Swearnet: The Movie
Swearnet: The Movie
NC-17 | 12 September 2014 (USA)
Swearnet: The Movie Trailers

Fed up with being censored in their post-Trailer Park Boys lives, the out of work stars/world-renowned 'swearists', Mike Smith, Robb Wells and John Paul Tremblay decide to start their own uncensored network on the internet.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
xacutna_66 If you watch this movie backwards it's the way the careers of our three "heroes" really is. The longer john, mike and rob make stuff the worst it gets and not in a good way like say the room by Tommy Wiseau is bad but in an entertaining way. I was a fan of the trailer park boys so I get their humor and all, it's the only reason I gave this "movie" a shot. Based on my review you can tell it was out of boredom too as this movie came out like last year or so.I'm OK with actors trying other things, they don't have to stick being Ricky, Bubbles and Julian for me to flap my arms like a seal and make noises. The cursing in this movie didn't bother me but everything went down hill since the 6th or 7th season. For example where is Lucy's baby from when Randy got her pregnant which that scene caused me to give up this show for years. When this show was funny they weren't trying to be. when "drunk and on drugs happy fun time hour" came out it was a dead giveaway that these guys lost it. Maybe it was Mike Clattenburg keeping the show funny but now since these three guys are running it, it's really gone down hill like their egos think anything they release will be gold and they need to be back down to earth and stop asking their drinking buddies what they think. The time they spent away from the trailer park concept though which was easily 6 years they could have paid writers to help them out how cheap are these 3 guys. I know they bought the rights to their stupidity and that wasn't cheap but still.. if you think about it John , Robb and Mike (Smith) paid Mike Clattenburg to stay employed buying the rights to their crap. They didn't create it, maybe they helped write it a bit but if it wasn't for them they would not be where they are. I suppose they also did it to shut all their remaining fans up. If that was the case I'd hide in libraries and places where they use more than 2 sylable words. So thinking of things in that perspective If that isn't sad or depressing to look at for them I don't know what is. Again Hollywood isn't knocking on their doors or they are winning awards for a reason. Is it strange that I feel sorry for them? OK so anyways what's wrong with this movie? even with "Swearnet" they are still using netflix to broadcast their atrocities so even without watching this movie it could be fantasy or not but it's a really stupid concept. I haven't been on their site in a good while but I can imagine not much has changed it feels like one of Ricky's dumb ideas that get him thrown in jail. In the end I didn't want to see "Randy's" penis, I had a hard enough watching him in the first few episodes of the 2015 season. No matter how much they swear in the movie won't make it any better if the story is garbage. In My final thoughts there is a reason these three guys haven't been approached by any serious Hollywood movies or television series. No matter how many crappy shows they try to make or movies where they are trying way too hard to be funny. The only bragging rights this piece of trash which is going right in my computers recycle bin after I write this is that it has the current world record for cursing. I'm going to put some music on and watch this movie backwards and laugh because I know that is how their careers are really like.
darkman-27 Spoilers ahead...Let me get this out of the way first. I am comfortable with my sexuality, I don't mind seeing dudes naked and I am no prude. But, come on guys. What is the obsession with penises? Why so many, yet no full front female nudity? Are the creators of TPB gay? That's the first thing that comes to mind with this film, it's full of penis jokes and penises. More than I have ever seen in one film. Don't get me wrong, I am always saying suck this and that myself, but for some reason it just seemed stupid in this film.OK, now on to other things. Was this a good film? Sure, was it a great film? No.. This is the sort of film that pushes the envelope to get on the map, and yes it is also a bit of fun. But, it is NO TRAILER PARK BOYS. I just can't decide if I liked, hated, or feel violated. My guess is, that was their goal. I watched "Don't Legalize it" many times, but I don't know if I want to watch this one again. Stick with TPB's guys.
erostew Even though this is NOT a Trailer Park Boys movie it IS a Trailer Park Boys movie. The 3 stars of the cult favourite TV series and many of the supporting cast members play "themselves" in this movie about setting up their own TV network so that they won't have to put up with any more censorship. Apparently they REALLY like swearing!The boys kind of play the same characters that they do in the TPB series but with some differences. For instance "Mike Smith" is a violent, drug and booze fuelled party monster. Pretty much the polar opposite to Bubbles. John Dunsworth shows absolutely nothing of Jim Lahey. Pat Roach is a real hoot as Swearman although "Dickman" might be a more accurate name. He has a pretty good sized role in this and does a good job. Tom Green and Carrot Top are kind of blah in their parts. Tom has an obsession with handing out key-chains and Carrot Top kind of reminds me of the late Joan Rivers in a Ronald McDonald wig. Insert bad plastic surgery joke here.Over all a darn good movie. It isn't going to win an Oscar but then have you actually watched some of the crap that HAS won an Oscar? If dick jokes, weed, booze and F-bombs turn you off then turn this off. Likewise if you hate the Trailer Park Boys you will hate this. If you like the TPBs then you will like this.I give it a solid 8 out of 10
Navin Ramaswaran I haven't seen a single episode of the Trailer Park Boys and went into Swearnet knowing only little about the 3 Canadian goofballs - Robb Wells, John Paul Tremblay and Mike Smith. Coming out of Swearnet, I can confidently say I am a fan! Although in this flick, the boys play "themselves" and not their fictional characters from the TV show, the push-the-envelope humour and brisk pacing of the film showed a lot of heart amongst the consistent comedy. The movie was well-cast overall and although the Tom Green - Carrot Top bit got slightly too much at times, everyone played their parts wonderfully. Well shot and directed, you're sure in for a good time. A nice way to spend 100 minutes in the cinema. I'm looking forward to hitting up the Trailer Park Boys TV show next!