R | 10 December 1997 (USA)
Amistad Trailers

In 1839, the slave ship Amistad set sail from Cuba to America. During the long trip, Cinque leads the slaves in an unprecedented uprising. They are then held prisoner in Connecticut, and their release becomes the subject of heated debate. Freed slave Theodore Joadson wants Cinque and the others exonerated and recruits property lawyer Roger Baldwin to help his case. Eventually, John Quincy Adams also becomes an ally.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Eka Herlyanti This movie was actually cool, but it lacks emotion in some scenes. I can't feel the glory of their winning and the spirit. The opening was so scary, made my mind thinking what could that black thing be? I'm so glad that slavery is, I think, over now. What they did to Africans were so cruel and sadistic.
austinkemmetphcc In 1839, a group of slaves aboard the Amistad, a Spanish ship sailing to the United States from Cuba revolted against their captors. Amistad, the movie, is based upon the true story of the group's journey from this point on. Within the opening minutes of the film, viewers are shown the awful conditions experienced on a slave ship. Immediately following is a gruesome, violent revolt warranted possibly by the treatment endured. Amongst the rebel slaves from Western Africa is a man named Cinque who emerges as the leader of the group before the film begins. It is him whose background is exposed around midway through the film in a successful attempt to further the idea that slavery is a terrible endeavor. Scenes of his kidnapping and experiences on slave ships expose the true cruelty that was shown toward slaves or slaves-to-be. One scene that was particularly unnerving was that of the systematic drowning of fifty people who were seen as no more than access cargo. The beating, starving, and killing of slaves who were deemed useless was not uncommon as depicted by the film.All is not grim for the Africans, however. They are supported by a number of important characters including president John Quincy Adams. In spite of the risks at hand because of the vehement feelings on either opposing sides of slavery, it is he who ultimately gives them freedom after it had been stripped of them on numerous occasions. Without the support of him, as well as others such as their lawyer Roger Sherman Baldwin, it would have been impossible for the Cinque and his group to return home. The conflict between those fighting for the Africans and those fighting to return them into slavery is symbolic of conflict that existed between abolitionists and slavery supporters. To conclude, Amistad is a film that rather accurately describes the case surrounding the ¨cargo¨ aboard the actual Amistad as well as the situation regarding slavery in the United States during this time.
kgwilson18 Spielberg expressed the 1839 Amistad story through a compelling courtroom drama. This movie exposes the absolute brutality and violence during this disturbing era. This movie changes people's perceptions of slavery and the early American slave trade. The story revolves around the journey of Cinque, the leader of the rebellion. Spielberg's use of flashbacks shows the endless struggle and the overall value of human life. Looking back, we see Cinque with his wife and family in their small African village living a peaceful and simple life, until he is ambushed and captured and sent across the world into a life of pain and misery. After, we witness the excruciating travels upon La Amistad. This scene, especially, portrayed the absolutely horrendous and deplorable conditions the slaves lived in on the ship; Illness, starvation, abuse, and suicide. The Amistad explores the will and cry for freedom, as it portrays the disturbance in American history. I believe Spielberg successfully expressed the rebellion, and Pre-Civil War America. If you can look past the graphic scenes and the disturbing violence portrayed in this film, you will enjoy it.
cryak Now I'm not really one for history. Never really was. But when I had first learned about the Amistad I was intrigued. I loved the idea of a group of slaves finally doing something about their captors on the ship (And on top of that Morgan Freeman starred in the film so you know I had to see it). The Film itself was extremely accurate to the actual event. It felt like I was actually watching a part in history before there were cameras or anything like that. My favorite scene in the film had to be when Cinque was having a flashback to what happened and how he came to America. From what I've learned in school, the treatment of slaves was accurately displayed however I was quite surprised when they threw the slaves overboard. Spielberg showed what happened if slaves got sick, if there were too many slaves on board, and the process and suffering the slaves went through. Throughout the film, before the translator came in, I found the African Americans extremely comical. The lawyers desperately tried to communicate with the Africans to save their lives and the Africans are just standing there thinking they're idiots. Their lines were comical and the whites had no clue what was going on. Overall, I thought the film was fantastic and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in history, slavery, or just want to watch a good movie.