For Your Consideration
For Your Consideration
PG-13 | 17 November 2006 (USA)
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The possibility of Oscar gold holds the cast and crew of an independent film in its grip after the performance of its virtually unknown, veteran star generates awards buzz.

Wordiezett So much average
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Cosmoeticadotcom In trying to get at the heart of why this film is merely good, not hilarious, I think that an over-reliance on improvisation is at fault. In a mockumentary, such rough moments can be 'disguised' as byproducts of the faux reality, whereas in a straight film like this they cannot. A good example is provided by John Michael Higgins as Corey Taft, the stolid agent for Marilyn Hack. While he's got a few good scenes, too many of his obnoxious to the core character simply is stuff seen done better before. And he suffers in contrast to Levy's character, Morley Orfkin, agent to Victor Allen Miller. The same goes for Ed Begley Jr.'s tired and routine gay makeup man character, Sandy Lane. Also, some of the same old tired in-jokes and stereotypes about Hollywood abound. If only two or three were used, rather than fifteen or twenty, the film would have been better off, and the balance would have aided the true pathos of the film. In that sense, this film was a bit lesser version of David Mamet's State And Main crossed with Robert Altman's The Player.Yet, despite all that, this film is, in truth, a good adult comedy, and given that they are so rare, its flaws are minor in comparison to its good points. Compare it to the latest black or teen exploitation comedy and you'll agree. For Your Consideration may not, itself, be worthy of consideration for an Academy Award, but it may stand out as a critical film in the continued evolution of one of American film's most original and funny filmic auteurs. La chaim!
lewiskendell Another amusing Christopher Guest mockumentary, this time set in Hollywood and targeting the hoopla and absurdity surrounding the Oscar's and promise of a nomination. It took me a little while to warm up to this one, but eventually I got into it and it had some pretty funny moments. It is really quite clever in places, and it's probably not that much of a stretch that a small movie and those involved could be swept up in the rumors of possible Academy Awards in such an extreme manner. The usual Guest regulars are all here, and so is his particular sense of humor that you either get, or you don't. It's a safe bet that you'll probably like For Your Consideration about as much as you liked other Guest movies like Best in Show. Manage your expectations accordingly.
hcrsteeves Among the many "satires" made by Christopher Guest, this is by far the very best one. The acting is superb, especially that of the always wonderful Catherine O'Hara. This one centers on a movie being made and all the people involved. I love the concept of a film within a film, plus, like "Best in Show" and "A Mighty Wind" this one has a mostly improvised script. The cast,also including Eugene Levy , Harry Shearer and Guest himself, do a wonderful job at capturing humor and insecurity.If you have seen Guest's other films, I would definitely recommend this one. Smart and really funny.
Jeffrey Welch I enjoyed this film very let me get that out of the way at the outset of this comment. I thought the subject matter was great, the cast as usual was phenomenal and the direction was first rate. The problem I have with this is that it seemed very disjointed and uneven. The ending struck me as too abrupt and with little of the joy felt at the ends of the other films by this ensemble. I think that, for me, it was the trying to give everyone in the cast a meaningful part that kills the film. Many of the actors are veterans of Saturday Night Live, and it is with that history in mind that I make this observation. In the first 5 years of that show, with its original cast, whenever a sketch was written that called for the entire cast of players to be involved, it was referred to as a "garbage pail" sketch...which meant that it was an easy way to include the less used actors along with the most popular of the troupe. In those sketches, however, many of the roles were merely walk on parts or those that had a minimum of lines. Sure, they were still in the scenes, but the parts lacked finesse or subtlety and generally involved the actors playing stereotypical caricatures, such as secretaries or doormen or the like. "For Your Consideration" reminds me of just such a hour and a half "garbage pail" sketch. Like a snowball, over the years this repertory company's ranks have swelled in numbers. Unfortunately, it seems that there are just too many in the cast now to utilize them all effectively. They are trying to pull it this movie, everyone has something to do, but many of the characters lack depth or story. It also doesn't help that while the repeating cast members in these films have expanded in numbers, the movies running times haven't expanded in length. Perhaps given an extra half hour or 45 minutes to the running time would serve to flesh out some of these only partially realized characters. If nothing else it additional time would at least give us more of a story to ponder. As I said before, this film in particular seemed incomplete by the end. I saw the conclusion from a mile away though...much like an old Twilight Zone episode where you just KNEW that it would be some odd, ironic twist in the conclusion. Yes, that was much of the charm of "For Your Consideration," knowing that there was going to be a fall for some if not most of the characters, but the transition to the revelations were clunky and only semi-cohesive.I love Christopher Guest! I think his all of his ensemble cast's...especially Eugene Levi, are true treasures to not only the world of film, but to comedy as a genre! I found this movie to be no exception to my opinion of his and everyone's collective efforts. I just feel that this movie in particular is lacking in many of the qualities that have made his other films nearly masterworks.
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