The Glass House
The Glass House
PG-13 | 14 September 2001 (USA)
The Glass House Trailers

When Ruby and Rhett's parents are killed in a car accident, their carefree teenage lives are suddenly shattered. Moving to an incredible house in Malibu with the Glasses', old friends of the family, seems to be the beginning of a new life for them.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
adonis98-743-186503 An orphaned teenager is taken in by a Malibu couple but discovers they aren't the caring friends they seemed to be. The Glass House has a fantastic and talented cast, full of suspense thriller moments and some good perfomances, the film's 3rd act does lack in certain areas a bit but it's still a great and well made low budget movie that is better than most thrillers in this day and age. (8/10)
Ben Hattrell The Glass house movie review (8/10) "Great thriller if slightly longer. Not a horror though".The Glass house challenges the idea that individuals always want to assist those in need of help. It comes with multiple surprises and settings, and an action packed storyline. The constant theme throughout is almost like dark action. It is certainly not a horror, but does earn it's reputation well as a thriller.The characters are well played with the multitude of emotions, actions and health states they experience. It takes some real skill to act with this level of diversity.Clearly, the casting team did a good job. As for the movie itself, not bad at all. Being in the haunted house genre, I was expecting a horror though, which I didn't get. If horror was to emerge in the already action packed house, it would have made the interesting storyline great, and enhance the sinister vibes already present.The music worked well throughout, with dramatic sounds used to emphasise particularly shocking events. These crescendo cues, were not worn out however, so the film worked well to raise tension.Aswell as the darkness, the initial expectation of forthcoming positivity, helps the contrast. The setting is far from what you'd expect and darkness is not only restricted to the night. This is quite rare in horror films.With themes of broken relationships, attraction, abuse, bereavement, empathy and sibling love, the film provides enough emotional variety to really get, and keep the viewer engaged. No short change is present in the movie. With some better special effects and fright techniques though, this could be raised to a truly chilling level.As it stands currently it is still a striking, varied and engaging thriller, with darker undertones throughout. The storyline is not idiotproofed, yet isn't rocket science either, so suits me well.I am tempted to watch again and would recommend as a thriller. I give it 8.5/10 as a thriller since it's a little long for a truly outstanding movie. Unfortunately though, I can only give it a 7/10 as a horror, since the effects and tension weren't sufficient.
TxMike Our friend Donna had bought this as a used DVD and we watched it last night. The title has two meanings. After the two kids lost their parents in a car wreck their old neighbors, the Glass family, took them in so they lived in the "Glass" house. But the house also has lots of glass in it, so you can often see people in different rooms, and this plays into the story also.Leelee Sobieski was probably 17 during filming and plays 16-year-old Ruby Baker. Diane Lane is Erin Glass who in effect becomes her stepmother. Stellan Skarsgård is Terry Glass. Trevor Morgan is Ruby's kid brother Rhett Baker .As the two youngsters begin their new lives with the Glasses, in a fancy house on a small bluff above the ocean, things don't appear 'right' from the very beginning. It soon is very clear that the Glasses have some sort of sinister agenda. How Ruby and her brother cope with this is the movie.It was just 'OK' for us, we certainly would not see it again. It is filled with first-rate actors, so fault must go to the script and direction.SPOILERS: To cut to the chase as they say, the kids' parents were thrifty and had an approximate $4 Million estate, the Glasses were in a big bind and needed that money. Terry Glass had 'loaned' the parents a car that fateful night and we conclude that the car was rigged to crash and kill them so that the Glasses could get custody and, ultimately the $4 Million for their own use. Ruby is wise beyond her years and eventually gets the upper hand, Erin dies from her own drug overdose, Ruby ends up running over Terry after a car chase on the Pacific Coast Highway.
ebiros2 I couldn't get into this one. The chief reason being the wooden acting done by Leelee Sobieski.I couldn't get to like the expression on her (or expressionless) face and her low mumbling voice. You need to put in at least some character into the part you're playing, but this is high school stage play level of acting. I couldn't feel any life out of her at all. I have other things I'd like to say about her but I wouldn't get into it.With the star so out of it, the story had no chance of survival, and the supporting actor's weren't anything to mention about either. In fact I hated them.Production people of this movie must have been morons, to put together such a lifeless dud.