American Yakuza
American Yakuza
| 22 December 1993 (USA)
American Yakuza Trailers

When Nick Davis leaves prison after one year in solitaire, he is hired to operate forklift in a warehouse in the harbor owned by the Japanese Yakuza patriarch Isshin Tendo. The place is assaulted by the Italian Mafia leaded by Dino Campanela and Nick rescues and saves the life of Shuji Sawamoto, who is the representative of Yakuza interests in America. Shuji hires Nick to work for Yakuza and becomes his godfather in the family after his oath to join Yakuza. However, Nick is a lonely FBI undercover agent assigned to penetrate in the criminal organization. When the FBI discovers that Campanela is organizing a massive attack to destroy the Yakuza, Nick's boss Littman calls off the operation to leave the dirty work to the Italian Mafia. But the connection of Nick with Shuji and his goddaughter Yuko forces him to help his Japanese family.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Executscan Expected more
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Uriah43 "Nick Davis" (Viggo Mortensen) is an F.B.I. agent who has been sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate a warehouse owned and operated by the Yakuza. As it so happens, although they have a deal with the Italian Mafia, the boss named "Dino Campanela" (Michael Nouri) decides to double-cross his Japanese partners by sending some hit men to assassinate his main rival by the name of "Isshin Tendo" (John Fujioka) who just happens to be visiting that particular warehouse. Fortunately, Nick just happens to observe the armed gunmen sneaking into the warehouse and manages to thwart their efforts in time for Tendo to escape. However, one of Tendo's key lieutenants by the name of "Shuji Sawamoto" (Ryo Ishibashi) isn't so lucky as he is wounded in the ensuring chaos and is subsequently carried by Nick to a safe place and where he his wounds are treated. Grateful to Nick for saving his life, Shuji offers Nick a job working for him which results in serious repercussions for everyone involved. Now rather than reveal anymore I will just say that this was an enjoyable crime-drama which had an interesting plot, plenty of action and some good acting as well. I especially enjoyed the performances of both Viggo Mortensen and Ryo Ishibashi who worked very well together. Likewise, having an attractive actress like Anzu Lawson (as Nick's girlfriend "Yuko") certainly didn't hurt either. In any case, I liked this particular movie and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
Franz Kreiger Viggo kicks ass in this movie. What made it interesting to me was to see just how far someone goes to keep their cover while infiltrating a crime organization. The Yakuza have a lasting impression on those that it deals with both friends and foes. All the blood in this movie (and there's a good amount of it) was done very well. The women in the movie are also very nice. I remember one of the scenes had a set of massive knockers in a little shower scene while her husband/boyfriend was being assassinated. They never showed what happened to the girl but I bet they had played some basketball with those babies. B movie or not it still gets my good vote.
Josh Foster My brother Adam and I were extras on this movie set. (We were in the climactic big shoot 'em up scene at the end when Nicky Katt brought Michael Nouri the bloody shoes) Viggo was really nice to us and went as far as to sit with us for a couple of meals during the shoot. Very cool guy. Who knew he would eventually play Aragorn in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy?? I read Huckleberry Finn between takes, sheltering myself from grips and prop masters under a wardrobe trailer. Cool huh? Good times........yep. Good times. One thing of interest was watching Mr. Mortenson work up the emotion to do the scene where he had to carry his dead partner down the stairs to the waiting throng of police. He was very convincing in the actual scene, and the process of watching him prep himself for the scene (on an emotional level) was absolutely fascinating.
dazzyboy2004 I don't normally like gangster movies, but this is definitely an exception. I saw it twelve years ago and was very impressed. And having bought it on DVD recently, it is just as good today.The quality of production is excellent considering the amount of money they spent on it. The action scenes are tense and well constructed. The scene in the van with the Japanese music is hilarious. Every scene in the movie is meaningful and progresses the story nicely.On the downside, I felt that Viggo Mortensen's character didn't have that much to say for himself, his dialogue could have been improved, for example, when he first joins the Yakuza, you would expect him to have questions.I won't spoil the ending by stating it here, suffice to say that it seemed a little unrealistic. But, a movie definitely worth watching.