Run with Fear
Run with Fear
| 02 July 2005 (USA)
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A medieval nun's convent is the only refuge for women trying to escape from Turkish raiders looking for slaves. But the beautiful mother superior is actually in league with the raiders and her convent is no refuge but a secret market for the beauties who also succumb to her wild desires.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
sentengi Besides leading her convent, the mother superior also runs a slave trade, selling young girls to the orient. She fakes certain signs of the plague on some peasant girls to explain their later disappearance. Since she also needs some virgins, she sends her men to kidnap 3 noble girls, one of them the daughter of an important aristocrat. These girls are meant for the sultan of Istanbul, whose emissary is expected soon at the convent.You won't find a real story, well-developed characters or even some glimpses of social or religious topics of medieval time here. The focus of director Lloyd A. Simandls movies is on naked young girls in chains and beautiful wicked ladies as villains. While "Run with Fear" is far from belonging to the best of the nunsploitation genre, with it's polished photography, nice settings and plenty of good-looking women, Simandls movies are the best you will today in the sexploitation/erotic movie genre. As these are independent/low budget production they also have their limits. In this one there are some ridiculous fake sword sounds in the fight scenes, but that's about the only time the movie feels cheap. The costumes are rather simple but effective. Performance of the main actors is pretty OK and rather playful. At least the actors in the villain roles seemed to have some fun. There is plenty of gracious nudity here, actually the scene towards the end with washing and presenting the girls to the emissary is a bit overlong. There are 2 good lesbian scenes with one of the girls (as nun) giving a very sultry performance. While Simandl usually sticks to female only sex, here are several "sex" scenes between men and women, although the men keep their clothes on and the women are half-naked at best in these scenes.I recommend this movie to nunsploitation fans and those who like undemanding but visually sophisticated erotic movies.
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