R | 22 October 2009 (USA)
Ninja Trailers

A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu, an armored chest that contains the weapons of the last Koga Ninja.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
srepolt This movie is by no means an excellent film. This film is a throw back to 80's action flicks with an emphasis on martial arts and the Ninja subculture. The acting is not very good but the action set pieces are excellent! This movie showcases Scott Adkins amazing martial art skills and stunt work. Anyone who grew up watching 80's action movies and ninja movies will enjoy this film. The sequel to Ninja is on par with this movie and I'm always surprised that Scott Adkins hasn't been tapped to do more mainstream movies. Overall I found this movie enjoyable and I hope they continue making sequels as long as Scott Adkins is the main hero/character.
Anssi Vartiainen Ninja is one of those movies where the individual aspects are seriously unequal in quality. It has a great lead martial artist/actor in Scott Adkinds, but it has a really weak and unoriginal story. Its action scenes and fights are inventive and fun to watch, but the villain is nothing new or exciting. And the music, the cinematography and all the technical aspects are merely average.I'd still call this one a successful film. Adkins is such a good lead for a movie such as this one that you'd watch it solely for him. The man is in great shape and totally sells the character of Casey Bowman, an American orphan raised in a Japanese dojo to become a ninja warrior. It's not an Oscar-worthy performance, but it has a surprising amount of depth, given how clichéd the actual story is. And no, the story isn't actually that bad, it just isn't anything we haven't seen before, neither is it examined in a new light. The same with the villain (Tsuyoshi Ihara). Not a bad character, per se, just clichéd.I'm also not sure what to think about Namiko Takeda (Mika Hijii), Casey's love interest and a fellow dojo student. On the other hand she has some really good action scenes and can handle herself. That is until the script needs Casey to save her, at which point she starts to suffer from heavy damsel in distress syndrome. Not the worst offender I've seen, but it's still aggravating when she was shown to be clearly capable in previous scenes. And those previous scenes are very impressive.It's an uneven movie. If you've liked Adkins in any of his other movies, then this one is definitely worth a watch. It's also recommended for those that are looking for a martial arts movie with good fights.
culchieman1995 this movie has two thing that every ninja movie should have,a vengeance plot and a meeting of the old ways of the ninja and the modern way of the gang/cult.first off you see the training dojo and you don't know if it's the 15th century or the 21st.our hero,casey,who has been in the dojo from youth is in a minor seeming feud with masasuke,a rival student in the dojo,when a training session becomes near fatal masasuke is banished and goes into business as an assassin,meanwhile casey and namiko,the sensei's daughter go to America to guard an ancient ninja artefact,the yoroi bitsu,a chest of weapons and gear used by the ninja ancestors who trained in the dojo.when masasuke kills sensei casey and namiko are targeted,this is where the movie changes,masasuke is the modern ninja,with guns, an extendable katana and a major grudge he uses a cult connection to find and capture casey.when all else fails casey does what he has to do,he opens the masasuke is modern and casey is a classic ninja,it is a major battle of the ages,and a brilliant fight all around,this movie is sometimes compared to ninja assassin,but the two couldn't be any more different
Drago_Head_Tilt Scott Adkins (a charisma vacumn) stars as an orphan raised by the Koga Ninja clan in Japan. You'll think Godfrey Ho is back and working for Nu Image as good ninja Adkins must fight bad ninja Tsuyoshi Ihara (following Sho Kosugi's career path?) in New York (obviously sets in Bulgaria). Ihara is working for corporate cult Illuminati types, and wants to get his hands on some sacred ninja weapons. Mika Hijii (from ALIEN VS. NINJA) is wasted as the love interest who also studied ninjitsu, but needs to be rescued by Adkins all the time instead of kicking ass. Competent in terms of action choreography, but why a kids movie plot with adult-orientated graphic CGI bloodlettting? With Todd Jensen.