Eagle vs Shark
Eagle vs Shark
R | 15 July 2007 (USA)
Eagle vs Shark Trailers

Love blossoms for Lily over double Meaty Boy burgers at mid-day when uber-computer nerd Jarrod comes in and leaves with free extra large fries. After gatecrashing Jarrod's party and proving her skills on the game console, Lily goes down to Jarrod's home town with him so he can settle an old score with a past school bully.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
grantss Lily works at a fast-food restaurant...and is lonely. She has a crush on Jarrod, who works at a nearby store, but he hardly notices her. Then he invites a work colleague of hers to a party of his, and Lily goes in her place. Soon, a relationship blossoms.Sweet, funny and feel-good yet wonderfully understated. The directorial debut of Taika Waititi, who went on to direct Boy, What We Do In The Shadows, Hunt For The Wilderpeople and Thor: Ragnarok. Contains the best elements of these movies - the warmth of Boy and Hunt For The Wilderpeople and the comedy of What We Do In The Shadows. Very sensitively told with some great humour along the way. Some lines are brilliant in their effectiveness ("Don't go to work, they think you're dead" had me in stitches).This all told in so understated a fashion that it is quite self-deprecating. Good work by Loren Horsley and Jemaine Clement (of Flight Of The Conchords fame) in the lead roles. Great movie.
cee_dill I don't frequently repeat movies, but I've found that this is one that I can watch more than once and still experience the same highs and lows that I did the first time.You get to watch two stories in this enjoyable little offering, the actual story of Lily and Jarrod and a charming animated movie that reflects what's happening.It's a bit jarring when you first see it. As a movie-goer you're accustomed to standard-issue attractive faces and bodies, spunky heroines and their boyishly charming love interests. By contrast, quiet, ground-down Lily and Jarrod with his complete lack of self-awareness take some getting used to, but they are not without things to like about them. And watching Lily blossom and grow more confident, not because of Jarrod, but because she's learning to like herself, is wonderfully inspiring.A difficult movie to start, but an easy movie to love, a little awkward, but able to be settled into quickly. Like the characters themselves, if you give it a chance, you're almost guaranteed to love it.
tieman64 "You sucka, you better watch out you fool. Yay fool. Hey fool. Sucka. You sucka. You foolish sucka. Better watch out. This is the piper, and I want to be pied...paid. Sucka." - Jarrod."I'm so complex!" - Jarrod Taika Waititi directs "Eagle vs Shark". The plot? Jemaine Clement plays Jarrod, a bullied, belittled and battered video game geek who's preoccupied with proving his worth. As he suffers from feelings of inadequacy, Jarrod relies on a variety of bizarre coping mechanisms, some of which involve him holding video game contests so that he may destroy his opponents and boost his ego.Into Jarrod's life steps Lily, played by Loren Horsle. Lily loves Jarrod unconditionally, sees in the guy something no one else does, but Jarrod's too blind to realise this. For much of the film he's oblivious to the doe-eyed girl attached to his side.The film's a comedy, but will only appeal to fans of subtle, weird humour, where bizarre intonations, inflections and mannerisms are lovingly rolled out. "Eagle vs Shark's" style, in which amplified oddness meets low-key comedy, is strongly resemblant of Jared Hess' films, one of which also starred Clement ("Gentlemen Broncos"). Beyond this, actress Loren Horsley – acting primarily with her big eyes and come-hither looks – does good work. The rest of the cast are an assortment of oddballs, goofs and weirdos.8.5/10 - "Napoleon Dynamite" meets Sigmund Freud. Worth two viewings.
smccar77 "Eagle vs Shark," is a quirky romantic comedy that finds most of its humor in dialogue and absurd situations. The film is easily compared to "Napoleon Dynamite," in that the characters are socially awkward and the story revels in the common everyday happenings of less than extraordinary people. The comparison breaks down in regards to the subject matter and themes explored. EvS is a story of how romantic and familial relationships develop. The film strives to create a humorous story that is actually quite reflective of how many people lead their lives. The effect is a touching and funny film that is extremely easy to relate to.Some qualification is necessary for the above. Many audience members will not have the exact experiences as those in the film. That said, the plights, thought patterns, and actions of the main characters remain hauntingly familiar. For example, the love interest of the two mid-twenty-somethings springs from the retail work place. As these two currently aimless drifters knock into each other, the results are far from surprising. We soon learn that nerdy-ness has not created some reclusive pop culture obsessives. Rather, these are people who have developed coping mechanisms that are odd but highly effective. Both characters, as one would expect, are not shy about sex, giving opinions, their own societal position and the social status that they desire. Essentially, these are very realistic "dorks" going about their wonderfully idiosyncratic lives. Furthermore, these are adult dorks dealing with the issues that matter most to the target audience, namely, adult relationships and interaction. The loving development of realistic characters working within an entertaining story allows this romantic comedy to be fresh, unpretentious, and very easy to empathize with.While the above clearly demonstrates my personal attitudes, I do believe the film is open to some criticism. The humor is comprised of mostly dialogue driven quips and absurdities. The viewer is treated to humor that is highly contextualized and therefore not generally funny. The film, basically, provides very little repeatable humor. To be more clear, the film is akin to watching an inside joke. Just as close friends jibe and tease with words and phrases that hold significance due to the relationship, EvS is filled with personality and relationship based humor. This can be a turn off. The film rarely makes one laugh out loud. Rather, EvS is more of a constant chuckle and snort fest.As to the technical aspects of the film, they are all well done and professional. The editing leads to a well paced film that does not really feel like 90 minutes. The scenery and shot composition highlight the beauties of New Zealand as well as the slipshod attempts of space personalization by the lower middle class (i.e. Jarrod's mounting of Ninja weapons on the wall). The acting and scripting, as mentioned above, are realistic and nuanced. Overall, this is very well done comedy that manages a great deal of heartfelt and awkward realism.On a personal note, I will be recommending this film to anyone who will listen. Unlike many indies, EvS is highly accessible, romantic and funny to boot. In essence, the film is and deserves to be seen because it is refreshing and optimistic. 8.4 of 10 stars.