Ten 'til Noon
Ten 'til Noon
R | 30 March 2007 (USA)
Ten 'til Noon Trailers

Between 11:50 and 12:00 noon, a crime is commited. In the same ten minute period, we follow the lives of the ten people, all connected to this crime. As we see each person's point of view, we are propelled closer and closer to the truth of what exactly happened...and why.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
raykirk A very innovative treatment in the Film Noir genre. Be warned that there are scenes of explicit sex, graphic violence, homosexuality and homophobia. Something to offend just about everyone. Of course, so does the wildly successful Borat! That said, this film is very well executed at all levels. The screenplay is very tight, with no holes in the logic. The direction is very even and consistent. The suspense builds in a well controlled manner with numerous twists that can be very difficult to manage effectively. The story has humor as well as intrigue and is quite captivating. The plot is somewhat reminiscent of Roshomon (Kurosawa), or it's American remake The Outrage. A story told from various points of view. But in this case, the emphasis is not on the differences in the points of view, but the actual events as they happen in real-time. Acting is quite good, sometimes excellent. Score is very innovative and appropriate to the events on the screen. All in all, the production values of this film are absolutely top-notch and equal to, or even superior to major studio offerings. And, the film begs the viewer to see it a second time in order to appreciate what is being told but not understood the first time. Highly recommended.
adkins53 I recently had the privilege to view the motion picture Ten 'Til Noon. This movie is an edgy flick that's not for the whole family. It has many twists and turns that keep you guessing. Just when you think you knew what's going on, you find that you didn't know. This movie has it all; suspense, laughter, violence, betrayal, sex and a surprising love story. The story is told in the same ten minutes of the different characters that are linked in what appears to be a home invasion robbery. My mood was apathetic when the movie first started, but as each tale evolved my interest peaked. I couldn't wait to see what was next, even though it was sometimes shocking. The movie reminded me of a Quentin Tarantino directed movie and it had some of the suspense of "The Usual Suspects". After the movie was over, I found myself wanting to see it again. I feel that it would have this effect on most people or it would completely turn you off. The only question I had was "…what happened to Reuben?"
picklefuzzy I caught this at SF Indiefest and didn't know what to expect beyond a tired retreat of "Momento" or "Pulp Fiction". But I was extremely surprised and impressed - "Ten 'til Noon" is a true original, a terrifically involving, funny thriller that is able to consistently surprise the audience.Well-acted, well-shot, and much slicker than the other low-budget fair at the festival, this movie is actually able to reinvent itself every ten minutes with significant shifts in tone, yet it never feels jarring or that somehow we've wandered into a different film. The result is a brilliant, wide-ranging view of a very small event (a 10 minute crime), and how it both effects and is effected by the players involved.One should be warned that the movie has it's fair share of potentially offensive stuff - sex, violence, language, and homosexuality, all presented in somewhat extreme fashion, which is a surprise given the overly mature, sober tone and pace of much of the film.If you have a chance to catch this film, do so. We, as an audience, aren't lucky enough to have a lot of movies like this out there.
cadmandu I just saw this at the Indie Festival in San Francisco. No one else may ever get to see this one, but you should, so I'll make some comments.The premise is very intriguing. A murder happens. The action occupies 10 minutes -- no more, no less, and that's what we see. Then we see a replay of those 10 minutes, and the actions of people associated with the murder, from their point of view.This is a very clever premise, and the director pulls it off OK. As you might imagine, the acting is uneven; some very good, some really mediocre. The fellow who plays the hit-man is incredibly smooth, and his boss, Mr. Duke, also seems to be a more experienced actor. The rest of them are questionable. Larry (the unhappy bloke who is the hittee) is lame. Parts of the script are wooden. We also never get to see the story of the bank robber, which had the most potential in the whole setup. The gay characters are more of a plot trick than real people.But on the whole, entertaining, with enough plot twists to make for an interesting time. I just wish they had done more with the script.
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