in my life feel like nothing. Not only was dealing with the genocide, but he was living in the middle of it, AND had to manage an entire hotel! Although it was not his fault by any means, It must've killed him to see all of the families and their children sleeping in the hallways of his hotel every time he was trying to get by them. He must've felt some responsibility and guilt for them having to sleep on a cold floor, especially since he had a wife and children of his own he probably thought of when he saw these people. I also liked his wife, Tatiana a lot as well, because she was so devoted to Paul, and she seemed to keep him in line. I liked that she was a loving wife and mother, but also was not afraid to die for her kids or Paul, since she was so tough. Although we saw struggles of both Paul and Tatiana through their eyes, I would've liked to see more of the kids' struggles and how THEY viewed what was going on. I kind of wish that there was more interaction between the kids at the hotel and Paul and Tatiana's kids, because they were a big part in the movie too since they were so vulnerable. The difference in this movie compared to most of the others, was that there was not violence in the sense that the community was so troubled such as guns and gangs, but because of war and the genocide. So what is the crime really like in Kigali, Rwanda? The crime that is most prominent today is theft and vandalism, at a rate of about 36%, which is considered low.Next, at a rate of 26%, is drugs and people dealing drugs. Violent crimes are less common than petty theft. Interestingly, violent crimes are less likely to happen to a foreigner than a local, as well! A study done in 2015 shows that there has been an increase in robbery in homes, but it mostly happens when people are not in them. Overall, Kigali is a pretty safe place, compared to the other countries in the films we have watched.