My Super Ex-Girlfriend
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
PG-13 | 21 July 2006 (USA)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend Trailers

When New York architect Matt Saunders dumps his new girlfriend Jenny Johnson - a smart, sexy and reluctant superhero known as G-Girl - she uses her powers to make his life a living hell!

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
sherahumsoc This is an extremely light romantic comedy starring Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson and Anna Faris. I watched this almost right after watching Kill Bill, so it was a refreshing change of character for me. The movie is about G girl, a super hero who begins to obsess over her new boyfriend. The movie is from Matthew (i.e. the boyfriend)'s perspective. Although their date begins relatively smoothly (if you can call leaving in the middle of dinner to save town smooth), Jenny turns out to be slightly psychotic. She is extremely demanding and jealous, and does not give Matthew his space. Matthew ends up breaking up with her and is avenged for doing so; super girlfriend means that she is double the trouble. The plot is basically Jenny sabotaging Matthew (and his new girlfriend), and eventually the other way around, as Matthew holds hands with G girl's arch enemy to put it all to a stop. The movie is a romantic comedy, and it is just that. The story line is fairly straightforward and free from convoluted twists or thrills. It's a movie that I would call just 'all out there', and is a mediocre recommendation if you want to watch something without any strain at all. I didn't find it particularly funny or romantic, though, and the only humor point was Uma Thurman's almost neurotic, jealous rampages. The characters lacked development, and overall, the whole movie felt like an episode from any Disney channel cartoon show. The movie lacked substance, and sophistication. All in all, something you might put on television as a background soundboard while you're cooking… but it's not a movie you would spend time focusing on.
Smoreni Zmaj As soon as I saw Anna Faris I was clear what kind of movie this is, but Uma Thurman in leading role gave me false hope that maybe I just have prejudice. Well, some prejudices are here for a reason. We all know Anna from Scary Movie franchise. Fans of it will probably enjoy this movie, the rest of you should skip it. Movie is slightly retarded and being a comedy is not good excuse. For good comedy you need story either completely retarded or not retarded at all. Slightly retarded simply is not funny. This movie is somewhat entertaining nonsense with just few inspiring scenes and that's it.5/10 (if there's no shark scene I would rate it even lower)
Mike Boyd So the first line I heard after the movie started was: "I would like to be able to suck my own dick".Not exactly the words used, but close enough.That just about tells you what this garbage movie is all about.The actors: Rainn Wilson - truly pathetic. Luke Wilson - mostly pathetic. Uma Thurman - wassup? Given up on good films, or didn't know what a pile of doo-doo this was?I was really looking forward to a funny film with good special effects and with Uma Thurman in it... so totally disappointed. Rainn Wilson should find something else to do. Acting is out. How about base jumping without a parachute?
Jennifer Amey (smartygirl) I had some vague memories of hearing that this film was better than you'd think from the title, so when my husband cued it up, I thought sure, I could use a laugh.The dialogue was cringingly awkward. There's nothing worse than uber-phony awkward-it's-our-first-date-and-I-said-'sex'-five-times-ha-ha dialogue. And there's nothing funny about it. My husband predicted just about every dumb line and dumb scene before the actors stumbled half-heartedly through them. "Oh hi, I work at an art gallery where we have awkwardly sexual statues, wanna come see?" We sat there stunned, my husband said "How did this get green-lit?" Awful. The sex scenes - one dumb joke, poorly played. One would think neither Thurman nor Wilson has had sex before in their lives, although I'm pretty sure that's not the case.Now, I will admit we fast-forwarded through a lot of it because we just couldn't stand it. But the ending? The ending?! Made me livid.The big finale has G-Girl reconcile with her arch-nemesis, Bedlam, who has spent years trying to kill her, in his job as the Evil Villain. So, they hook up. Seriously, being an obsessive psycho who keeps a shrine to a girl in his bedroom is considered "romantic" by whom? Was that supposed to be satire that totally misfired by being completely unfunny? Because no, a woman should not run to the arms of a man that tried repeatedly to kill her. And the excuse that he only tried to kill her because he loves her? Yeah, I've known people in relationships like that. And the guy belongs in jail. I had been willing to overlook the whole even-a-woman-with-superpowers-is-hopeless-without-a-man plot to this film until that point, but that put it over the edge. Shame on everyone involved in this piece of garbage. Blecch.Question: were they trying to make a "so bad it's good" sleeper hit? Because, they failed at that too. Ugh.