Big Nothing
Big Nothing
R | 01 December 2006 (USA)
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A frustrated, unemployed teacher joins forces with a scammer and his girlfriend in a blackmailing scheme.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Dan Hall (thatlakinsonguy) I recorded this on television a while back, as I'm a huge fan of Simon Pegg's work and was interested to see him work with David Schwimmer, who directed Run Fatboy Run (another somewhat decent Pegg film).As previously mentioned, the cast is comprised of some pretty good lead actors (in my opinion), so I don't have much to complain about in the acting department.The cinematography and editing is also somewhat unique and makes for an interesting watch, although I remember one car drive sequence appearing somewhat jittery and all over the place.This film's biggest strength (other than the acting) lies mostly in the comedic writing. This film has some rather funny situational humour with a black subtext to it all, however it's definitely an acquired taste. Pegg and Schwimmer act out the material well and their delivery is, at times, extremely hilarious. The actual plot, however, shifts in tone dramatically and introduces a few too many plot twists. Some of these twists help carry the story forward or introduce another comedic sequence, but there were others that also felt unnecessary or tacked-on. At times it feels like issues with writing, whereas at other times it feels like a directorial issue.**MILD SPOILER ALERT**Without spoiling too much, I also found the ending to be rather bitter and somewhat unsatisfying. I left this film feeling rather depressed due to what happens to certain characters.Nonetheless, this film is a decent watch. It's definitely not great and not a highlight of any of the star's careers, but it is most definitely an interesting film, and personally one I am going to revisit to understand further.
dg-op An unemployed teacher (good performance by David Schwimmer) tries to find a way to earn money so he can support his family, but ends up in a messy crime with his two accidental "comrads" (master of comedy Simon Pegg and beautiful Alice Eve).This is the plot for a brilliant black comedy made by French director Jean-Baptiste Andrea. And by brilliant, I mean exactly that.Thought the plot may not seem that interesting, Andrea directs a great story, combining effectively resources form comedy, black humor, and even suspense. the result is a brilliant black comedy, perhaps the best of its year, unfortunately underrated.This is a totally worth-watching film. But if you wanna see "Ross" or a simple comedy, you won't like it. This is an intelligent film. 8 out of 10.
Vincent Rarely has a film title so perfectly summed up a film. This is a Big Nothing.It is hard to say the jokes weren't funny because there weren't any. There was in fact nothing almost nothing funny in this film.Alice Eve, who I'd never heard of, delivers a reasonable comic performance while Pegg and Schwimmer flounder about unsure whether to be joking or serious at any given moment.The directing is terrible with the change from slapstick to drama happening is a very jarring and annoying way.The writing is poor, with neither the drama or the humour being worth watching and the dialogue is dull at best.The plot is a mixture of movie clichés with nothing added.The film isn't even worth hating but it is worth avoiding.
johnnyboyz Big Nothing draws on inspiration from Sam Raimi's 1998 film A Simple Plan, among other things, as it follows this everyday and seemingly ordinary working class guy get involved in a noir inspired dream situation. It's the sort of situation that could, and in fact very much does, quickly become the absolute opposite – a noir inspired nightmare. This is achieved through a chain of events that, unlike A Simple Plan, draw on the post-Tarantino ideation of very black humour delivered through a variety of scenes that revolve around death, destruction and humour. I don't think the film is as good as A Simple Plan, if only for the fact A Simple Plan felt more grounded and was more subtle in its development and fleshing out of its characters and predicaments; but Big Nothing is a nourishing and devilishly good ride of genre basics and bleak but effective writing.The film sees three relatively hapless leads, predominantly in David Schwimmer's Charlie but additionally in Simon Pegg's Gus and Alice Eve's 'Miss Teen Oklahoma' character named Josie McBroom. Charlie, a smart and educated man, gets what he perceives as a low-end job as a call centre worker to support his state trooper wife Penelope (McElhone) and young daughter. His work station neighbours that of Gus, a fast talking and smooth guy out to blackmail a local priest who, he claims, has a history of visiting certain websites he shouldn't have done. One night, Gus shares this plan with total stranger Charlie in a bar, but upon overhearing this plan, third lead Josie gets in on the act as the ever-obligatory, but in a nice sense, femme fatale.There are a few things in the opening that raise eyebrows, but tactfully so. The casting of essentially British acting talent in Pegg and Eve, even if they're playing Americans, to act as foils to Schwimmer is a cute notion in the sense it's using whatever unease or uncertainty might lie in the relationship between Britain and America precisely for this film as a means of noir-inspired entertainment. The film has its characters act in a deliberately care-free and somewhat daft manner, most evidently when Charlie thinks he puts a customer on hold, insults them and then realises they were not on hold and the supervisor heard the whole thing. If you don't see that coming after Gus executes it moments earlier, flawlessly, then you're not trying hard enough. Charlie and Gus then go on to discuss what will be the film's initial incident in a very public place; something that leads to the latching on of Josie. Things go wrong in the early section, but it acts as a means to get across a certain degree of incompetence on the character's behalf; that these people are not suited for the task they're taking on. The film knowingly pays homage to its own set up when one character points out that two others may well have been reading 'Blackmail for Dummies'.The presence of Charlie's partner Penelope, as this character of law enforcement, initially acts against the film; as an element that you feel will become rather obviously involved when her husband takes up illegal activity. But she's kept away from the narrative for most of the time and adopts a role as an off screen presence, forever threatening. If the writers for this project have taken inspiration from anything in regards to her particular character, then it is the calm; methodical and delicate archetype of Fargo's Marge Gunderson, as a figure of good but vulnerability amongst all the evil and wrong-doing that surrounds her. The film is littered with characters that are eliminated just as easily as they are introduced; fast and loose lines of dialogue, spat like venom on the characters' behalf, a particular favourite of mine being a spin on the overly familiar "read my lips......." phrase.So if we learn anything from this, it's that 'Tarantino knock offs' or films inspired by Tarantino's ever-moulded together mesh of crime and comedy can work quite well. Big Nothing isn't a film that makes crime particularly appealing, or even sexy despite its frenetic and entertaining aesthetic, as much as it does make the prospect of getting into crime quite alluring as this seemingly fool-proof and straight forward plan spirals more and more out of control. The film isn't a glorification of crime, one particular character's downfall is brought on by an attack of guilt and realisation of who he is and what he has, but more importantly what he has to loose, while the quite tragic epilogue acts as a means of hammering home the point.The whole situation is practically uphill from the moment Charlie disposes of a body that he thought was dead but wasn't quite, resulting in a series of scenes involving either death or total bewilderment, often both coming to the forefront at once and giving us a comedic spin. Big Nothing is a twisted but frighteningly good time. It provides more than enough in the basics for both noir and comedy, as genres, for a recommendation, and delivers this with an entertaining narrative that comes complete with twists and turns. The film zips along, without ever feeling overpowering, nor that particularly bad.