Ladies in Lavender
Ladies in Lavender
| 12 November 2004 (USA)
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Andrea, a gifted young Polish violinist from Krakow, is bound for America when he is swept overboard by a storm. When the Widdington sisters discover the handsome stranger on the beach below their house, they nurse him back to health. However, the presence of the musically talented young man disrupts the peaceful lives of Ursula and Janet and the community in which they live.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
rebeccas-iris I like the actress and actor but the writer OhMy. He protrays first, elderly women as morons. Then as you continue to watch he portrays all English people as morons. Really? Then continues his story to suggest all elderly men and ladies are immoral perverts. I think the story is insulting. And discussing.
George Wright This beautiful movie has great moments of humour and tenderness as two elderly sisters rescue a young man and help him regain his health after he is washed up on a beach near their home in southwestern England. The time is the 1930's, when the emotional scars of World War I made people in England suspicious of "foreigners". Yet this movie shows them following their best instincts. The movie is brilliant in its treatment of village life and the way the two sisters, admirably performed by Judi Dench and Maggie Smith, gave the young Polish violinist (Daniel Bruhl) the care, rest and medical assistance he needed to launch his career. The background photography captures a landscape that is rugged and pastoral. There is an excellent supporting cast who all do their part to help the young man. In the end, we see how the acts of kindness lead to a rewarding outcome without knowing how everything unfolded. The identity of the youth is a mystery and remains such, leaving the viewer to imagine what the possible scenarios could have been, given the political upheaval of the time. We also come to know the two women, "ladies in lavender", who find an affection for the youth that helps heal their own unfulfilled desires; in the case of Janet (Maggie Smith), a husband lost in the previous war and Ursula, no love at all in a world where many young men never returned home. Perhaps this movie shows how good can come out of disappointment.
David Min This is one of the best films I've seen. It's no summer blockbuster, with big budget post-processing and popping colours. To be honest, the colours in the film looked quite bland, but the atmosphere is absolutely suitable. The film's pace is quite slow - it's best to simply give in and savour every bit.The emotional depth of this film is incredibly powerful. Joshua Bell's violin performances featured in the film certainly helped towards that, but ultimately it's the filmmaker's portrayal of a very complex set of emotions in a way that's genuine, bare. Jealousy, insecurity, joy, serenity are all pictured with great fidelity. With no Megan Fox-like actresses and no Chris Hemsworth-like actors, the film felt real, intimate, and is a great film to treasure.
aaycrkes Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the most boring film I have ever seen. Words cannot describe how slow and dull it is. I really feel like I wasted an hour and a half (or whatever it was ) of my life when I watched this. Literally nothing happens. Whoever wrote this should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. It is somehow masquerading as one of those period dramas where not much has to happen as its all so wonderfully subtle. This is not subtle, it is terrible. Some films offend me because of how terrible the plots are. They get a 3 out of 10. This film gets a 1 because it doesn't even have a plot. The writer created a drab plot and thought that casting two of the finest English actresses would turn it into a classic. The dames' performances are fine, but with a plot this mundane it really doesn't matter to me. I will never get the time I spent watching this back. I strongly urge anyone considering this film, to watch something/ anything else.