R | 24 July 2009 (USA)
Shrink Trailers

Unable to cope with a recent personal tragedy, LA's top celebrity shrink turns into a pothead with no concern for his appearance and a creeping sense of his inability to help his patients.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Leftbanker "Don't buy this book. It's all bullsh1t and then you die." He should have said "movie" instead of "book" and he would have hit the nail on the head. (The doctor says that he is a fraud. So what? Most doctors are total frauds and every self-help book is a fraud, too. Nothing wrong with cashing in on your wife's suicide.)Once again I get the feeling that this was written by people who do nothing but watch movies. Try reading some books and you might be able to pull something off that doesn't sound like the last five movies in this genre. I'm not guaranteeing anything but I think reading could help you to be a lot less of a Hollywood cliché. Movies about people who make movies and people going to movies is further evidence of people who only watch movies. Suicide is another totally cliché Hollywood subject and trying to make light of it with a reference to yet another Hollywood cliché (Ordinary People) just compounds the complete lack of originality. So just for fun let's make an inventory:1 Doctor with wife who off-ed herself last year 2 Germ-freak douche bag Hollywood mogul 3 Young loser who writes screenplays (worst art form ever) 4 Knocked-up secretary 5 Famous actress with a-hole husband 6 Teen angst victim from inner city 7 Robin Williams as tubby sex addict8 Some Irish guy but not really sure why he's in this movieDo you know the definition of optimism according to Webster's? It would be thinking that anyone could make even a little bit of sense from this mess in 1:44:00. But, of course, everyone is cured and they all live happily ever after…in another parallel movie that they make. Spoiler Alert: marijuana laced with embalming fluid? That isn't a thing.
fraghera There are some different kind of movies who touches your heart, this is one of them.While I was watching it I see some pieces of myself out there. Im interesting in psychology too, so if u like psychology this is a "must see movie" for you.On the other hand Kevin Spacey is great as always he do. Cast is perfect. You can easily watch it without bored till the end even if you have no info about psychology stuff cos its nearly real life.You gonna see how a beautiful young girl turns on a star and the other things. There is no nudity so you can watch it with all your family and this movie comes with cool ideas for young people especially having trouble with school.If you are in depressive condition or just not feel happy for a long time, maybe this movie gonna be a good choice for you.
meeza I am calling my movie shrink! Yes, they do have that! I have just witnessed the most appalling excuse of a movie entitled "Shrink". Director Jonas Pate's movie had no uppers but plenty of downers. Kevin Spacey stars as Hollywood Psychiatrist Dr. Henry Carter who loves to smoke his shrinking marijuana joints and indulge in self-pity due to his wife's recent suicide. Dr. Carter is a psychiatrist to many Hollywood types including: movie stars, inspiring writers, and narcissistic agents. A few of those fill in the intertwined supporting story lines of the movie, which were non-therapeutic to the non-existence viewing pleasure of "Shrink". Thomas Moffett was definitely "off it" with his mind-numbing screenplay. Just 10 minutes into the movie, I wanted to enlarge my DVD remote control's shrinky mute button to get to it faster so I would not have to hear more of the "Shrink" atrocious screenplay within the numerous story lines. I cannot fathom that the multitalented Kevin Spacey would be crazy enough to be a part of this unauthentic narrative. He did what he could in his starring role as Dr. Carter, but I would have counseled Mr. Spacey to skip his acting session with this stinker of a movie. The supporting acting was in need of some thespian therapy and the only act it called for was an Actor Baker Act. However, I must commend Dallas Roberts for his amusing performance as the self-indulged Hollywood agent Patrick. Patrick's session with Dr. Carter discussing his obsessive compulsive disorder was the only worthy scene of the movie. Director Jonas Pate's disorderly direction of "Shrink" was an exercise in inferiority; this Jonas Brother hit all the low notes. All of this negativity is a shame because I was psyched about the premise of "Shrink"; but after seeing the shambles of it all, it should have been institutionalized in the "scared straight to DVD" department. * Failure
legionhunterer Just watched "shrink" last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good to see Kevin Spacey in another class film. Not sure if I'll recommend this film to everybody, lots of weed smoking going on, but it's not a weed smoking comedy, or a film for people who smoke it, it's just a good film, that happens to include a lot of it in a way to show how this man has fallen from his emotional pedestal. I've been quite negative about American films recently (namely the American action films) but this film is certainly one that I'll buy on DVD in the years to come. Class acting from Kevin spacey, in fact, all the actors including the younger ones were very convincing in each of their roles that they played.