My Old Lady
My Old Lady
PG-13 | 09 September 2014 (USA)
My Old Lady Trailers

Mathias Gold is a down-on-his-luck New Yorker who inherits a Parisian apartment from his estranged father. But when he arrives in France to sell the vast domicile, he's shocked to discover a live-in tenant who is not prepared to budge. His apartment is a viager—an ancient French real estate system with complex rules pertaining to its resale—and the feisty Englishwoman Mathilde Girard, who has lived in the apartment with her daughter Chloé for many years, can by contract collect monthly payments from Mathias until her death.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
CanuckGirl I'm willing to bet that "My Old Lady" was not the original title, but something tagged on by a producer or distributor. I wished they had chosen one that suited the mood of this film...which is much darker/tragic than "My Old Lady" would suggest. Kevin inherits a Paris apartment and is forced to live with Dame Maggie because a contract says she can live there until she dies. Kristin plays her uptight, suspicious daughter. Doesn't it sound like they're going to get into much ribaldry and hijinks? Aren't you expecting the snooty, sarcastic bon mots to fly out of Dame Maggie's mouth? Yeah. That does not happen. This movie is most definitely a drama about three tortured souls with a secret shared history. Dame Maggie is great in everything she does. Kevin Kline has solid dramatic moments that show the depth of his range. But Kristin Scott Thomas' character is poorly written and the least flushed out (not her fault). Then oddly, it felt like the screenwriter gave up in the last 10 minutes of the film, and just tacked on an ending. Heavy conflict between all of them for 90% of the movie, then, within minutes, they inexplicably resolve their differences, and everything is quickly wrapped up, and they all live happily ever after. These three magnificent actors have all done stellar work in much better films. There were some good moments. But they deserved a better screenplay.
garrettwhaynes This film has a great cast, and seems to have potential with the DVD tag line reading, "A Classic in the Making". Maybe the person who penned this tag line was trying to be generous but they couldn't bring themselves to call it "An Instant Classic" so they were clever and said "A Classic in the Making" which is ambiguous and not necessarily critical, but does seem to imply that this film has not quite arrived. I believe the director is to blame for this not being a better movie. He needed to bring more depth and emotion and realism out of the characters. The actors gave clichéd and strained performances and there was plenty material for this movie to play off. Set in Paris, secret lovers for decades, uncertain paternal origins, and tragic suicide. The impact was not there and although not a bad movie, it left much to be desired.
Stephen Abell The trailer for this film pushes it towards being a comedy, though what you actually get is a profound observation of life and the ways that our decisions have effects on others, sometimes not for the best.The story starts out on a comedic level with Kevin Kline's character, Mathias Gold (which he portrays charmingly), turning up at an apartment in Paris, which his father owned, only to find an old lady living there. Mathilde Girard, played perfectly by Maggie Smith, is the tenant who had sold her apartment to Gold's father on a life lease; this means he has to pay her a monthly stipend until she dies, at which point the apartment then becomes his. This stipend now passes onto Mathias.Being in desperate need of money he decides to go ahead and sell the apartment along with the ongoing contract. However, as we progress through the film we are introduced to Mathilde Girard's daughter, Chloe who is portrayed beautifully by Kristin Scott Thomas, who is utterly opposed to both Gold and his plans.As the obstacles build up to his scheme other secrets and lies are revealed which takes the movie into a melancholic and bittersweet province. This adds depths to all the characters as they start to reveal their true selves and feelings towards one another.Credit is due to the main actors as they pull this off seamlessly and make you empathise with them. The writer of the play, as well as this screenplay and director of the film, Israel Horovitz does a magnificent job of taking everyday life and placing it under a microscope. The change from comedic to bittersweet is so smooth and realistic that it draws the audience into the film more without them realising that the entire attitude has changed.The only thing I found slightly irksome was the happy ending. This is certainly one way the story could go, but there are a couple of others too - one, not so happy - the other, totally bleak. With the feel of the story towards the end, I think the happy ending was thrown in to let the audiences know that everything works out in the end... However, this is not the sentiment at the heart of the movie, because of this the ending feels strange and a little strained.This is a wonderful piece of storytelling and film-making and is worth a viewing, especially if you like to see life as it really is.
George Pratt Nice cinematography, Paris is a great setting, but a bad movie.The McGuffin is that a dead broke and useless Kline has inherited an interest from his father in a Paris Condo. Dad's mistress still lives there with her daughter who may or may not be his half sister. Entirely predictable complications ensue.The plot could and should have been done in an hour. Way too much dialog, not enough actually happens.There were some completely contrived scenes. The worst was where Kline, playing the son of a mother dead by suicide, shoots a stuffed boar's head in his bedroom. Then the other characters pretend to think that maybe he too has shot himself. Oh well, it was the only remotely exciting scene in the whole thing.Summary: Predictable, boring.
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