R | 16 November 2014 (USA)
Hannibal Trailers

After having successfully eluded the authorities for years, Hannibal peacefully lives in Italy in disguise as an art scholar. Trouble strikes again when he's discovered leaving a deserving few dead in the process. He returns to America to make contact with now disgraced Agent Clarice Starling, who is suffering the wrath of a malicious FBI rival as well as the media.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
GazerRise Fantastic!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
barderella-145-272963 Julianne Moore is not Jodi Foster. Hopkins is always brilliant, but even he cannot save this mediocre at best film. The plot was pretty lame and Liotta was quite awful.
jeffrymiranda-25858 This movie really show how low our most intrinsic instincts may fall. I don't know what it was about but, to me, there were times when Julianne Moore's role was too expected. I think her character could've been better developed by recreating some sort of romance between her character and Hannibal.On the other hand, the settings where this movie took place where absolutely gorgeous. Including a third language in it was a great movie from the director who made some of the the characters look very reliable. As far as Anthony Hopkins acting skills absolutely flawless.Finally, I think it was a bad a idea to twist its ending compared to the novel's one since it left a feeling of inconclusiveness in this movie.
blumdeluxe "Hannibal" continues the saga of Dr. Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the lambs". Hannibal meanwhile escaped to Italy where he lives as curator of a prestigious library. Being chased by both a former victim and the police, he contacts Clarice Sterling to continue their morbid chase.If you take away the prominent franchise, what you get is pretty much a very explicit but also quite basic thriller. There is an agent thrown out of service, a corrupt colleague, a very intelligent but arrogant villain and a personal connection between killer and investigator. There are also some big logical gaps that are somehow explained but not really to a point where no questions remain. Lecter moves around so obvious, killing people on open street without the slightest attempt to mask himself that it is truly painful. Also with all due respect to the special role Sterling plays in Lecter's mindset, I don't believe him losing his hand for her is something very likely to happen. However there will be many people with many intelligent explanations for that and so this is surely debatable.All in all I just don't think this film adds much to the franchise or would have been necessary. It is, more or less, just a basic thriller that takes profit from the prominent set of characters it is able to re-establish.
pablolobos28 Is incredible this movie is the best thriller ever made superior for silence of the lambs , Hopkins and Moore are fabulous than foster, Hannibal is terror the best serial killer you ever seen Ridley Scott is original and visionary director , Music Hans Zimmer is Espectacular , the history is terror and suspense Powerful , not understand the vote this movie vote in IMDb is superior 75 easy,. great movie perfect the best adaptation novel Thomas Harris in the history Cinema is masterpiece
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