21 Grams
21 Grams
R | 21 November 2003 (USA)
21 Grams Trailers

Paul Rivers, an ailing mathematician lovelessly married to an English émigré; Christina Peck, an upper-middle-class suburban housewife and mother of two girls; and Jack Jordan, a born-again ex-con, are brought together by a terrible accident that changes their lives.

Spoonixel Amateur movie with Big budget
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Sanjeev Waters A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
liviailha The actors did there part really well, but the film at the beginning is a bit confusing...overall it's a dramatic, exciting and emotion film and I recommend it for people who like crying watching fiolms
Gordon-11 This film tells the story of a mathematician, a mother and a felon, who deal deals with a painful event that connected them together.The story is presented in a non linear timeline, and the events are presented in short segments. Concentration is definitely needed to understand the film, as you'll miss vital pieces of information to understand the story. As the pieces fall into place, the story is very powerful. Every character in the film has a baggage, and it's just very emotional and touching.
DVR_Brale After Inarritu had blown me away with Birdman I had to see this one. Birdman is abstract - you can interpret it one way or the other. 21 Grams is super realistic. Nothing in this movie hides life's brutality; every detail only reinforces it. You don't have to putter with 21 Grams even though the story is told in a non-linear fashion. There are no hidden narratives or elements which may distract you from understanding the main plot. You've completely missed this movies point if you think otherwise.Acting is superb. If it wasn't, this movie would rate lower. You can almost read from protagonists faces how they reflect and respond to issues life throws at them. That's why noticing for example how Jacks home interior is designed can make you understand his mindset better.Non-linearity has a double function I believe. First is that it emphasizes how life can unfold in ways nobody could ever anticipate. Viewer can understand that better than any character in the movie because viewer sees how everybody had to respond in order to lead to the final effect. Non-linearity elevates you over protagonists and over time itself.Second is that it makes more vivid what every protagonist had to go through internally. For example: first you see a healthy character but you don't know what happened prior to this. You create a certain picture about him or her. Then you become familiar with what happened before. Put in that perspective you know how it will end but don't know what ways will a character choose. After it all plays in front of your eyes you'll probably realize that you had your prejudices which always blur our sight and ability to empathy.21 Grams is hard to watch and sometimes even scary. But it thought me two important lessons: don't be quick to judge and stay away from immediate pleasure. Hope you get a good lesson from it as well.
Harvey Penson Alejandro González Iñárritu's 2003 drama hits the heart and examines world where death has infected the lives of three people, who are all connected to each other.As part of Iñárritu's death trilogy, 21 Grams is most certainly not a barrel of laughs, but a hard hitting emotional depiction of death. Also shot in the very appropriate visual presence of Rodrigo Prieto, the film is made up of a saddening and deep expression Exploring the lives of 3 individuals: Paul Rivers (Sean Penn), Cristina Peck (Naomi Watts), and Jack Jordan ( Benicio Del Toro) who all get affecting by the same tragic car accident that brings massive change into their lives and leads them down dark depressing roads. Rivers is an ill mathematician who needs an organ transplant and struggles to maintain a healthy relationship with his wife. Peck lives a peaceful life, until her husband and children die in a terrible car accident. Jordan is an ex convict seeking salvation in the Lord Jesus, but gets sent down hill when he gets involved in a terrible ordeal.What is at the center of 21 Grams is the powerful consistent performance of the three lead cast members pulling all their weight to carry the dark tone of the film. Watts particularly shines as the struggling widower and breaks all our hearts through the soul stirring portrayal that deserved her an Oscar nomination. Del Toro also brings a very convincing character of the broken man and his desperation to be forgiven by God, which also gave him a nomination at the Academy.Bottom line is that this is not an uplifting film, but a spiritual journey into grief and what life leaves us when death enters the world. Still more is to be discovered further in Iñárritu's Babel and Amores perros. What only flaws the film is its non-linear display which I think does very little to the structure and would work just as effectively without it.Not a cheery film for a Friday night, more of your Monday Morning film, but a very sophisticated and sad piece of work. 9.2/10