The Grand Seduction
The Grand Seduction
PG-13 | 30 May 2014 (USA)
The Grand Seduction Trailers

A small fishing village must procure a local doctor to secure a lucrative business contract. When unlikely candidate and big city doctor Paul Lewis lands in their lap for a trial residence, the townsfolk rally together to charm him into staying. As the doctor’s time in the village winds to a close, acting mayor Murray French has no choice but to pull out all the stops and begin The Grand Seduction.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
myl kavas All the ingredients, through cast (one exception), direction, location and camera work, were present to make this English language remake of 'La Grande Seduction'(2003) a fine film, but the script tried to hold too close to the original and lost some of the elemental charm in translation.Firstly, the romance fell short. I mean, the setting and characters were initially fine and the lens shots are gorgeous throughout. Truly the setting is primed for a rich story, but characters eventually(not the actors) seemed pasted and lacked the chemistry to achieve overall romance. If the scenes of Paul and Kathleen had been written better, and directed with care, a deeper tone would have surfaced. One that would have had their first meeting become a sticky thread that bound the narrative fabric, instead of simply creating a glaring conflict that literally was, in the end, resolved off screen (weak writing or production failure).Secondly, if you are gonna translate another writers work, be creative without losing the essential elements. This story is charming through the gills (pun intended) and deserves more attention to details far beyond set design and actors. The direction could have been stronger had it paid closer attention to the idea and not the intent.Cast was fun, Brendan was solid as usual, Taylor got it mostly. Oddly, I felt almost nothing from Liane beyond her strange, one-note blend of constantly pretty hostility. I could see her doing femme fatale roles much more suited to her skills and attitude, but not this role. Kinda iced it, really. Even the script was not to blame, there. Her last shot, fishing pole on shoulder, strolling on the beach with an almost stranger, looked entirely unnatural, forced. Giving more time and depth to their interactions would have gone further toward building a solid narrative. One more scene! As it ended, it sucks to be Paul, I guess. Ha ha.The final shots were cute, but without closing the key romance, they felt tacked on, especially considering that they were inclusive to the opening (not closing) theme of the original film. Hollywood apparently was hoping the kids would be asleep before adding a splash of spice. Liberal insanity.Oh, and also, the soundtrack, in comparison, was completely unremarkable. I can't recall a single note. All in all, a well recommended film despite the poorly explored romantic elements.The original, well, that's another story. Good night.
Wizard-8 I know that this movie is an English language remake of a movie from Quebec, though I have not seen the original movie, so I can't compare the two. But I do have the advantage of being able to judge this remake on its own terms. I wasn't expecting much, seeing that this was a Canadian film funded by the government, and such movies are usually pretentious bores. But I can report that there are some good things about the movie. For starters, it looks very slick and polished, and can stand up head to head against the production values of Hollywood movies. The acting is also pretty good, with everyone giving warm and likable performances.However, there are some problems with the movie. The script has a number of flaws that I am puzzled that no one saw before shooting started. For example, it's not made clear how the doctor got from being caught with cocaine on him to being sent to this small Newfoundland village. His budding romance with a woman in the village also seems half baked and unfinished; at the end of the movie, I didn't know where it was going or even if it got anywhere.Such script problems might have been small flaws had the biggest problem with the movie not existed, that being the comic portion of the movie. Now, I am glad the movie didn't play out in an unsubtle and in-your-face manner akin to Hollywood, but it goes too far in the opposite direction. The movie is more "cute" than laugh out loud funny. Though I did smile a little, I would have liked a few laugh out loud moments sprinkled throughout.In the end, the movie is so-so. It could have been better. Still, compared to most Canadian films being made, it is watchable. There are a lot more worst cinematic ways to spend your time.
simone6403 "The Grand Seduction" is a beautiful combination of comedy, story, superb acting and setting. Common folks in a simple village absent the complexities of what most of us live with. Yet they are faced with a daunting problem that is anything but simple. I laughed myself silly at the lengths they will go to solve it. And what brilliant writing. If I absolutely had to criticise anything it would be that the Director failed to fully utilize Tailor Kitsch's physical assets. Meaning, he is not hard to look at. (Understatement.) Brendon Gleeson and Gordon Pinset are funny beyond measure. And all the while you feel they are not acting at all. These guys are so convincing you could be seeing a cameo in real life. Surely it must be one of the top films of 2013. If not, it is likely a sleeper. In time the true and genuine excellence of this film will come to light.
Nibbler007 Can't explain why I go for the little films that move me instead of reviewing the mainstream movies. Maybe it's a small-team, small-budget spirit, I don't know. This particular one catched me from the very start right to the end. A very tiny little story, somehow spoiled by the tiranny of time. I had that strange feeling of watching it and never wanted it to end. This film could be splitted into a miniseries I think. In fact, there are so many little stories about Tickle Head's people interacting you could watch this forever, involving yourselves at full. There's a story in every man, in every random people you just can't encompass in the nearly two hours of script that's shown in Grand Seduction. That's the power of film-making, so as Stephen King's tell- tales do. This, of course, has nothing to do with horror or prisons, but the spirit is the same. The every day random actions of sinful and faithful people and how they (or we) cope with them. A whole town gathered to get themselves happiness commanded by the great Brendan Gleeson in a superb and a suitable role.I'm not in the position to write an acting review since this movie surpassed me completely. This story is a hell of a good story, full of British humor I know this is not for everybody, but merges well in the script. Overall, is the story that stands for itself. Actors are very good at their roles, but that script starting with that simple premise, (the little poor town trying to "catch" a doctor and a career opportunity at the same time, can give you a fantastic thrill even though this is not a thriller film.Brightful, somehow dark, roughly told, hilarious at times, there are for certain some flaws and stories that could've developed better. But after all, it's a beautiful adventure.I liked it very much. A lot. That's why I'm giving it an 8. I love movies that move me. That's why Im writing. Grand Seduction haunted me, I was so sad when the credits rolled, because it ended. That's what some people who are in this business should learn. To "catch" their audience, to generate sympathy.Greetings from Argentina and sorry, of course, my English is a little rusty.